Opened 15 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
#1759 closed defect (bug) (wontfix)
.mo malfunction or out of memory
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Milestone: | Priority: | major | |
Severity: | Version: | ||
Component: | Core | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
I try to install bp 1.2 bleeding on a single wp 2.9.1 (standard)
mutu server with only 20mb php ram memory
When in english, wp and bp are ok (apparently, because i have seen some "page don't exist" when on the main page....need to test more deeply)
as soon as i put fr_FR in wp or give the same to BP, i receive an out of memory message from the server. Mostly from xprofile.php
I deactivate completely xprofile folder and file and the memory error returns from within the pomo folder: mo.php
My host said the install is asking for more memory and that i could rent a dedicated server. Well this is business, but i think it is not the goal of wp/bp to go systematically on a dedicated server or to consom a lot of memory ressource ?
I put this also on the wp forum with no reponse after 48h
On the french bp demo, some user told me about the same issue with wpmu after upgrade to
Change History (4)
15 years ago
- Component set to Core
It isn't xprofile that's causing the issue, but rather that xprofile is loaded last is what makes it appear the culprit.
The real issue is like you've already found, that translating text on the server side can be memory intensive.
15 years ago
By default, WP attempts to increase the PHP memory allotment to 32MB for WP only. Some hosts block the ability to increase the limit. Yours may be one of them, but you can try adding this line to your wp-config.php:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');
If this doesn't fix your issue, then I would ask your host to bump you to at least 32MB. If they won't raise it, then I might consider a new host.
15 years ago
- Resolution set to wontfix
- Status changed from new to closed
With all of BuddyPress's functionalities turned on, getting it to run on anything less than 64M can be a challenge. You could try doing some object caching and such to help reduce the load.
My host give me 5 Mb more...
i tested the install (wp 2.9 std + bp 1.2 rc2) with wp_memory_usage:
Wp alone
BP activated
With codestyling's modified mo.php installed in pomo folder
So i think that somewhere, at least, code optimization is now necessary as this gettext problem occured in the past (wp 2.8 and 64 bit server bug)