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Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #5251

11/20/2013 10:05:58 PM (11 years ago)

Point 1 is addressed. I used the bp_core_can_edit_settings() function for now to determine whether or not the "Notifications" profile nav tab should be shown, but in the future, we should have individual caps for this as well ('moderate_notifications', 'moderate_pms', 'moderate_settings', etc.).

Point 2 - I cannot duplicate this. I just tested by creating a short blog post with an at-mention and I was able to get a notification. Needs further testing with longer blog posts, etc. Probably should be looked at in #2372 instead.

Point 3 - I think this is a separate enhancement issue. This is more cosmetic and requires some JS to be written.

Point 4 - Sounds like a good idea. Need some dev-feedback before proceeding.

I also have a point 5 - the "Read" anchor text on the "Notifications" screen should be renamed to "Mark as read" for UX reasons.


  • Ticket #5251

    • Property Keywords dev-feedback added
    • Property Component changed from Core to Notifications
    • Property Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 1.9
  • Ticket #5251 – Description

    initial v2  
    11I've come across the following minor issues after testing the new notifications component (in BP 1.9 Beta 1)
    3 1. Visiting your own notifications page {{{members/my-username/notifications/}}} is allowed yet viewing another member's notifications page isn't {{{members/their-username/notifications/}}}. With this in mind, should the 'Notifications' navigation tab be shown when viewing a member's profile page {{{members/their-username/}}}? Currently it is. Might be worth hiding it in the same way as Settings and Messages are hidden.
     3~~1. Visiting your own notifications page {{{members/my-username/notifications/}}} is allowed yet viewing another member's notifications page isn't {{{members/their-username/notifications/}}}. With this in mind, should the 'Notifications' navigation tab be shown when viewing a member's profile page {{{members/their-username/}}}? Currently it is. Might be worth hiding it in the same way as Settings and Messages are hidden.~~ - see r7593
    552. When an @-mention is made in a blog post or blog post comment, no notification is created. My understanding is @-mentions notify the mentioned member only if the @-mention is in the first sentence (the excerpt) of the text. For me, in 1.9 beta 1, @-mentions do not trigger BP core notifications or emails regardless of where the @-mention appears in the blog post or comment text.