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{9} Closed Tickets (8392 matches)

Results (501 - 600 of 8392)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#400 Blog comments not showing in site wide activity defect (bug) closed 01/28/2009
#406 dbDelta produces error defect (bug) closed 01/28/2009
#407 bp_core_settings save button need to be translated defect (bug) closed 01/28/2009
#410 uploading Avatars during registration defect (bug) closed 01/28/2009
#413 Fatal error header.php defect (bug) closed 01/29/2009
#414 "create account" translatable ok, but "alignable" to ? defect (bug) closed 01/29/2009
#419 IE7 Admin Bar + Forum Breaking Admin Bar defect (bug) closed 01/30/2009
#420 comments.php needs translation defect (bug) closed 01/30/2009
#422 Orphan Link in My Blogs 1.0 defect (bug) closed 01/30/2009
#425 Broken avatars defect (bug) closed 01/30/2009
#431 Login and Registration Key Errors defect (bug) closed 01/31/2009
#432 Can Not Remove BuddyPress Bar For Logged In Users defect (bug) closed 01/31/2009
#436 Do we really need the xmlrpc filtering of htmlentities and tags? defect (bug) closed 02/01/2009
#439 bad translating in function bp_core_signup_confirm_blog_signup defect (bug) closed 02/03/2009
#444 bp-xprofile-admin.php is missing closing ?> defect (bug) closed 02/05/2009
#454 insecure event handling / no nonce defect (bug) closed 02/08/2009
#456 PHP Catchable fatal error in bp-core.php (with fix) defect (bug) closed 02/08/2009
#457 Problem viewing member profiles defect (bug) closed 02/08/2009
#458 blog_option not working defect (bug) closed 02/08/2009
#459 use native line-endings where possible defect (bug) closed 02/09/2009
#465 Buddypress-bar translation defect (bug) closed 02/10/2009
#466 Error changing Buddypress Member Theme defect (bug) closed 02/10/2009
#472 Running PHP in Header Causes Signup Malfunction defect (bug) closed 02/11/2009
#473 Recent blog post skips new posts defect (bug) closed 02/11/2009
#482 hidden groups missing 'leave' button defect (bug) closed 02/13/2009
#483 <div> inside <p> causes validation error - fix shown below defect (bug) closed 02/14/2009
#486 RC-1: bp home doesn't show widgets defect (bug) closed 02/14/2009
#487 Buddybar translation problem on "admin side" defect (bug) closed 02/14/2009
#488 Unmarked strings in rc1 1.0 defect (bug) nbachiyski closed 02/14/2009
#495 bp-xprofile-admin.php defect (bug) chouf1 closed 02/16/2009
#496 translation not avaible in bp-blogs-widgets.php defect (bug) nbachiyski closed 02/16/2009
#497 Notifications at admin bar, need to be translated 2.0 defect (bug) nbachiyski closed 02/16/2009
#498 admin bar css is loaded after site-wide.css defect (bug) closed 02/16/2009
#500 quick hook in footer.php line 4 defect (bug) nicolagreco closed 02/16/2009
#502 bp skeleton component wrong db version constant defect (bug) closed 02/16/2009
#505 heading is missing from site wide activity defect (bug) closed 02/17/2009
#506 Site wide activity not delivering international characters defect (bug) closed 02/17/2009
#507 Site wide activity not showing title and links from bbPress forums defect (bug) closed 02/17/2009
#508 get_userdata must be get_usermeta or bp-core.php give an error defect (bug) nicolagreco closed 02/17/2009
#510 Cannot delete avatars 1.0 defect (bug) closed 02/17/2009
#511 Log In link not correct for WPMU with sub-directories defect (bug) closed 02/17/2009
#515 Friends Activity Sorting Incorrectly and Returning Oldest Results 2.0 defect (bug) closed 02/19/2009
#516 RSS Feed is Not Correctly Encoding HTML Entities 2.0 defect (bug) closed 02/19/2009
#519 Email friendship requests fail defect (bug) closed 02/19/2009
#520 Multibyte characters not working in wire and profile fields in groups and member pages 1.0 defect (bug) closed 02/20/2009
#531 RC1 Activation Redirection Link error 1.0 defect (bug) closed 02/24/2009
#543 New Post not added to activity (site wide or user) defect (bug) closed 02/27/2009
#545 New User With Blog and Avatar - Broken Link defect (bug) closed 02/27/2009
#546 New User with Blog and Avatar - Broken Crop Function defect (bug) closed 02/27/2009
#547 CSS to fix blogs page, member page, groups page defect (bug) closed 02/27/2009
#557 Fixes for "buddypress-home" theme 1.0 defect (bug) closed 03/02/2009
#560 Activity feed always links to posts in category uncategorized defect (bug) closed 03/03/2009
#564 SQL error in bp-groups-classes.php 1.0 defect (bug) closed 03/05/2009
#570 Search in bp is case sensitive and bp_core_search_site() could break when slug is changed defect (bug) closed 03/07/2009
#581 No widget with french language defect (bug) closed 03/11/2009
#587 sql err in bp_groups_group::get_all() defect (bug) closed 03/12/2009
#589 Erroneous conditionals in groups_delete_groupmeta() and bp_blogs_delete_blogmeta() 1.0 defect (bug) johnbillion closed 03/13/2009
#590 Avatar cropping tools non-existent defect (bug) closed 03/16/2009
#591 group avatar thumbnail defect (bug) closed 03/16/2009
#594 weird thing after account activation defect (bug) closed 03/17/2009
#595 wrong date of registeration for members defect (bug) closed 03/17/2009
#598 Path error for member theme download in pot file defect (bug) closed 03/17/2009
#599 Warning message after 2nd click on activation link defect (bug) closed 03/18/2009
#601 Bug report. defect (bug) closed 03/19/2009
#603 Fix widgets in the translated mode 1.0 defect (bug) apeatling closed 03/19/2009
#604 Directory setup functions override pages created in WordPress 1.0 defect (bug) closed 03/20/2009
#605 Strange Navigation Bug 1.0 defect (bug) closed 03/20/2009
#609 "Welcome" Text widget needs css padding defect (bug) closed 03/21/2009
#611 indicator.gif doesn't exist defect (bug) closed 03/21/2009
#615 Minor correction to alt classes on My Blogs submenus 1.0 defect (bug) closed 03/22/2009
#617 My Groups filter is broken defect (bug) closed 03/22/2009
#618 main blog showing not found defect (bug) closed 03/23/2009
#620 latest activity in the group categories shifted to the right in safari 4 defect (bug) closed 03/24/2009
#621 latest activity in the group categories shifted to the right in safari 4 defect (bug) closed 03/24/2009
#623 admin bar dropdown menu is behaving erraticly (it's back) defect (bug) closed 03/24/2009
#624 Joining a Group while you have an outstanding invite to that Group defect (bug) closed 03/25/2009
#625 Forum is nothing but a blank page defect (bug) closed 03/25/2009
#626 BP Group forums will not read topics that have a large amount of content text defect (bug) closed 03/26/2009
#628 Mod to function bp_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt() defect (bug) closed 03/26/2009
#629 blog pst date and author no mre translated in rev 1268 defect (bug) closed 03/27/2009
#630 Full screen bp-home default template with weird list output defect (bug) chouf1 closed 03/27/2009
#631 site wide activity not updated... defect (bug) closed 03/27/2009
#632 File Not Found 2.0 defect (bug) closed 03/28/2009
#633 Class member functions can't be used as subnav callback functions defect (bug) closed 03/28/2009
#636 Avatars not working defect (bug) closed 03/29/2009
#637 bp_get_optionsbar & bp_get_userbar swapped templates defect (bug) closed 03/30/2009
#638 </div> at wrong place in /Buddypress-home/comments.php defect (bug) closed 03/30/2009
#639 admin bar error defect (bug) closed 03/30/2009
#640 group issue defect (bug) closed 03/30/2009
#641 Notification email incomplete defect (bug) closed 04/01/2009
#642 fatal error ---- 'bpdev-admin-classes.php' defect (bug) closed 04/02/2009
#644 Changes in php.ini to avoid White Screen of Death defect (bug) closed 04/02/2009
#645 Translation missing in pop up defect (bug) closed 04/03/2009
#646 Date output is wrong defect (bug) closed 04/03/2009
#652 #to# to translate in buddypress-home/comments.php defect (bug) closed 04/04/2009
#657 bp-custom file not working after upgrade defect (bug) closed 04/08/2009
#660 Fatal Error - Customizing buddypress themes defect (bug) closed 04/09/2009
#664 Deleting a blog doesn't delete recent blog posts or activity originating from that blog defect (bug) burtadsit closed 04/11/2009
#669 Blog posts and comments not showing in global streams 1.0 defect (bug) closed 04/12/2009
#681 typo in r1351 for $this->blog_id in save() defect (bug) closed 04/20/2009
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