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Opened 6 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#8034 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

Buddypress Forum Management Disappear

Reported by: leandrorocha's profile leandrorocha Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Groups Keywords:



Recently I noticed a strange behaviour when running buddypress in a multisite (network activated) and setting it to run in the subsite.

Normally we have a box in the group manager screen (in the backend) where we can select what forum will be associated, however when we set buddypress to run in the subsite it stop to display the box even when we enable bbpress in the subsite.

Just to be more clear, this is the box that I am talking about:

How to Reproduce:

1- Firstly create a multisite installation;
2- Activate Buddypress in network mode;
3- Change settings to allow buddypress to create groups and forums.
4- Set the buddypress to run in a subsite with: BP_ROOT_BLOG
5- Install BBpress and activate it in the subsite that is mentioned in the item 5

If everything is correct we will be able to create groups with forum, but the option to change in the group manager will not appear anymore. If we activate bbpress in the root domain the box will appear again, but will not be possible to create groups with forum.

Seems that the metabox only appear when bbpress is enabled in the root website.

Change History (3)

#1 @boonebgorges
6 years ago

The reason the metabox doesn't appear is that the group admin page is in the Network Admin area, where blog_id=1. bbPress is not activate on blog_id=1, so it can't add its metabox. As you note, activating bbPress on blog_id=1 will make the metabox appear, but it incorrectly pulls forums from blog_id=1, instead of blog_id=BP_ROOT_BLOG.

This is a problem that perhaps we could address in either bbPress or BP, but it's a difficult corner case. In the meantime, you could try moving all BP administration into the Dashboard of the BP_ROOT_BLOG, instead of Network Admin. Try this in an mu-plugin:

add_filter( 'bp_core_do_network_admin', '__return_false' );

Then, go to the Dashboard of the *root blog* to manage Groups, and see if it works in that context.

cc @netweb @johnjamesjacoby in case you have other bright ideas :-D

#2 @leandrorocha
6 years ago

Hello @boonebgorges!

I tried your snippet adding it as a mu-plugin. It is working but not so well as before. Two issues started to appear after enable it:

1- All wp-admin area from all mulsite installation are displaying the groups and activities menus from buddypress the information is the same between all sites. I feel that in this case these menus should only appear in the subsite defined in BP_ROOT_BLOG. The information present in these menus seems to be the same from the subsite defined in BP_ROOT_BLOG.

2- All wp-admins area also started to display the message that group, activity and register page are missing event that this pages are present in the subsite defined in BP_ROOT_BLOG. Seems that buddypress is checking if the current website has these pages created and not checking the the subsite define in BP_ROOT_BLOG.

#3 @imath
4 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

No news for 2 years, I'll close this ticket. Don't hesitate to reopen it if you think the issue is still there.

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