#3731 closed defect (bug) (fixed)
Language of titles
Reported by: |
Owned by: | |
Milestone: | 1.5.2 | Priority: | normal |
Severity: | major | Version: | |
Component: | Core | Keywords: | has-patch |
Cc: | slava.abakumov@… |
Versia Buddypress: 1.5.1-1.5.0
If you put non-English translation buddypress (I have a russian), the site titles (<title>) will not be translate. In itself, this localization is translation ... How do I fix this?
Attachments (1)
Change History (6)
13 years ago
- Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 1.5.2
Thanks for the patches.
We shouldn't be putting dynamic content through the __()
translation function. That function should only take hardcoded strings, as otherwise it will be impossible to create generic .pot files for translators. This means that your particular suggestions won't work (eg, __( bp_get_name_from_root_slug(), 'buddypress' )
That said, your third fix passes the value of bp_get_name_from_root_slug() to the translation function, which is possibly correct (since bp_get_name_from_root_slug() returns the component name, which is hardcoded into the component loader). I'll have to test.
I generally run the French translation and have not noticed any problems with these titles. No ya govaryu nemnozhko po russki, so I'll download the Russian translation pack sometime this week and see if I can reproduce your issues.
13 years ago
- Cc slava.abakumov@… added
- Keywords has-patch added
His 1st and 3rd suggestions work. I've tested it.
His 2nd suggestion is not needed. It's translatable.
Here is ru_RU for trunk: http://files.cosydale.com/buddypress-ru_RU.zip
Patch attached. Now all titles are translatable.
And so, I made corrections in analogy with 1.2 version of buddypress.
Fixes for 1.5: