#3259 closed enhancement (fixed)
Check CSS for WP CSS Standards compliance
Reported by: |
Owned by: | |
Milestone: | 1.5 | Priority: | minor |
Severity: | Version: | ||
Component: | Templates | Keywords: | |
Cc: | hnla |
Description (last modified by )
Check all CSS in BuddyPress so that it better follows the WordPress CSS standards, as detailed on http://codex.wordpress.org/CSS_Coding_Standards.
Attachments (3)
Change History (18)
14 years ago
- Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 1.3
There's quite a bit of stuff in the CSS that doesn't match up to the WordPress CSS Guidelines exactly, but every patch helps :)
14 years ago
Yeah hadn't realised quite so much didn't follow coding guidelines, thought a lot had been cleaned up. Would have attempted more but it was starting to eat into time, and it's one of those kind of tasks that are a chore with little gratification at the end of it :) This gets the sheet ~2/3 of the way there though, as it's committed I'll update and do a little more if I get a moment.
hah see I managed to miss a few alfi beticals
14 years ago
- Resolution fixed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
Hmm I should have changed the resolution back to open after adding this further patch?
14 years ago
This doesn't apply to the current trunk (probably because the CSS keeps being reorganised). Can you repatch please?
14 years ago
First patch was commited? this contained the border-radius additions and some property re-ordering.
Second patch was an attempt to chip away at a little more re-ordering of properties and if it can't be committed so be it :(
However I thought that when I updated to check out the stylesheet structuring that karmatosed submitted that she had actually included a final re-order of properties?
14 years ago
If the second patch was just a further effort at tidying up the CSS to better follow WordPress CSS guidelines, I'll switch this ticket to an enhancement for a future release to clear the 1.3 milestone. Thanks for the earlier patch (which has been committed) :)
14 years ago
- Description modified (diff)
- Keywords theme default.css removed
- Milestone changed from 1.3 to Future Release
- Priority changed from trivial to minor
- Summary changed from Corect missing border-radius, apply wp coding standards to rulesets to Check CSS for WP CSS Standards compliance
- Type changed from defect to enhancement
14 years ago
I was wrong, it isn't done so it's a real shame that second patch didn't squeeze in as it had done the majority, I'll do a little as and when I can but need to avoid that happening again as it's wasted time.
Question: surely you can merge files not just branches with SVN?
Add border-radius and tidy up ordering of properties