Opened 13 years ago
Closed 13 years ago
#3694 closed enhancement (fixed)
Use bp_core_no_access() with group admin panels instead of 404
Reported by: |
Owned by: | |
Milestone: | 1.6 | Priority: | normal |
Severity: | minor | Version: | |
Component: | Groups | Keywords: | needs-patch |
Cc: | stboisvert@… |
Right now, if an unauthorized user (non-admin, or non-logged-in) tries to access a group admin panel (, etc), it 404s. It should call up bp_core_no_access(). Note that the fix will probably have to be applied both to the core tabs and to BP_Group_Extension tabs.
Should be a fairly easy fix, so I'm putting it under 1.6. Is puntable though.
Change History (7)
13 years ago
as a side note, i've been running 1.5.1 with the above lines reversed as I alluded to
bp_core_new_subnav_item( array( 'name' => ( !$this->nav_item_name ) ? $this->name : $this->nav_item_name, 'slug' => $this->slug, 'parent_slug' => $bp->groups->current_group->slug, 'parent_url' => bp_get_group_permalink( $bp->groups->current_group ), 'position' => $this->nav_item_position, 'item_css_id' => 'nav-' . $this->slug, 'screen_function' => array( &$this, '_display_hook' ), 'user_has_access' => $this->enable_nav_item ) ); if ( $this->enable_nav_item ) {
And it has the desired effect.
Ray is that what you are referring to?
13 years ago
Sorry for being extremely vague, Boone!
I mean that navigating to a group admin page while not being logged-in correctly prompts me to login.
sboisvert, I haven't looked at your code yet.
13 years ago
I've confirmed sboisvert's original issue.
It's going to be tricky to fix it by reordering bp_core_new_subnav_item() and the like. Instead, since the problem is localized to admin pages only, I'm going to put a fix higher up the chain, near where we do access control for hidden and private groups in the group component loader.
From my understanding of the code, this is because of:
line 1231 of v1.5 of bp-groups-classes.php
The problem seems to be that the
add_action( 'bp_screens', $screen_function );
actually takes place in bp_core_new_subnav_item() and that is also where permissions are checked. the bp_core_new_subnav_item() does take a user_has_access parameter. The problem is that there doesn't seem to be an easy way for plugins to latch on to that.
I don't know if someone can go over if my analysis is correct.
The solution I would propose would be to add a new var to BP_Group_Extension that would be user_has_access (default to true)
and then plugins instead of removing the nav item when they don't want the user to have access would instead use $this->user_has_access = false;
Now maybe its simpler to change the behavior of $this->enable_nav_item in BP_Group_Extension->_register() so that it calls bp_core_new_subnav_item() everytime, with the enable_nav_item being the parameter to user_has_access. from my reading of the code in bp_core_new_subnav_item() this would mean that it still is not displayed and if the asked screen is the one to which the user does not have access bp_core_no_access() is already called.
This would be much simpler and would mean the only change required is to remove
if ( $this->enable_nav_item ) {
from BP_Group_Extension->_register(), Sadly I don't know enough about buddypress to fully understand the repercussions on what I'm suggesting and therefore I might be making terrible suggestions. Hopefully this will help someone fix the problem.