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Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#3107 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

Spamming user removes all associated blog entries from table wp_bp_user_blogs

Reported by: bigtweet's profile bigtweet Owned by:
Milestone: 1.5 Priority: normal
Severity: Version: 1.2.8
Component: Blogs Keywords:
Cc: scarter28m-temp@…


WordPress 3.1, BuddyPress 1.2.8

=========== (this report replaces 3101 which identified the symptoms, but had the wrong conclusion)

I'm using BuddyPress as the only plugin. I create a couple user blogs and note that they appear in table wp_bp_user_blogs.

From the Dashboard, I spam the associated user. All the user blogs that I just created have their entries removed from table wp_bp_user_blogs.

When I unspam the user, the entries are not restored.

Other background
It was tough to narrow this bug down. I initially thought that the problem was due to spamming the blogs and filed the bug mentioned in the reference section above. After exchanging posts with the Anti-Splog plugin author (thread also listed in reference section), we were able to deduce that it was actually the effect of spamming the user that caused the problem.

I don't think that spamming a user should affect entries in table wp_bp_user_blogs. Once this occurs, the blogs are no longer accessible, even when the user is unspammed.


Change History (4)

#1 @DJPaul
14 years ago

  • Component changed from Core to Blogs
  • Keywords needs-patch added; wp_bp_user_blogs spam user blog removed
  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 1.3

We need to put these back when a user is unspammed.

#2 @r-a-y
14 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback 2nd-opinion added; needs-patch removed

I quickly tried to duplicate the OP's problem on a BP 1.2 setup, but could not get the same result.

I marked a user that has a blog as a spammer. The entry is not removed from the wp_bp_user_blogs table. I unmark the user as a spammer and the blog re-appears on their profile.

I would try to debug this issue with the Anti-Splog plugin again.

#3 @DJPaul
14 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback 2nd-opinion removed

I can recreate this as described on 1.2.8

#4 @DJPaul
14 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

However, it's been fixed indirectly in trunk as a result of the changes from hooking this sort of spam management function from make_spam_user to bp_make_spam_user. When I mark a user as spam, their blogs disappear from the directory, and when I ham them, the blogs reappear (the data remains in the database). This change was made as part of r3761.

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