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Opened 13 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#3413 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Group Forum slugs inconstant with other slugs and interfere with bbPress /forums/ slug

Reported by: intermike's profile InterMike Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 1.5
Component: Forums Keywords:


Other pages and slugs within BP are hierarchical and make sense (i.e. /members/admin/groups/my-groups). However, the Group Forum slug "forums" sits at domain-com/forums when it should really sit somewhere like domain-com/groups/topics or domain-com/groups/directory or even stuck right in with the /groups/ page so that My Groups and My Topics and the like, would be conveniently on the same page, especially since they're part of the same component after all.

And in doing so, it also interferes with bbPress right out-of-the-box, since bbPress creates a slug domain-com/forums/forum/[forumname] as well for it's forums, unless you change bbPress's "/forums/" slug to something else. But, it should work right out-the-box, though, especially for people who are new to WP/BP/BB, and to avoid being inconstant and confusing.

It also creates confusion when Group Forum Topics are labelled "Forums" in the menu links (I know it can manually be changed, but still, I'm just saying, it's inconsistent and confusing).

A "Forum Directory" link is also right next to the "New Reply" on a group's forum page, when it should really be named "Group Topic Directory".

It kinda feels and looks like you guys are trying to turn group topics into bbPress.

Change History (2)

#1 @boonebgorges
13 years ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to Future Release

the Group Forum slug "forums" sits at domain-com/forums when it should really sit somewhere like domain-com/groups/topics or domain-com/groups/directory or even stuck right in with the /groups/ page so that My Groups and My Topics and the like, would be conveniently on the same page

Maybe. I think the idea is that there would be a time when BP forums would not be linked to groups. When and if that happens, it will be convenient to have a sitewide forum directory.

And in doing so, it also interferes with bbPress right out-of-the-box, since bbPress creates a slug domain-com/forums/forum/[forumname] as well for it's forums

I don't think we need to work with bbPress 2.0 right out of the box at the moment. We currently ship with bbPress 1.x, which has no such conflicts. In the next major version of BP, we will have full (non-conflicting) support for bbPress 2.x. If you're running bbPress 2.0 *alongside* or *instead of* the integrated bbPress 1.x forums, then you're running a non-standard setup, and asking that you change the bbPress default slug is not too much to ask.

It kinda feels and looks like you guys are trying to turn group topics into bbPress.

Thanks for psychologizing :)

I take your points about the inconsistent and potentially misleading link names and positions. It's worth thinking about how they could be improved in the future.

#2 @boonebgorges
10 years ago

  • Milestone Future Release deleted
  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed

We're no longer doing enhancements for bbPress 1.x/bp-forums, so I'm going to close this ticket as wontfix.

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