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Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#1456 closed defect (bug) (no action required)

send message to username, improve error message

Reported by: tijmensmit's profile tijmensmit Owned by:
Milestone: 1.5 Priority: minor
Severity: Version:
Component: Core Keywords: compose message, error
Cc: tijmensmit


If you try to compose a message and send it to a user thats not on your friend list the error it shows is "There was an error sending that message, please try again" which isn't really usefull for understanding why it failed.

It would be better if the message would say something like "You can only send messages to people that are on your friend list". Even better would be to allow messages to be send messages to people that aren't on your friend list.

Change History (4)

#1 @tijmensmit
15 years ago

  • Cc tijmensmit added

#2 @DJPaul
15 years ago

  • Milestone changed from 1.2 to 1.2.1

#3 @DJPaul
15 years ago

  • Type changed from enhancement to defect

UX defect.

#4 @r-a-y
15 years ago

  • Component set to Core
  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

In BP 1.2.3, users can send a PM to anyone without becoming a friend.

I'm guessing the mentioned example is from an older version?
Although I do believe PMs were open as well in BP 1.1 unless I'm mistaken?

Closing for now... please reopen if I'm wrong.

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