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Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#4973 closed defect (bug) (worksforme)

bug "add" friend

Reported by: mriceman21yahoocouk's profile mr.iceman21@… Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 1.7
Component: Core Keywords: reporter-feedback



I think I found a bug on Buddypress... I guess that the problem is that When you add someone you should have a refresh on the page so that the "add" button becomes "cancel friend request" button for instance. When I manually refresh the site, then the "Add" becomes a "cancel friend request" button.

Here the info (I am a complete noob, so I dont know all answers).

  1. Which version of WordPress are you running?


  1. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install?

As a directory

  1. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?

"root" I guess...

  1. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version?


  1. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting.
  1. Which version of BP are you running?


  1. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?

yes 1.7.1 that had the same problem.

  1. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?

yes, Adminimize Version 1.8.3 | By Frank Bültge
Akismet Version 2.5.7 | By Automattic
bbPress Version 2.3 | By The bbPress Community

BuddyPress Version 1.7.1 | By The BuddyPress Community | Visit plugin site
BuddyPress Template Pack Activate | Edit | Delete
Version 1.2.1 | By apeatling, boonebgorges, r-a-y |
Hello Dolly

  1. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes?


  1. Have you modified the core files in any way?


  1. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?


  1. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in?

bbpress 2.3

  1. Please provide a list of any errors in your server's log files.

I dont know. I receive errors of extra memory used, but im pretty sure it is because of my shitty host.

  1. Which company provides your hosting? (free hosting)

  1. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else?

I dont know...

Change History (3)

#1 @merty
12 years ago

On which page does this happen?

Could not reproduce the behavior you mentioned, on Members and Profile pages.

#2 @DJPaul
12 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback added; needs-patch removed

Hi mr.iceman2,

Just wanted to follow up merty's comment above; on which page does this happen? Thanks, and also thanks for the detailed info about your environment in the bug report :)

#3 @johnjamesjacoby
12 years ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from new to closed

Ajax is fine; non-ajax is fine.

Closing as worksforme, as reporter hasn't been around. Feel free to reopen if more information comes up.

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