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Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#5439 closed enhancement (fixed)

remove xprofile visibility controls animation

Reported by: djpaul's profile DJPaul Owned by: djpaul's profile djpaul
Milestone: 2.0 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Core Keywords:


The xprofile "change" visibility controls, whether front-end or in wp-admin, use a fairly common jQuery fade/slide animation. This feels pretty Web 2.0 and dated to me; removing the animation makes the UI feel more responsive IMO.



If we want to do this, I'm happy to work on the change.

Change History (6)

#1 @hnla
11 years ago

Gee thanks Paul I added those fades amongst other things, nice to feel dated! :( #4224

Personally think they look fine, but change by all means it's just a matter of removing the slidedown & fadeup properties in js. If you want to get funky explore using CSS 'Transitions' for cool alternative effects; nice gifs though :)

#2 follow-up: @boonebgorges
11 years ago

This seems fine to me, but how does it interface with #5352? Are these inline settings being removed?

#3 in reply to: ↑ 2 @DJPaul
11 years ago

Replying to boonebgorges:

This seems fine to me, but how does it interface with #5352? Are these inline settings being removed?

That's a good question we ought to have in that other thread; I don't know what plans John has for it.

#4 @DJPaul
11 years ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 2.0

#5 @djpaul
11 years ago

  • Owner set to djpaul
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

In 8021:

xProfile: change the field visibility JS to show/hide the controls immediately, rather than with a slide/fade transition.

This helps improve the perceived performance of the visibility
controls. The code quality of these parts of the JS has also been

Fixes #5439

#6 @DJPaul
9 years ago

  • Component changed from General - UX/UI to Core
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