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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9096 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (8501 - 8600 of 9096)

9.0.0 (30 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#8523 Migrate the `BP_Groups_Widget` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block Groups closed fixed task normal imath 07/14/2021
#8522 Migrate the `BP_Core_Members_Widget` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block Members closed fixed task normal imath 07/14/2021
#8521 Migrate the `BP_Core_Friends_Widget` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block Friends closed fixed task normal imath 07/14/2021
#8519 Migrate the `BP_Latest_Activities` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block Activity closed fixed task normal imath 07/14/2021
#8518 Migrate the `BP_Nouveau_Object_Nav_Widget` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block Templates closed fixed task normal imath 07/14/2021
#8517 Migrate the `BP_Core_Login_Widget` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block Core closed fixed task normal imath 07/14/2021
#8515 Introduce a new function to check if a Widget or a Widget Block is active into a sidebar Core closed fixed task normal imath 07/14/2021
#8516 Introduce a new BP_Component property for block globals Core closed fixed task normal imath 07/14/2021
#8510 There are a few double space strings I18N closed fixed defect (bug) normal slaFFik 07/11/2021
#8506 Administration: give some color to the BuddyPress logo used for the BuddyPress blocks category Administration closed fixed enhancement normal imath 07/08/2021
#8504 Introduce a new function to get a list of activity type labels keyed by their type names Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 07/08/2021
#8499 Allow BP_Buttons_Group::update() method to add new buttons Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 07/01/2021
#8493 BP Nouveau: improve Activity widget display Templates closed fixed enhancement normal imath 07/01/2021
#8496 Allow BP Widgets to be transformed as BP Blocks Core closed fixed enhancement normal imath 06/27/2021
#8498 Suggestion for unsettling some attributes in BP_Button instead of all other places Core closed fixed 2.7 enhancement low imath 07/15/2021
#8502 BP Nouveau Member/Group front seems to be confusing Templates closed fixed 3.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 07/15/2021
#8497 Allow detecting button element with bp_nouveau_get_members_buttons and bp_nouveau_get_groups_buttons Templates closed fixed 3.0.0 enhancement normal imath 06/30/2021
#8513 Edit exiting BP Blocks to use the new ServerSideRender BP Block Component and the Block Assets Core closed fixed 6.0.0 task normal imath 07/12/2021
#8512 Improve BP Block Components & Introduce BP Block Assets Core closed fixed 6.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 07/12/2021
#8511 Make sure all component main classes have a `block_init()` method Core closed fixed 6.0.0 defect (bug) high imath 07/12/2021
#8483 Xprofile Signup tab description has tag mismatch Extended Profile closed fixed 8.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 07/19/2021
#8484 Bug in bp_nouveau_get_activity_entry_buttons function when bp_nouveau_get_activity_entry_buttons filter returns empty array Core closed fixed 8.0.0 enhancement normal imath 07/19/2021
#8492 8.0 deprecated function file is not loaded even when the ignore deprecated code option is false Core closed fixed 8.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 07/19/2021
#8494 PHP error with WP Biography xProfile field type sanitization callback Extended Profile closed fixed 8.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 07/19/2021
#8500 xProfile Signup Fields are not ordered the right way as soon as there are more than 9 signup fields Extended Profile closed fixed 8.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 07/19/2021
#8503 PHP8 multi-byte safety warning Extended Profile closed fixed 8.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 07/19/2021
#8486 Wording of the new signup checkbox Extended Profile closed fixed 8.0.0 defect (bug) lowest imath 07/15/2021
#8505 Add php fallback for dismissing sitewide notices. Messages closed fixed 8.0.0 enhancement normal dcavins 07/08/2021
#8490 Helper to get a REST API object URL from a component. REST API closed fixed 8.0.0 enhancement normal espellcaste 07/06/2021
#8489 Mark a thread as (un)read to a specific user Messages closed fixed 8.0.0 enhancement normal espellcaste 07/02/2021

9.1.0 (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#8545 The Activity Reply Action tries to validate the wrong nonce Activity closed fixed 7.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 08/13/2021
#8538 Error message when clicking in cancelled email verification link Settings closed fixed 9.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 08/13/2021
#8539 [Bug] New Password That Changed From Profile Settings Does Not Work Settings closed fixed 9.0.0 defect (bug) high imath 08/04/2021

9.2.0 (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#8610 BP Dynamic blocks are generating JS errors into the WP 5.9 Site Editor REST API closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 01/02/2022
#8601 PHP Notice in BP_Core_oEmbed_Extension::oembed_xml_request() Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 11/30/2021
#8608 Add bp_core_action_search_site() the support to search for activities Activity closed fixed 1.0 enhancement normal imath 01/02/2022
#8586 Extra double quote inside a tag of the xProfile Admin Extended Profile closed fixed 8.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 01/03/2022

Awaiting Contributions (63 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#8410 Admin Type order of field for creation of new type Administration new enhancement low slaFFik 04/27/2021
#9062 Emails default footer text should not hard-code year and site title Emails assigned enhancement low 02/22/2024
#9073 Misleading information in unsubscribe link Messages assigned defect (bug) low espellcaste 10/29/2024
#2239 if an activity is hidden from sitewide its children (comments) are not hidden as well Activity new defect (bug) normal 07/30/2016
#7727 BP-Nouveau: Provide success/error feedback for screen reader users Templates assigned defect (bug) normal mercime 03/27/2018
#7734 BP-Nouveau Group Creation Previous-Next navigation: Links vs Buttons Templates new defect (bug) normal 10/26/2018
#7740 Adding links to BP messages results in incorrect href being added Messages new defect (bug) normal 06/29/2018
#7742 bp_has_members( bp_ajax_querystring( 'members' ) Core new defect (bug) normal 04/26/2018
#7743 Add crop feature for profile and group cover images Media new enhancement normal 09/25/2019
#7793 Manage Activity contexts in a more declarative way in bp.Nouveau.Activity Templates new defect (bug) normal 05/03/2018
#7816 Search retrieves users with field visibility adminsonly for non-admins Core new defect (bug) normal 10/26/2018
#7841 Integrate Xprofile Custom Fields into core Extended Profile new enhancement normal 08/24/2018
#7867 Privacy: Default email notification preferences Core new defect (bug) normal 10/20/2018
#7874 BP Pages hidden from menu options once selected as BP pages Administration new enhancement normal slaFFik 08/24/2018
#7898 Allow site admin to use the registration page Registration new enhancement normal 01/04/2024
#7904 Akismet cleanup cron job should not be scheduled on secondary sites Activity new defect (bug) normal 10/26/2018
#7939 Support "Take Photo" webcam functionality in mobile browsers Core new defect (bug) normal 08/03/2018
#7943 Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array bp_core_avatar_handle_upload line 923 Media new defect (bug) normal 11/23/2018
#7948 HTML sanitization for user-generated content in notification emails Emails new enhancement normal DJPaul 11/23/2018
#7953 Activity Scheduling Activity new feature request normal 08/14/2024
#7964 The ability to add a BuddyPress avatar and drop down menu via WordPress menus New User Experience new enhancement normal 10/05/2018
#8078 BuddyPress / Yoast conflict Core new defect (bug) normal 05/26/2019
#8084 Bug report regarding notification system :) Blogs new defect (bug) normal 04/24/2019
#8103 BP-Legacy needs a companion stylesheet for Twenty Nineteen Templates new defect (bug) normal 09/16/2019
#8144 Use of bp_core_signup_send_activation_key not checked while querying for signups Members new defect (bug) normal 06/20/2024
#8279 What about introducing BP Friends Types in 7.0.0 ? Friends new feature request normal 06/19/2024
#8301 Nouveau: Twenty Twenty Theme Compatibility Templates new enhancement normal 03/26/2024
#8319 Block based Activity post form Activity reopened enhancement normal imath 08/14/2024
#8323 Show activity comments on button click only Activity new feature request normal 07/28/2023
#8349 Add appropriate buddypress objects to the wp sitemap Core new enhancement normal 10/06/2020
#8356 swap the order to the two filters bp_core_avatar_folder_url and bp_core_avatar_folder_dir in bp_core_fetch_avatar Core new defect (bug) normal 12/18/2021
#8368 bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user should return additional objects Core assigned defect (bug) normal 07/21/2023
#8460 Online interval should be filterable Core new enhancement normal 04/21/2021
#8612 Add ability for group admins to create new pages unique to that group Messages new feature request normal 06/10/2024
#8613 Allow admins in groups to add/remove menu items Core new feature request normal 12/07/2022
#8670 Block or widget arguments should be filterable Core new enhancement normal 04/22/2022
#8690 Add a new apply filter for default value for bp_parse_args Activity new enhancement normal 07/31/2023
#8722 Introduce a new specific template pack "BP reNouveau" Templates assigned enhancement normal imath 08/14/2024
#8737 Put avatars in the database Core new feature request normal 06/20/2024
#8738 Disable group details change email functionality via a filter Core new feature request normal 06/20/2024
#8783 Fatal error on Manage Opt-outs admin page Core assigned defect (bug) normal dcavins 07/21/2023
#8836 Create a wrapper function for sprintf to prevent potential fatal errors. I18N assigned task normal imath 06/20/2024
#8931 Integrating BuddyPress with the indieweb and fediverse Core new feature request normal 06/20/2024
#9117 Directory type "guid" link should be redirected to their BP URLs Core new enhancement normal 08/17/2024
#8053 Rotation of Profile Picture Functionality Core new feature request high 02/23/2019
#8467 Plugin buddypress is not compatibalbe Elemontor Core new enhancement high 05/12/2021
#8022 Attachments for Buddypress Media closed fixed defect (bug) high imath 04/06/2024
#8997 Disable Notification for new Private Message Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed feature request normal < plugindevs> 02/19/2024
#7938 Using the same activation key results in wrong "Invalid activation key" error Members closed fixed defect (bug) normal dcavins 08/31/2021
#8176 BP Beta Tester always show the notices after updating the BuddyPress plugin Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/04/2019
#2084 Frontpage tabs - show if content is available Activity assigned defect (bug) lowest boonebgorges 05/05/2023
#7121 Wrong position of @mention autosuggest on tinyMce editor When scrolled down Administration new defect (bug) low 06/22/2016
#7412 Update jquery.dimensions Messages new enhancement low 01/25/2017
#7690 Will need a direct menu for Profile Front page after Nouveau Navigation new enhancement low 03/20/2018
#3690 Private Messages Auto Refresh Messages new enhancement normal 05/16/2023
#3727 group extension admin page can't be configured to be accessed by group mods Groups new defect (bug) normal 10/07/2016
#4017 Group taxonomy Groups new enhancement normal boonebgorges 11/03/2024
#4359 Un-spamming a user doesn't reinstate blog record Blogs new defect (bug) normal 08/08/2014
#4360 Spamming a user doesn't remove blog metadata Blogs new defect (bug) normal 07/18/2012
#4458 Activity update deletion and the "Are you sure" dialog box Activity reopened defect (bug) normal 06/03/2017
#4599 Changes to bp_core_load_template (by hackday) Core new defect (bug) normal 12/21/2012
#4627 bp_core_fetch_avatar html pref checking should use !empty (again) Core new defect (bug) normal 05/08/2023
#4769 Favourite button for activity comments Activity new enhancement normal 01/25/2017
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.