BuddyPress Trac
You may login to this site using your BuddyPress.org username and password. If you don't already have one, sign up.
Trac is the place to follow along with the development of BuddyPress. You can track changes in the Timeline section of this site. There is also an RSS feed for those interested.
Bugs reports are also kept on Trac. If you are looking to submit a bug report, please head on over.
Security Issues
If you have encountered a security issue that isn't addressed in a released version of BuddyPress, please report it to the WordPress HackerOne program. For more, see our Security FAQ in the handbook.
Project Updates
To keep up to date with code check ins, ticket modifications and wiki edits please subscribe to this RSS feed
Currently active tickets for BuddyPress 14.0.
Ticket Notification
If you would like to receive notification when a ticket you have submitted or are interested in changes then please configure your email address in trac after you have logged in by going to the Preferences page. If you then add your user name to the cc on a ticket you will be notified of changes on the ticket.
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