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Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#4232 closed enhancement (duplicate)

Private Group Updates not showing in Activity Loop for Members in that Private Group

Reported by: golfknob's profile golfknob Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: major Version: 1.5.5
Component: Activity Keywords:


I am having some issues with updates to Private Groups, and I hope I can explain it well...

First off, I have two "test" accounts on my test site (one is an admin, the other is a subscriber). They are both friends with each other, and both below to a Public Group and the same Private Group.

I also have an activity feed (loop) on my front page to show 5 most recent activities from the community.

When either test account posts in the Public Group, it shows up in the activity feed on the front page no problem. I can view it from both accounts. I can also go to my "Activity" page and see it under the Tab "All Members" in both accounts. Also, if I'm signed into one account, I can go to the other account's profile page and see on their wall what they posted in the Public Group.

HOWEVER, things get interesting and down right confusing when posting in a Private group.

When I post an update in a Private Group with either account, I cannot see that in the activity loop nor on the wall of the user's account who placed that post. The ONLY place I can see if/what the user posted is either in the Private Group page itself or if I go to the "Activity" page and click on the "My Groups" tabs. I find this odd because the chances of just randomly going to check out a Private Group Page without seeing in the activity feed that one of the members posted an update is pretty slim.

This doesn't make sense to me since both accounts are friends and they both belong to the same Private Group.

How come the activity loop does not include Private Group updates if you belong to that group? And If you are friends with a person AND in the same Private Group as come you can't go to that user's Profile Page and see what they typed on the Private Group wall??

Any help on this would be GREATLY appreciated.

There has been a couple sparse times when I reload the activity page all of a sudden the Private Group Posts will show, however, then they disappear right away again.


Change History (1)

#1 @boonebgorges
13 years ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to duplicate
  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Type changed from defect (bug) to enhancement

This is not a bug, it's by design. Currently, there is no reliable and efficient way to show you content only from those groups that you have access to. So activity items from private and hidden groups are marked 'hide_sitewide', which means that they're only shown on the group page itself.

There's already a ticket to improve this: #3857. I'll close this one as a duplicate.

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