Opened 15 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
#1012 closed defect (bug) (worksforme)
My Blogs Menu: Inactive Admin Redirection
Reported by: |
Owned by: | |
Milestone: | 1.1 | Priority: | major |
Severity: | Version: | ||
Component: | Keywords: | menus, admin | |
Cc: |
In the beta released 9/14 and 1.1 trunks, the "My Blogs" BuddyPress menu contains only Blogname (Admin)." Selecting that menu item only refreshes the current page, rather than redirecting you to the WPMU back-end.
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It is meant to take you to the front page of the blog, not the backend. Ergo it will appear to refresh the current page if you are admin or have permission for the home blog.
My other blogs, however, ARE being listed. I'm running an upgraded install, though I'm not sure how this should make a difference. Using a subdomain install. If you can provide more info about your install that would be handy - maybe make a post on the forums as this ticket isn't the best place for bug hunting discussions.