#5363 closed defect (bug) (fixed)
New Admin Profile Page tab naming seems wrong
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Milestone: | 2.0 | Priority: | low |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 1.9.1 |
Component: | Core | Keywords: | 2nd-opinion has-patch |
Cc: |
Attachments (3)
Change History (23)
11 years ago
- Priority changed from normal to low
- Severity changed from normal to minor
Thanks @modemlooper for your feedback
Well, i named Community profile this area because, Extended Profile for me was really linked to the xProfile component. I thought that as in this place, we can manage more things about the user like :
- spam/unspam
- stats about his involvement in the community
- and any other plugins can add new metaboxes..
But honestly, if everybody thinks Extended Profile is better, i really don't mind changing it :)
11 years ago
Some BuddyPress sites are not communities so the naming is forcing a certain ideology about what BuddyPress is. Adding WordPress to the tab doesn't seem right as it's not called WordPress profile in WP.
To me Extended Profile seemed to refer to an extension of the WP Profile page.
Community and WordPress are not needed. The navigation for Posts isn't WordPress Posts it's inferred.
11 years ago
- Keywords 2nd-opinion added
- Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 2.0
- Severity changed from minor to normal
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11 years ago
I agree with imath that "Extended Profiles" is not an ideal option, as the tab includes more administrative options like spamming.
That said, I can see modemlooper's point. "Community Profile" is not very transparent.
What do you think about "WordPress" and "BuddyPress"?
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11 years ago
WP Profile, Extended Profile, Community Profile, WordPress Profile...
Lots of terminology for users to get their heads around - what makes sense to us might not necessarily make sense to non-technical or new users coming to BuddyPress for the first time.
Replying to boonebgorges:
What do you think about "WordPress" and "BuddyPress"?
This seems the most 'newbie-proof' to me. It's obvious, and to the point (in my opinion).
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11 years ago
Replying to boonebgorges:
What do you think about "WordPress" and "BuddyPress"?
I like it!! It shows well the difference between the regular WordPress profile and the "Community Profile" and as pointed @modemlooper about BuddyPress use, some site might not use it for powering a community.
11 years ago
A tab should be named for what it is. Just WordPress or BuddyPress is not specific enough.
What about a third tab
[Profile] [Extended Profile] [Admin]
This way the extended profile could be opened to a user if needed and all admin specific things under it's own section. Have a way for plugin devs to add their own admin settings like my verified plugin. ;D
11 years ago
Have a way for plugin devs to add their own admin settings like my verified plugin. ;D
There are hooks in place for devs to add stuff to the new tab already. But your point is taken :)
Creating a third tab seems overkill at the moment, given that we have very little to add to it.
The more we talk about this, the less I am impressed with the alternatives to imath's original "WordPress Profile" and "Community Profile". I agree that those titles aren't great, but I don't think anything proposed so far is better. Let's leave this ticket open to see if anyone has a brainstorm between now and release.
11 years ago
Going to be very hard to find an ideal resolution here, modemlooper's points valid but agree with all the other points raised too.
We could look at something closer to what the tabs represent? A wordpress profile is really an Author profile as in a WP sense a member is an guest blogger or author of content in strict terms, while it's only BP that then changes the nature of how we perceive members and what they can do, so perhaps something more like 'Author Profile' / 'Screen Profile' - on the basis that often it seems the author profile as WP might display it frontwards is not catered for whereas profiles in BP are nearly always part of the users account screens.
However now I've written that I don't like the sound of the suggestion :)
11 years ago
The tabs only show to admins so naming should represent where content shows on site. Community just didn't sound right and WordPress is redundant. And it forces a change to what WordPress itself calls the page.
[User Profile] is inline with what WP calls the profile page in the admin User > Your Profile
[Extended Profile] is what BP calls the page in Settings > BuddyPress > Components.
11 years ago
Well then logically those two labels ought to be repeated to maintain continuity?
11 years ago
As close as possible.
If you clicked a link the was "Bacon" and on the page was bacon and then elsewhere there was a link "Bacon" you'd expect to visit the same page.
11 years ago
OK, so the proposal is 'Profile' and 'Extended Profile'? I am OK with that if it's what others think is best.
11 years ago
mmm, why not... I just wonder if we also need to change the row action link as today it's "Profile". So using Profile for the WordPress profile might be confusing if the row action for the BuddyPress profile stays on "Profile"... Should we also rename it to "xProfile" for instance ?
11 years ago
Should we also rename it to "xProfile" for instance ?
Yeah, I suppose we should do something for consistence, since WordPress itself is inconsistent here (the row action to edit the user's Profile is called Edit). I prefer "Extended Profile" - 'xProfile' is a bit nerdy.
current tabs