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06/02/2015 05:35:59 AM (10 years ago)

Second documentation cleanup pass for the BP Groups component.

See #@6401.

1 edited


  • trunk/src/bp-groups/bp-groups-functions.php

    r9906 r9907  
    4  * BuddyPress Groups Functions
     4 * BuddyPress Groups Functions.
    55 *
    66 * Functions are where all the magic happens in BuddyPress. They will
    2121 * @since BuddyPress (1.5.0)
    2222 *
    23  * @return bool True if set, False if empty
     23 * @return bool True if set, False if empty.
    2424 */
    2525function bp_groups_has_directory() {
    3838 * @param array|string $args {
    3939 *  Array of al arguments.
    40  *  @type int $group_id ID of the group.
    41  *  @type bool $load_users No longer used.
     40 *  @type int  $group_id        ID of the group.
     41 *  @type bool $load_users      No longer used.
    4242 *  @type bool $populate_extras Whether to fetch membership data and other
    43  *        extra information about the group. Default: false.
     43 *                              extra information about the group.
     44 *                              Default: false.
     45 * }
    4446 * @return BP_Groups_Group $group The group object.
    4547 */
    7678 * @param array|string $args {
    7779 *     An array of arguments.
    78  *     @type int|bool $group_id Pass a group ID to update an existing item, or
    79  *           0 / false to create a new group. Default: 0.
    80  *     @type int $creator_id The user ID that creates the group.
    81  *     @type string $name The group name.
    82  *     @type string $description Optional. The group's description.
    83  *     @type string $slug The group slug.
    84  *     @type string $status The group's status. Accepts 'public', 'private' or
    85              'hidden'. Defaults to 'public'.
    86  *     @type int $enable_forum Optional. Whether the group has a forum enabled.
    87  *           If the legacy forums are enabled for this group or if a bbPress
    88  *           forum is enabled for the group, set this to 1. Default: 0.
    89  *     @type string $date_created The GMT time, in Y-m-d h:i:s format,
    90  *           when the group was created. Defaults to the current time.
     80 *     @type int|bool $group_id     Pass a group ID to update an existing item, or
     81 *                                  0 / false to create a new group. Default: 0.
     82 *     @type int      $creator_id   The user ID that creates the group.
     83 *     @type string   $name         The group name.
     84 *     @type string   $description  Optional. The group's description.
     85 *     @type string   $slug         The group slug.
     86 *     @type string   $status       The group's status. Accepts 'public', 'private' or
     87                                    'hidden'. Defaults to 'public'.
     88 *     @type int      $enable_forum Optional. Whether the group has a forum enabled.
     89 *                                  If the legacy forums are enabled for this group
     90 *                                  or if a bbPress forum is enabled for the group,
     91 *                                  set this to 1. Default: 0.
     92 *     @type string   $date_created The GMT time, in Y-m-d h:i:s format, when the group
     93 *                                  was created. Defaults to the current time.
    9194 * }
    9295 * @return int|bool The ID of the group on success. False on error.
    210213 * section (Name, Description, and "Notify members...").
    211214 *
    212  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
    213  * @param string $group_name Name of the group.
    214  * @param string $group_desc Description of the group.
    215  * @param bool $notify_members Whether to send an email notification to group
    216  *        members about changes in these details.
     215 * @param int    $group_id       ID of the group.
     216 * @param string $group_name     Name of the group.
     217 * @param string $group_desc     Description of the group.
     218 * @param bool   $notify_members Whether to send an email notification to group
     219 *                               members about changes in these details.
     220 *
    217221 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    218222 */
    255259 * section (privacy settings, "enable forum", invitation status).
    256260 *
    257  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
    258  * @param bool $enable_forum Whether to enable a forum for the group.
    259  * @param string $status Group status. 'public', 'private', 'hidden'.
     261 * @param int         $group_id      ID of the group.
     262 * @param bool        $enable_forum Whether to enable a forum for the group.
     263 * @param string      $status        Group status. 'public', 'private', 'hidden'.
    260264 * @param string|bool $invite_status Optional. Who is allowed to send invitations
    261  *        to the group. 'members', 'mods', or 'admins'.
     265 *                                   to the group. 'members', 'mods', or 'admins'.
     266 *
    262267 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    263268 */
    311316 *
    312317 * @param int $group_id ID of the group to delete.
     318 *
    313319 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    314320 */
    351357 *
    352358 * @param string $status Status to check.
     359 *
    353360 * @return bool True if status is allowed, otherwise false.
    354361 */
    363370 *
    364371 * @param string $slug Group slug to check.
     372 *
    365373 * @return string $slug A unique and sanitized slug.
    366374 */
    388396 *
    389397 * @param int $group_id The numeric ID of the group.
     398 *
    390399 * @return string The group's slug.
    391400 */
    401410 *
    402411 * @param string $group_slug The group's slug.
     412 *
    403413 * @return int The ID.
    404414 */
    413423 *
    414424 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
    415  * @param int $user_id Optional. ID of the user. Defaults to the currently
    416  *        logged-in user.
     425 * @param int $user_id  Optional. ID of the user. Defaults to the currently
     426 *                      logged-in user.
     427 *
    417428 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    418429 */
    453464 *
    454465 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
    455  * @param int $user_id Optional. ID of the user. Defaults to the currently
    456  *        logged-in user.
     466 * @param int $user_id  Optional. ID of the user. Defaults to the currently
     467 *                      logged-in user.
     468 *
    457469 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    458470 */
    519531 *
    520532 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     533 *
    521534 * @return array Info about group admins (user_id + date_modified).
    522535 */
    529542 *
    530543 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     544 *
    531545 * @return array Info about group admins (user_id + date_modified).
    532546 */
    546560 * @param array $args {
    547561 *     An array of optional arguments.
    548  *     @type int $group_id ID of the group whose members are being queried.
    549  *           Default: current group ID.
    550  *     @type int $page Page of results to be queried. Default: 1.
    551  *     @type int $per_page Number of items to return per page of results.
    552  *           Default: 20.
    553  *     @type int $max Optional. Max number of items to return.
    554  *     @type array $exclude Optional. Array of user IDs to exclude.
    555  *     @type bool|int True (or 1) to exclude admins and mods from results.
    556  *           Default: 1.
    557  *     @type bool|int True (or 1) to exclude banned users from results.
    558  *           Default: 1.
    559  *     @type array $group_role Optional. Array of group roles to include.
    560  *     @type string $search_terms Optional. Filter results by a search string.
    561  *     @type string $type Optional. Sort the order of results. 'last_joined',
    562  *           'first_joined', or any of the $type params available in
    563  *           {@link BP_User_Query}. Default: 'last_joined'.
     562 *     @type int      $group_id    ID of the group whose members are being queried.
     563 *                                  Default: current group ID.
     564 *     @type int      $page        Page of results to be queried. Default: 1.
     565 *     @type int      $per_page    Number of items to return per page of results.
     566 *                                  Default: 20.
     567 *     @type int      $max          Optional. Max number of items to return.
     568 *     @type array    $exclude      Optional. Array of user IDs to exclude.
     569 *     @type bool|int $value        True (or 1) to exclude admins and mods from results.
     570 *                                  Default: 1.
     571 *     @type bool|int $value        True (or 1) to exclude banned users from results.
     572 *                                  Default: 1.
     573 *     @type array    $group_role  Optional. Array of group roles to include.
     574 *     @type string   $search_terms Optional. Filter results by a search string.
     575 *     @type string   $type        Optional. Sort the order of results. 'last_joined',
     576 *                                  'first_joined', or any of the $type params available
     577 *                                  in {@link BP_User_Query}. Default: 'last_joined'.
    564578 * }
    565579 * @return array Multi-d array of 'members' list and 'count'.
    645659 *
    646660 * @param int $group_id Group ID.
     661 *
    647662 * @return int Count of confirmed members for the group.
    648663 */
    706721     * @since BuddyPress (1.2.0)
    707722     *
    708      *
    709723     * @param BP_Groups_Group $groups Object of found groups based on parameters.
    710724     *                                Passed by reference.
    734748 * Get the IDs of the groups of which a specified user is a member.
    735749 *
    736  * @param int $user_id ID of the user.
    737  * @param int $pag_num Optional. Max number of results to return.
    738  *        Default: false (no limit).
     750 * @param int $user_id  ID of the user.
     751 * @param int $pag_num  Optional. Max number of results to return.
     752 *                      Default: false (no limit).
    739753 * @param int $pag_page Optional. Page offset of results to return.
    740  *        Default: false (no limit).
     754 *                      Default: false (no limit).
    741755 * @return array {
    742756 *     @type array $groups Array of groups returned by paginated query.
    743  *     @type int $total Count of groups matching query.
     757 *     @type int   $total Count of groups matching query.
    744758 * }
    745759 */
    756770 *
    757771 * @param int $user_id Optional. Default: ID of the displayed user.
     772 *
    758773 * @return int Group count.
    759774 */
    803818 *
    804819 * @param int $group_id Optional. ID of the group. Default: ID of the
    805  *        current group.
     820 *                      current group.
    806821 * @return string
    807822 */
    843858 * @param int $user_id ID of the user.
    844859 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
    845  * @param int|null ID of the membership if the user is an admin, otherwise null.
    846860 *
    847861 * @return bool
    856870 * @param int $user_id ID of the user.
    857871 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
    858  * @param int|null ID of the membership if the user is a mod, otherwise null.
    859872 *
    860873 * @return bool
    869882 * @param int $user_id ID of the user.
    870883 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
    871  * @param int|null ID of the membership if the user is a member, otherwise null.
    872884 *
    873885 * @return bool
    888900 * @param int $user_id ID of the user.
    889901 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
    890  * @return int|null ID of the group if the user is the creator, otherwise false.
     902 *
     903 * @return bool
    891904 */
    892905function groups_is_user_creator( $user_id, $group_id ) {
    903916 * @param array|string $args {
    904917 *     Array of arguments.
    905  *     @type string $content The content of the update.
    906  *     @type int $user_id Optional. ID of the user posting the update. Default:
    907  *           ID of the logged-in user.
    908  *     @type int $group_id Optional. ID of the group to be affiliated with the
    909  *           update. Default: ID of the current group.
     918 *     @type string $content  The content of the update.
     919 *     @type int    $user_id Optional. ID of the user posting the update. Default:
     920 *                            ID of the logged-in user.
     921 *     @type int    $group_id Optional. ID of the group to be affiliated with the
     922 *                            update. Default: ID of the current group.
    910923 * }
    911924 * @return int
    9871000 * Get IDs of users with outstanding invites to a given group from a specified user.
    9881001 *
    989  * @param int $user_id ID of the inviting user.
    990  * @param int|bool $limit Limit to restrict to.
    991  * @param int|bool $page
     1002 * @param int               $user_id ID of the inviting user.
     1003 * @param int|bool          $limit Limit to restrict to.
     1004 * @param int|bool          $page
    9921005 * @param string|array|bool $exclude
    9931006 *
    994  * @return array IDs of users who have been invited to the group by the
    995  *         user but have not yet accepted.
     1007 * @return array $value IDs of users who have been invited to the group by the
     1008 *                      user but have not yet accepted.
    9961009 */
    9971010function groups_get_invites_for_user( $user_id = 0, $limit = false, $page = false, $exclude = false ) {
    10091022 *
    10101023 * @param int $user_id The user ID.
     1024 *
    10111025 * @return int
    10121026 */
    10241038 * @param array|string $args {
    10251039 *     Array of arguments.
    1026  *     @type int $user_id ID of the user being invited.
    1027  *     @type int $group_id ID of the group to which the user is being invited.
    1028  *     @type int $inviter_id Optional. ID of the inviting user. Default:
    1029  *           ID of the logged-in user.
     1040 *     @type int    $user_id      ID of the user being invited.
     1041 *     @type int    $group_id      ID of the group to which the user is being invited.
     1042 *     @type int    $inviter_id    Optional. ID of the inviting user. Default:
     1043 *                                 ID of the logged-in user.
    10301044 *     @type string $date_modified Optional. Modified date for the invitation.
    1031  *           Default: current date/time.
    1032  *     @type bool $is_confirmed. Optional. Whether the invitation should be
    1033  *           marked confirmed. Default: false.
     1045 *                                 Default: current date/time.
     1046 *     @type bool   $is_confirmed Optional. Whether the invitation should be
     1047 *                                 marked confirmed. Default: false.
    10341048 * }
    10351049 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    10851099 * Functionally, this is equivalent to removing a user from a group.
    10861100 *
    1087  * @param int $user_id ID of the user.
    1088  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1101 * @param int $user_id  ID of the user.
     1102 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1103 *
    10891104 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    10901105 */
    11121127 * Returns true if a user is already a member of the group.
    11131128 *
    1114  * @param int $user_id ID of the user.
    1115  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1129 * @param int $user_id  ID of the user.
     1130 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1131 *
    11161132 * @return bool True when the user is a member of the group, otherwise false.
    11171133 */
    11631179 * Reject a group invitation.
    11641180 *
    1165  * @param int $user_id ID of the user.
    1166  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1181 * @param int $user_id  ID of the user.
     1182 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1183 *
    11671184 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    11681185 */
    11871204 * Delete a group invitation.
    11881205 *
    1189  * @param int $user_id ID of the invited user.
    1190  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1206 * @param int $user_id  ID of the invited user.
     1207 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1208 *
    11911209 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    11921210 */
    12111229 * Send all pending invites by a single user to a specific group.
    12121230 *
    1213  * @param int $user_id ID of the inviting user.
     1231 * @param int $user_id  ID of the inviting user.
    12141232 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
    12151233 */
    12471265 * Get IDs of users with outstanding invites to a given group from a specified user.
    12481266 *
    1249  * @param int $user_id ID of the inviting user.
    1250  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
    1251  * @return array IDs of users who have been invited to the group by the
    1252  *         user but have not yet accepted.
     1267 * @param int $user_id  ID of the inviting user.
     1268 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1269 *
     1270 * @return array $value IDs of users who have been invited to the group by the
     1271 *                      user but have not yet accepted.
    12531272 */
    12541273function groups_get_invites_for_group( $user_id, $group_id ) {
    12631282 * well (useful to make sure AJAX requests are not duplicated).
    12641283 *
    1265  * @param int $user_id ID of potential group member.
    1266  * @param int $group_id ID of potential group.
    1267  * @param string $type Optional. Use 'sent' to check for sent invites, 'all' to
    1268  *        check for all. Default: 'sent'.
     1284 * @param int    $user_id  ID of potential group member.
     1285 * @param int    $group_id ID of potential group.
     1286 * @param string $type     Optional. Use 'sent' to check for sent invites,
     1287 *                         'all' to check for all. Default: 'sent'.
     1288 *
    12691289 * @return bool True if an invitation is found, otherwise false.
    12701290 */
    12771297 *
    12781298 * @param int $group_id ID of the group whose invitations are being deleted.
     1299 *
    12791300 * @return int|null Number of rows records deleted on success, null on failure.
    12801301 */
    12881309 * Promote a member to a new status within a group.
    12891310 *
    1290  * @param int $user_id ID of the user.
    1291  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
    1292  * @param string $status The new status. 'mod' or 'admin'.
     1311 * @param int    $user_id  ID of the user.
     1312 * @param int    $group_id ID of the group.
     1313 * @param string $status   The new status. 'mod' or 'admin'.
     1314 *
    12931315 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    12941316 */
    13201342 * Demote a user to 'member' status within a group.
    13211343 *
    1322  * @param int $user_id ID of the user.
    1323  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1344 * @param int $user_id  ID of the user.
     1345 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1346 *
    13241347 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    13251348 */
    13471370 * Ban a member from a group.
    13481371 *
    1349  * @param int $user_id ID of the user.
    1350  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1372 * @param int $user_id  ID of the user.
     1373 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1374 *
    13511375 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    13521376 */
    13741398 * Unban a member from a group.
    13751399 *
    1376  * @param int $user_id ID of the user.
    1377  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1400 * @param int $user_id  ID of the user.
     1401 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1402 *
    13781403 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    13791404 */
    14031428 * Remove a member from a group.
    14041429 *
    1405  * @param int $user_id ID of the user.
    1406  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1430 * @param int $user_id  ID of the user.
     1431 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1432 *
    14071433 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    14081434 */
    14411467 *
    14421468 * @param int $requesting_user_id ID of the user requesting membership.
    1443  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1469 * @param int $group_id           ID of the group.
     1470 *
    14441471 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    14451472 */
    14991526 *
    15001527 * @param int $membership_id ID of the membership object.
    1501  * @param int $user_id Optional. ID of the user who requested membership.
    1502  *        Provide this value along with $group_id to override $membership_id.
    1503  * @param int $group_id Optional. ID of the group to which membership is being
    1504  *        requested. Provide this value along with $user_id to override
    1505  *        $membership_id.
     1528 * @param int $user_id       Optional. ID of the user who requested membership.
     1529 *                           Provide this value along with $group_id to override
     1530 *                           $membership_id.
     1531 * @param int $group_id      Optional. ID of the group to which membership is being
     1532 *                           requested. Provide this value along with $user_id to
     1533 *                           override $membership_id.
     1534 *
    15061535 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    15071536 */
    15431572 *
    15441573 * @param int $membership_id ID of the membership object.
    1545  * @param int $user_id Optional. ID of the user who requested membership.
    1546  *        Provide this value along with $group_id to override $membership_id.
    1547  * @param int $group_id Optional. ID of the group to which membership is being
    1548  *        requested. Provide this value along with $user_id to override
    1549  *        $membership_id.
     1574 * @param int $user_id       Optional. ID of the user who requested membership.
     1575 *                           Provide this value along with $group_id to override
     1576 *                           $membership_id.
     1577 * @param int $group_id      Optional. ID of the group to which membership is being
     1578 *                           requested. Provide this value along with $user_id to
     1579 *                           override $membership_id.
     1580 *
    15501581 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    15511582 */
    15731604 *
    15741605 * @param int $membership_id ID of the membership object.
    1575  * @param int $user_id Optional. ID of the user who requested membership.
    1576  *        Provide this value along with $group_id to override $membership_id.
    1577  * @param int $group_id Optional. ID of the group to which membership is being
    1578  *        requested. Provide this value along with $user_id to override
    1579  *        $membership_id.
     1606 * @param int $user_id       Optional. ID of the user who requested membership.
     1607 *                           Provide this value along with $group_id to override
     1608 *                           $membership_id.
     1609 * @param int $group_id      Optional. ID of the group to which membership is being
     1610 *                           requested. Provide this value along with $user_id to
     1611 *                           override $membership_id.
     1612 *
    15801613 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    15811614 */
    15951628 * Check whether a user has an outstanding membership request for a given group.
    15961629 *
    1597  * @param int $user_id ID of the user.
    1598  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1630 * @param int $user_id  ID of the user.
     1631 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1632 *
    15991633 * @return int|null ID of the membership if found, otherwise false.
    16001634 */
    16071641 *
    16081642 * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1643 *
    16091644 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    16101645 */
    16351670 * Delete metadata for a group.
    16361671 *
    1637  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
    1638  * @param string|bool $meta_key The key of the row to delete.
     1672 * @param int         $group_id  ID of the group.
     1673 * @param string|bool $meta_key   The key of the row to delete.
    16391674 * @param string|bool $meta_value Optional. Metadata value. If specified, only delete
    1640  *        metadata entries with this value.
    1641  * @param bool $delete_all Optional. If true, delete matching metadata entries
    1642  *        for all groups. Default: false.
    1643  * @param bool $delete_all Optional. If true, delete matching metadata entries
    1644  *    for all objects, ignoring the specified group_id. Otherwise, only
    1645  *    delete matching metadata entries for the specified group.
    1646  *    Default: false.
     1675 *                                metadata entries with this value.
     1676 * @param bool        $delete_all Optional. If true, delete matching metadata entries
     1677 *                                for all groups. Otherwise, only delete matching
     1678 *                                metadata entries for the specified group.
     1679 *                                Default: false.
     1680 *
    16471681 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    16481682 */
    16751709 * Get a piece of group metadata.
    16761710 *
    1677  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
     1711 * @param int    $group_id ID of the group.
    16781712 * @param string $meta_key Metadata key.
    1679  * @param bool $single Optional. If true, return only the first value of the
    1680  *        specified meta_key. This parameter has no effect if meta_key is
    1681  *        empty.
     1713 * @param bool   $single   Optional. If true, return only the first value of the
     1714 *                         specified meta_key. This parameter has no effect if
     1715 *                         meta_key is empty.
     1716 *
    16821717 * @return mixed Metadata value.
    16831718 */
    16931728 * Update a piece of group metadata.
    16941729 *
    1695  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
    1696  * @param string $meta_key Metadata key.
    1697  * @param mixed $meta_value Value to store.
    1698  * @param mixed $prev_value Optional. If specified, only update existing
    1699  *        metadata entries with the specified value. Otherwise, update all
    1700  *        entries.
    1701  * @return bool|int Returns false on failure. On successful update of existing
    1702  *         metadata, returns true. On successful creation of new metadata,
    1703  *         returns the integer ID of the new metadata row.
     1730 * @param int    $group_id   ID of the group.
     1731 * @param string $meta_key   Metadata key.
     1732 * @param mixed  $meta_value Value to store.
     1733 * @param mixed  $prev_value Optional. If specified, only update existing
     1734 *                           metadata entries with the specified value.
     1735 *                           Otherwise, update all entries.
     1736 *
     1737 * @return bool|int $retval Returns false on failure. On successful update of existing
     1738 *                          metadata, returns true. On successful creation of new metadata,
     1739 *                          returns the integer ID of the new metadata row.
    17041740 */
    17051741function groups_update_groupmeta( $group_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_value = '' ) {
    17161752 * @since BuddyPress (2.0.0)
    17171753 *
    1718  * @param int $group_id ID of the group.
    1719  * @param string $meta_key Metadata key.
    1720  * @param mixed $meta_value Metadata value.
    1721  * @param bool $unique. Optional. Whether to enforce a single metadata value
    1722  *        for the given key. If true, and the object already has a value for
    1723  *        the key, no change will be made. Default: false.
     1754 * @param int    $group_id   ID of the group.
     1755 * @param string $meta_key   Metadata key.
     1756 * @param mixed  $meta_value Metadata value.
     1757 * @param bool   $unique.    Optional. Whether to enforce a single metadata value
     1758 *                           for the given key. If true, and the object already
     1759 *                           has a value for the key, no change will be made.
     1760 *                           Default: false.
     1761 *
    17241762 * @return int|bool The meta ID on successful update, false on failure.
    17251763 */
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.