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Opened 11 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#5426 closed enhancement (maybelater)

Read only capabilities before account activation

Reported by: henrywright's profile henry.wright Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Core Keywords: trac-tidy-2018
Cc: vivek@…


In an attempt to encourage more users to activate their account after they've completed the registration form, please see the following suggestions for an enhancement:

  1. User completes the standard registration form
  2. Send activation email if registration form data passes validation checks
  3. Auto log-in the user with 'read only' capabilities (note the user is not yet an activated member)
  4. The user can browse around, view their uncompleted profile and so on... but as soon as they try to do anything such as send a private message, make an activity update etc they are shown a "please activate your account using the activation email we've sent you" template notice
  5. At some point in time, the user activates their account via the activation email they've received
  6. The user is now an activated member with full capabilities

The 'read only' stage before activation gives the user a glimpse of what can be done on the BuddyPress site. Also, I think removing the 'closed door' before activation gives a more friendly feel to the community.

Change History (4)

#1 @DJPaul
11 years ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to Future Release

The idea has merit, but we'll need to touch every part of our codebase in order to check the user's permissions to view or interact with any piece of data. recently implemented something similar, and the hardest part was tracking down and making sure we accounted for any edge cases in existing functionality that were introduced by such a change.

Once BuddyPress is using proper WP user roles/capabilities, this should be relatively simple to implement (though it won't likely be backwards compatible for existing BuddyPress plugin).

#2 @sooskriszta
11 years ago

  • Cc vivek@… added


#3 @DJPaul
7 years ago

  • Keywords trac-tidy-2018 added

We're closing this ticket because it has not received any contribution or comments for at least two years. We have decided that it is better to close tickets that are good ideas, which have not gotten (or are unlikely to get) contributions, rather than keep things open indefinitely. This will help us share a more realistic roadmap for BuddyPress with you.

Everyone very much appreciates the time and effort that you spent sharing your idea with us. On behalf of the entire BuddyPress team, thank you.

If you feel strongly that this enhancement should still be added to BuddyPress, and you are able to contribute effort towards it, we encourage you to re-open the ticket, or start a discussion about it in our Slack channel. Please consider that time has proven that good ideas without contributions do not get built.

For more information, see
or find us on Slack, in the #buddypress channel:

#4 @DJPaul
7 years ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Contributions deleted
  • Resolution set to maybelater
  • Status changed from new to closed
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