5 | | The problem is WP adds a `'sandbox="allow-scripts"` attribute to the `<iframe>`. In order for YouTube and Vimeo embeds to work (as well as Twitter, Soundcloud, Ted, DailyMotion, SlideShare and Kickstarter), we have to add the `allow-same-origin` value to the `<iframe>` `sandbox` attribute as well. I'm only adding the `allow-same-origin` value if an activity item as an oEmbed item that matches the sites listed above. |
| 5 | The problem is WP adds a `'sandbox="allow-scripts"` attribute to the `<iframe>`. In order for YouTube and Vimeo embeds to work (as well as Twitter, Soundcloud, Ted, DailyMotion, SlideShare and Kickstarter), we have to add the `allow-same-origin` value to the `<iframe>` `sandbox` attribute as well. I'm only adding the `allow-same-origin` value if an activity item has an oEmbed item that matches the sites listed above. |