Opened 8 months ago
Closed 8 months ago
#9176 closed defect (bug) (fixed)
Incorrect message displayed for "No Pending Non-Member Invitations"
Reported by: |
Owned by: |
Milestone: | 14.0.0 | Priority: | normal |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 12.5.0 |
Component: | Templates | Keywords: | has-screenshots has-patch commit |
Cc: |
This is pretty straightforward and only pertains to the BuddyPress Nouveau template pack and was discovered while looking into documenting the BuddyPress Tools - Manage Opt-outs page.
However, this error presents itself on the front-end, e,g., site.url/members/<user>/invitations/list-invites
, whereby the message presented for "no pending non-member invitations (a.k.a., pending invites) is incorrect, i.e., it reads - "You have no outstanding group invites." (see screenshot - screenshot-win10-me-2024.05.30-07_11_19.png).
The correct message should be "There are no invitations to display." (see screenshot - screenshot-win10-me-2024.05.30-07_18_14.png) of which the patch fixes.