5 | | This is to say, we can make several assumptions based on constants and activation types, but there is no guarantee our assumptions are accurate. Just because `MULTISITE` is true, and BuddyPress is network activated, doesn't mean there aren't other networks, doesn't mean network admins can edit all users outside of their networks, etc… We should audit common uses, ensure we are providing sane default experiences, and make sure we aren't escalating privileges or allowing members to access to areas and functionality they wouldn't othherwise have in WorsPress, unless we explicitly design it to for some greater purpose (as there are always exceptions to these rules.) |
| 5 | This is to say, we can make several assumptions based on constants and activation types, but there is no guarantee our assumptions are accurate. Just because `MULTISITE` is true, and BuddyPress is network activated, doesn't mean there aren't other networks, doesn't mean network admins can edit all users outside of their networks, etc… We should audit common uses, ensure we are providing sane default experiences, and make sure we aren't escalating privileges or allowing members to access areas and functionality they wouldn't otherwise have in WordPress, unless we explicitly design it to for some greater purpose (as there are always exceptions to these rules.) |