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Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#3805 closed defect (bug) (no action required)

error dump in error_log after calls to BP_XProfile_Group->get

Reported by: ppostma1's profile ppostma1 Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 1.5.2
Component: Core Keywords:


The log files are flooded with the following:

WordPress database error Table 'mywordpress_wpdb.g' doesn't exist for query SELECT DISTINCT g.* FROM g ORDER BY g.group_order ASC made by require, require_once, require_once, require_once, do_action, call_user_func_array, xpa_plugin_init_action, BPxProfileACL->BPxProfileACL, BP_XProfile_Group->get

In the file: buddypress/bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-classes.php i tracked it down to this line:
$groups = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT g.* FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_groups} g INNER JOIN {$bp->profile->table_name_fields} f ON = f.group_id {$where_sql} ORDER BY g.group_order ASC" ) );

and the similar line following that. $bp->profile->table_name_(groups|field|data) is null when the query is built.

I added this to the function get:







which produced this result from the ->profile each time:
BP_XProfile_Component Object

[name] => Extended Profiles
[id] => xprofile
[slug] =>
[has_directory] =>
[path] => /..../public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress
[query] =>
[current_id] =>
[notification_callback] =>
[admin_menu] =>

BP_XProfile_Component Object

[name] => Extended Profiles
[id] => xprofile
[slug] => profile
[has_directory] =>
[path] => /..../public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress
[query] =>
[current_id] =>
[notification_callback] => xprofile_format_notifications
[admin_menu] =>
[field_types] => Array


[0] => textbox
[1] => textarea
[2] => radio
[3] => checkbox
[4] => selectbox
[5] => multiselectbox
[6] => datebox


[root_slug] =>
[search_string] =>
[table_name_data] => wp_bp_xprofile_data
[table_name_groups] => wp_bp_xprofile_groups
[table_name_fields] => wp_bp_xprofile_fields
[table_name_meta] => wp_bp_xprofile_meta


The first time ::get is called, bp->profile is missing the table names but gets set before subsequent calls. I patched it by adding this:

if(isset($bp->profile->table_name_groups)) {

$table_name_groups = $bp->profile->table_name_groups;
$table_name_fields = $bp->profile->table_name_fields;
$table_name_data = $bp->profile->table_name_data;
#table_name_meta not used in this function

} else {

$table_name_groups = 'wp_bp_xprofile_groups';
$table_name_fields = 'wp_bp_xprofile_fields';
$table_name_data = 'wp_bp_xprofile_data';


and changed all references of {$bp->profile->table_name_(groups|fields|data)} to {$table_name_(groups|fields|data)}

Change History (3)

#1 @ppostma1
13 years ago

patched = my local code, not something submitted to any repository

#2 @johnjamesjacoby
13 years ago

Can you post a trace log of what causes this function to be ran before the tables are instantiated?

#3 @johnjamesjacoby
13 years ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Version set to 1.5.2

Looks like it's the xpa_plugin_init_action() function, which is not BuddyPress core. Closing as invalid. Reopen if more information becomes available that says otherwise.

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