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Opened 10 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#6333 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Member Type in members slug?

Reported by: landwire's profile landwire Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 2.2.1
Component: Members Keywords: close dev-feedback
Cc: sascha@…, vivek@…


Hi there,

is it yet possible to use the member type in the members slug? So instead of:


I would like to have have:

/members/%member-type%/%username% ?

If not, are there any plans to add this functionality? Basically having a ‘slug’ parameter for the Member Types API, that then gets recognised by BuddyPress, when asking for a certain user profile…

I was asked to post this here on trac instead of


Change History (6)

#1 @landwire
10 years ago

  • Cc sascha@… added

#2 @boonebgorges
10 years ago

  • Component changed from API to Component - Members
  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to Future Release

At the moment, this is not possible.

#6286 proposes member-type-specific directories, with URLs like It's likely that this will happen for 2.3.

The discussion on #6286 has some back-and-forth about the feasibility and desirability of using member-type info in single user URLs. My inclination, as stated there, is not to do this for now, but I'm happy to consider it in the future. Let's use this ticket to track that feature.

#3 @DJPaul
10 years ago

For what it's worth, I don't see the benefit in this complexity as a core feature at the moment. Possibly something we could get relatively easily (and optionally) with rewrite rules in the future.

#4 @sooskriszta
10 years ago

  • Cc vivek@… added

I would vote for


with a twist.

I'd say that the canonical URL should be


So for member foo the canonical would be


But other URLs such as


should also work.

In fact, irrespective of whether foo is a member of bar or not


should work.

If someone is at /members/type/bar/ and clicks on foo's name of profile image, they are taken to foo's profile at


There could be a couple of differences in the page compared to

  1. Page title Foo - Bar - Sitename
  2. Breadcrumb Home > Bar > Foo

#5 @slaFFik
8 years ago

  • Keywords close dev-feedback added

I don't see the value in /members/type/foo.
User profile URL should be canonical and always the same (remember the thing for posts). Think about search engines as well. Each user should be identified regardless of type, with 1 URL only. What if user type changed from bar to baz? Duplicated profile? Store a constant redirection? That's an increase in complexity, with no real extra benefit.
Breadcrumbs can be easily altered taking into account user type on a fly without the need of extra slug in URL, page title - the same.

#6 @boonebgorges
8 years ago

  • Milestone Future Release deleted
  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed

Agreed. If and when we start using WP rewrite rules, this can be added more easily. Until then, there's not much benefit.

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