#1914 closed defect (bug) (no action required)
Add New Page -- bad Page Author selection
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Milestone: | 1.2 | Priority: | major |
Severity: | Version: | ||
Component: | Keywords: | ||
Cc: | snark |
I am running a fresh installation of BP 1.2-RC2/trunk#2685 for WP 2.9.1 single user.
Logged-in to WP backend as Admin. When I tried to "Add New Page", the "Page Author" defaulted to another user, and the "Page Author" dropdown menu only contained 2 users, neither of which was "admin".
See attached screenshot.
Attachments (2)
Change History (9)
15 years ago
- Resolution invalid deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
Of those two dropdown user nicknames, neither is admin -- they are separate users.
I did confirm that with Buddypress disabled, the problem persists, but I think something BP is doing or done has messed this up, because when I first did the install (BP1.2-beta), I successfully created some pages as "admin". Now "admin" can create a new page, and the Page Revisions show "by admin", yet the Author assigned is quark and the only other option is Snark -- at no step in the process can the "admin" user change the Page Author to "admin".
You can see from the screenshot that I am logged in as "admin", but I only have the choices for "snark" and "quark" for Authors of the page.
The "admin" user was created before the BP installation, of course, during the WP installation, while the other two users were created through BP, whose user roles were then bumped up by "admin" ("snark" to Administrator, "quark" to Editor).
15 years ago
I just tested changing the nickname for "admin" both in BP and in wp-admin/users, and nothing I did in either location allowed this user to be able to create or save Pages with "admin" (or whatever I changed the name to) as the Author.
15 years ago
Just verified that "admin" now can't author blog posts either. So... the user account "admin", no matter what display nickname it is given, can no longer author blog Posts or Pages. This is definitely a change since an earlier revision of BP1.2, so BP must be involved in some way. I'm still running the same single-user WP 2.9.1 and have made no changes to any of the WP code.
15 years ago
- Resolution set to invalid
- Status changed from reopened to closed
If it is broken with BP disabled then it's something else.
15 years ago
Yes, problem solved. It's a WP glitch that strikes on occasion, apparently -- I found this link: http://codex.wordpress.org/FAQ_Troubleshooting#Why_isn.27t_the_admin_user_listed_as_an_author_when_editing_posts.3F
These were the recommended steps that solved my problem -- see the link above for more suggestions if this doesn't work (for future users who find this in a search):
This usually fixes the problem:
- Create new admin user (e.g. newadmin) with Administrator Role
- Login as 'newadmin'
- Degrade the old 'admin' user to Role of Subscriber and Save
- Promote the old 'admin' back to Administrator Role and Save
- Login as the old 'admin'
It's using your display_name in that dropdown, did you set a name in BuddyPress or in the WP profile for the admin user?
I don't think this actually has anything to do with BP - can you confirm it changes when BP is disabled? Reopen if you can.