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Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#2389 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Allow "Dummy Tabs" In Nav

Reported by: crashutah's profile crashutah Owned by:
Milestone: 1.5 Priority: normal
Severity: Version:
Component: Core Keywords: Groups, Nav


It would be nice to allow dummy tabs, ie tabs that go to a more-or-less hardcoded URL when adding a nav item in BP. That could either be another argument in bp_core_new_subnav_item or another function like bp_core_new_subnav_link().

This would be in lieu of the screen_function call. See this thread for an example of a "hack" using the screen_function that works, but isn't pretty:

Change History (1)

#1 @boonebgorges
14 years ago

  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed

I know I'm the one who initially suggested that you post this enhancement here, but I think that in the interim I've changed my mind about it.

Think of bp_core_new_subnav_link()'s screen_function parameter as a function that tells BP what to do when someone clicks on the subnav item. It's called 'screen' function, but that's a little bit too narrow - in theory, your screen_function can do *anything*, not just display some content. In the case of a redirect, as in your example, you use bp_core_redirect. I think that's in keeping with the flexible nature (though perhaps misleading naming) of the screen_function parameter.

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