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Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#4586 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

Problem with registering multiple group extensions and group tabs

Reported by: smninja's profile smninja Owned by: boonebgorges's profile boonebgorges
Milestone: 1.8 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Groups Keywords:
Cc: mercijavier@…, shiftyRZA


bp_register_group_extension appears to stop registering tabs after the current one is selected in "Admin" under Groups.

Test case:

  1. Enable plugin
  2. Navigate to a group page, "Admin > Test 3"
  3. Click "Test 2", then "Test"

Expected Result:
All tabs should continue to display.

Actual Result:
Tabs disappear as you click backwards through "Test 3" > "Test 2" > "Test"

Plugin Test Code

Plugin Name: BuddyPress Groups Test Tab
Description: Test case for a bug. When using the Admin subnav, select "Test" and "Test 2" will disappear
Version: 0.6
Author: Tyler Mulligan

function bptt_init() {

    class Groups_Test_Tab extends BP_Group_Extension {

        var $visibility = 'public'; // 'public' will show your extension to non-group members, 'private' means you have to be a member of the group to view your extension.
        var $enable_create_step = false; // If your extension does not need a creation step, set this to false
        var $enable_nav_item = true; // If your extension does not need a navigation item, set this to false
        var $enable_edit_item = true; // If your extension does not need an edit screen, set this to false
        function Groups_Test_Tab() {
            $this->name = "Test";
            $this->slug = "test";
            $this->create_step_position = 21;
            $this->nav_item_position = 31;

        function display() {
            echo "test";

        function edit_screen() {
            echo "test";

    class Groups_Test_Tab2 extends BP_Group_Extension {

        var $visibility = 'public'; // 'public' will show your extension to non-group members, 'private' means you have to be a member of the group to view your extension.
        var $enable_create_step = false; // If your extension does not need a creation step, set this to false
        var $enable_nav_item = true; // If your extension does not need a navigation item, set this to false
        var $enable_edit_item = true; // If your extension does not need an edit screen, set this to false
        function Groups_Test_Tab2() {
            $this->name = "Test 2";
            $this->slug = "test2";
            $this->create_step_position = 22;
            $this->nav_item_position = 32;

        function display() {
            echo "test 2";

        function edit_screen() {
            echo "Test 2";

    class Groups_Test_Tab3 extends BP_Group_Extension {

        var $visibility = 'public'; // 'public' will show your extension to non-group members, 'private' means you have to be a member of the group to view your extension.
        var $enable_create_step = false; // If your extension does not need a creation step, set this to false
        var $enable_nav_item = true; // If your extension does not need a navigation item, set this to false
        var $enable_edit_item = true; // If your extension does not need an edit screen, set this to false
        function Groups_Test_Tab3() {
            $this->name = "Test 3";
            $this->slug = "test3";
            $this->create_step_position = 23;
            $this->nav_item_position = 33;

        function display() {
            echo "test 3";

        function edit_screen() {
            echo "Test 3";

    bp_register_group_extension( 'Groups_Test_Tab' );
    bp_register_group_extension( 'Groups_Test_Tab2' );
    bp_register_group_extension( 'Groups_Test_Tab3' );


add_action( 'bp_include', 'bptt_init' );

   $this->create_step_position = 22;
            $this->nav_item_position = 32;

        function display() {
            echo "test 3";

        function edit_screen() {
            echo "Test 3";

    bp_register_group_extension( 'Groups_Test_Tab' );
    bp_register_group_extension( 'Groups_Test_Tab2' );
    bp_register_group_extension( 'Groups_Test_Tab3' );


add_action( 'bp_include', 'bptt_init' );


Attachments (3)

1_test.png (5.8 KB) - added by smninja 12 years ago.
2_test.png (5.3 KB) - added by smninja 12 years ago.
3_test.png (4.9 KB) - added by smninja 12 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (11)

12 years ago

12 years ago

12 years ago

#1 in reply to: ↑ description @smninja
12 years ago

Screwed up pasting test code, fixed below:

Plugin Test Code

Plugin Name: BuddyPress Groups Test Tab
Description: Test case for a bug. When using the Admin subnav, select "Test" and "Test 2" will disappear
Version: 0.6
Author: Tyler Mulligan

function bptt_init() {

    class Groups_Test_Tab extends BP_Group_Extension {

        var $visibility = 'public'; // 'public' will show your extension to non-group members, 'private' means you have to be a member of the group to view your extension.
        var $enable_create_step = false; // If your extension does not need a creation step, set this to false
        var $enable_nav_item = true; // If your extension does not need a navigation item, set this to false
        var $enable_edit_item = true; // If your extension does not need an edit screen, set this to false
        function Groups_Test_Tab() {
            $this->name = "Test";
            $this->slug = "test";
            $this->create_step_position = 21;
            $this->nav_item_position = 31;

        function display() {
            echo "test";

        function edit_screen() {
            echo "test";

    class Groups_Test_Tab2 extends BP_Group_Extension {

        var $visibility = 'public'; // 'public' will show your extension to non-group members, 'private' means you have to be a member of the group to view your extension.
        var $enable_create_step = false; // If your extension does not need a creation step, set this to false
        var $enable_nav_item = true; // If your extension does not need a navigation item, set this to false
        var $enable_edit_item = true; // If your extension does not need an edit screen, set this to false
        function Groups_Test_Tab2() {
            $this->name = "Test 2";
            $this->slug = "test2";
            $this->create_step_position = 22;
            $this->nav_item_position = 32;

        function display() {
            echo "test 2";

        function edit_screen() {
            echo "Test 2";

    class Groups_Test_Tab3 extends BP_Group_Extension {

        var $visibility = 'public'; // 'public' will show your extension to non-group members, 'private' means you have to be a member of the group to view your extension.
        var $enable_create_step = false; // If your extension does not need a creation step, set this to false
        var $enable_nav_item = true; // If your extension does not need a navigation item, set this to false
        var $enable_edit_item = true; // If your extension does not need an edit screen, set this to false
        function Groups_Test_Tab3() {
            $this->name = "Test 3";
            $this->slug = "test3";
            $this->create_step_position = 23;
            $this->nav_item_position = 33;

        function display() {
            echo "test 3";

        function edit_screen() {
            echo "Test 3";

    bp_register_group_extension( 'Groups_Test_Tab' );
    bp_register_group_extension( 'Groups_Test_Tab2' );
    bp_register_group_extension( 'Groups_Test_Tab3' );


add_action( 'bp_include', 'bptt_init' );


#2 @r-a-y
12 years ago

  • Keywords needs-patch added
  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 1.6.2
  • Summary changed from stops loading tabs after to Problem with registering multiple group extensions and group tabs

I tested this briefly in both 1.7-bleeding and 1.6.1.

In 1.7, your code works the way it is supposed to; in 1.6.1, I can duplicate your problem.

#3 @mercime
12 years ago

  • Cc mercijavier@… added

#4 @johnjamesjacoby
12 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Confirmed this works correctly in 1.7. Closing as fixed.

#5 @shiftyRZA
12 years ago

  • Cc shiftyRZA added
  • Resolution fixed deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened
  • Version changed from 1.6.1 to 1.7

After trying to solve a forum question, I discovered this ticket. See

The test code above doesn't work as expected on my site (WP 3.5.1, BP 1.7.2). The tabs after the current one, including admin tabs of other plugins, disappear.

#6 @boonebgorges
12 years ago

  • Version 1.7 deleted

"Version" refers to the version where the problem first popped up - please don't change it to a newer version. It so happens that this bug has been around pretty much forever.

As of 1.7, it only occurs in the context of legacy themes - those that do not use theme compatibility. So, for those who were unable to reproduce, make sure you're testing using bp-default or a derivative.

The cause: Just to make it clearer, I'll explain in terms of the refactored BP_Group_Extension. When you're on an Edit panel, the setup_edit_hooks() method is called This method does roughly three things: adds the admin tabs (2034), hooks the admin tab content if necessary (2050), and then loads the template (2048, 2052). When using a legacy theme, calling bp_core_load_template() will include the template file, and then exit(). That means that group extensions will load, in order, until BP reaches the "current" admin tab, at which point loading stops. (

It doesn't happen on theme compat because template loading is delayed until template_include. The fix for legacy mode is to delay template loading in the same way. Basically, because setup_edit_hooks() is called at bp_actions:8, we need to load the template sometime after bp_actions:8. bp_screens seems like the appropriate place. Fix coming momentarily.

#7 @boonebgorges
12 years ago

  • Keywords needs-patch removed
  • Milestone changed from 1.7 to 1.8

#8 @boonebgorges
12 years ago

  • Owner set to boonebgorges
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from reopened to closed

In 7140:

On group extension Edit screens, load template at bp_screens

On legacy themes (bp-default and derivatives), it's necessary to delay the
loading of the template, so that all group extensions have a chance to register
their navigation before exit() is called.

Fixes #4586

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