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Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#4220 closed defect (bug) (no action required)

BP Member Role Not Listed

Reported by: ndennis's profile ndennis Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 1.5.5
Component: Core Keywords:


Hi, I have a website running bbpress and buddypress, first i had bbpress installed then later I installed buddypress now my problem is in wordpress i would like to set the default registration role to member but it doesn’t show member it shows:
administrator, editor, author, subscriber, contributor, forum moderator, forum participant

I deactivated bbpress and it still doesn’t show the bp member role, and now new members who register on the website are not show on the bp members page, does anyone know how i can fix this?

Site Config:
bbpress 2.0.2
buddypress 1.5.5
wordpress 3.3.2 (single installation)

I have disabled bbpress and deleted buddypress and re-installed the plugin but then no user roles are displayed other than wp default.

Have disabled all plugins and tried just buddypress and still only wp default roles are displayed.

Website hasn't been upgraded it was a fresh installation via Softaculous, the other websites on my server do not have this issue.

Actively I have PHP 5.3.8 version on my server

My last option I believe is to reinstall and install buddypress before bbpress but I really don't want to do that, I'm currently using the role of "Forum Participant" for all new registered users. But i am concerned if in the future this may cause issues with the buddypress site when the website gets bigger.

See my forum post on here

Change History (1)

#1 @boonebgorges
13 years ago

  • Keywords dev-feedback removed
  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

Thanks for the report. 'member' is not a valid role in WordPress or BuddyPress, so when you say that you "would like to set the default registration role to member", you are asking for something impossible :) The current version of BuddyPress does not add any roles to the Roles dropdown menu. (A future version of BP will probably do so.)

By default, the registration role is Subscriber, which means that the user does not have the ability to create new posts in the Dashboard. BuddyPress (or the packaged bbPress) does not care about this role - it's only relevant from WP's point of view.

I'm marking this ticket as invalid. If it turns out that I'm misunderstanding your question, or if you have an idea for how BP role management (or lack thereof) might be enhanced, you're welcome to provide details.

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