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Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#908 closed enhancement (fixed)

Allow changing of sign-up text

Reported by: johnjamesjacoby's profile johnjamesjacoby Owned by: johnjamesjacoby's profile johnjamesjacoby
Milestone: 1.1 Priority: minor
Severity: Version:
Component: Keywords: has-patch


Just a thought about the sign-up. Would be nice if we could change the default text along the way.

I've included a patch as an example but it's pretty self explanatory. This same idea would need to be applied to the other sign-up/activation processes as well.

The way I see it, it's either this, or put these files in the template to be editable on the fly, but leaving them hard-coded doesn't allow for much to build off of.

Attachments (1)

908-jjj.patch (3.3 KB) - added by johnjamesjacoby 16 years ago.
bp_core_signup_signup_user change example

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

16 years ago

bp_core_signup_signup_user change example

#1 @djpaul
16 years ago

WPMU uses apply_filters to make changes to the registration emails etc. Not the best method IMO but suggest BP does it the same way for consistency.

#2 @johnjamesjacoby
15 years ago

This patch is made obsolete by BuddyPress 1.1 putting the registration into the theme.


#3 @johnjamesjacoby
15 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
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