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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9102 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (8601 - 8700 of 9102)

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Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#6245 bp_get_user_has_avatar() always returns true if default avatar URL is filtered Media new defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#6389 buddypress doesn’t support chinese login name Route Parser new 2.2.1 defect (bug) normal 05/02/2015
#6395 is_single_item not set for single member profiles Route Parser new defect (bug) normal 05/11/2016
#6413 xprofile fielddata visibility should be stored in xprofilemeta Extended Profile assigned defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 05/04/2016
#6430 Multiple Links in activities Activity new 2.2.3 defect (bug) normal 05/12/2015
#6441 Missing break statement inside bp_groups_admin_load() function Groups new defect (bug) normal 05/30/2015
#6448 Unconditional set of $wp_rewrite->use_verbose_page_rules = false breaks flush_rewrite_rules() Core new defect (bug) normal 01/04/2021
#6555 Avatar upload dir filters set 'basedir' and 'baseurl' incorrectly Core new defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#6557 Soft hyphen prevents recording of blog post in activity Activity new 2.3.2 defect (bug) normal 03/29/2016
#6559 nav implode() error when using BUDDYPRESS_LATE_LOAD Core new defect (bug) normal 10/21/2015
#6565 Sign-ups may show roles in network admin Registration new 2.1 defect (bug) normal 10/21/2015
#6639 Duplicate IDs in Member Settings screens Toolbar & Notifications new defect (bug) normal 10/14/2015
#6640 Duplicate at-who element IDs in Activity Streams Activity new defect (bug) normal 01/09/2019
#6703 Installing old fashioned bbPress 1.x from BuddyPress installation Forums new defect (bug) normal 11/01/2015
#6746 Avatar filename could generate: "There was a problem cropping your avatar" Media new defect (bug) normal 09/12/2024
#6754 `widget()` methods should be self-sufficient Core new defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#6757 Empty Groups appear in Extended Profile on WP Admin causing error during save Extended Profile new 2.4.0 defect (bug) normal 12/17/2015
#6828 Groups Step #4 - Invite Crashes Groups assigned 2.4.0 defect (bug) normal dcavins 01/17/2016
#6843 Activity @mentions in private groups for non members Activity new 2.4.0 defect (bug) normal 09/06/2016
#6895 bp_core_validate_email_address doesn’t check signups table Registration new 2.0 defect (bug) normal 11/23/2018
#6931 Cover Image location is incorrect for blogs other than the primary blog Media reopened 2.4.0 defect (bug) normal 01/10/2023
#7003 "Full name" field setting doesn't work on non-primary blog admin in multiblog mode Core new defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#7068 Enable $multi_format option in bp_get_profile_field_data Extended Profile new 2.5.0 defect (bug) normal 05/25/2016
#7070 Unique group names should not use random integer Groups new defect (bug) normal 05/17/2016
#7084 @mentions break instagram oembeds if same username exists on site as instagram Activity assigned 1.2 defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 10/10/2016
#7085 Can't easily disable the bp_groups_members_filter as of 2.0.1 Members new 2.0 defect (bug) normal 05/25/2016
#7092 There should be an easy way to disable activity stream posting Activity new defect (bug) normal 05/26/2016
#7109 `wp_bp_xprofile_groups` DB table sometimes sets `Base` group to an `id` that is not `1` Extended Profile new 1.2 defect (bug) normal 06/22/2016
#7125 Apostrophe not handled correctly in activity filter array. Activity new 2.2 defect (bug) normal 06/25/2016
#7230 Custom language file or directory is not processed first after updating to Wordpress 4.6 I18N new 2.6.2 defect (bug) normal 11/02/2016
#7266 Check image extraction for activity stream featured image Activity new defect (bug) normal 09/22/2016
#7287 xProfile multi select box output: Include option IDs Extended Profile new defect (bug) normal 10/18/2016
#7309 Activity: related activity_comments are missing from custom post type comment query Activity new defect (bug) normal 11/02/2016
#7315 Autocomplete in messages produces bad html Messages new 2.7 defect (bug) normal 11/28/2016
#7331 display_comments=stream for bp_has_activities() doesn't work Activity new defect (bug) normal 01/25/2017
#7355 Accessibility: Improve Focus Management and Markup of Edit Profile Photo Link and Modal Extended Profile new defect (bug) normal 11/24/2016
#7514 AJAX tab filters broken when you are on `/type/{group-type}` or `/type/{member-type}` Templates new 2.7 defect (bug) normal 06/15/2017
#7523 Messages are not deleted from DB, when user is deleted Messages assigned 1.0 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 06/20/2024
#7555 BuddyPress Canonical Redirects and Trailing Slashes Core new 1.5 defect (bug) normal 01/31/2018
#7590 Sometimes getting Notice: Uninitialized string offset: -1 while inserting activity Activity new defect (bug) normal 02/07/2018
#7631 Values in autolinked profile fields have characters improperly encoded for display Extended Profile new defect (bug) normal 11/29/2017
#7636 Cover image orphaned when user is deleted Media new 2.9.2 defect (bug) normal 12/06/2017
#7639 Reopening #4706: Infinite Redirect Loop when BP_GROUPS_DEFAULT_EXTENSION is changed on Private groups Groups new 2.9.2 defect (bug) normal 01/02/2018
#7645 gravatar parameters esc_url() function breaks the html formatting. Media new defect (bug) normal 01/10/2018
#7647 Group membership events need "after" actions Groups new defect (bug) normal 09/11/2024
#7727 BP-Nouveau: Provide success/error feedback for screen reader users Templates assigned defect (bug) normal mercime 03/27/2018
#7734 BP-Nouveau Group Creation Previous-Next navigation: Links vs Buttons Templates new defect (bug) normal 10/26/2018
#7736 bp_get_groups_slug filter and Profile screen Route Parser new 1.5 defect (bug) normal 08/02/2018
#7740 Adding links to BP messages results in incorrect href being added Messages new defect (bug) normal 06/29/2018
#7742 bp_has_members( bp_ajax_querystring( 'members' ) Core new defect (bug) normal 04/26/2018
#7793 Manage Activity contexts in a more declarative way in bp.Nouveau.Activity Templates new defect (bug) normal 05/03/2018
#7816 Search retrieves users with field visibility adminsonly for non-admins Core new defect (bug) normal 10/26/2018
#7867 Privacy: Default email notification preferences Core new defect (bug) normal 10/20/2018
#7897 Nouveau - Can't post on Activity Directory page Templates reopened 3.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 06/03/2021
#7904 Akismet cleanup cron job should not be scheduled on secondary sites Activity new defect (bug) normal 10/26/2018
#7915 Nouveau - Some Customizer options get overridden Templates new 3.0.0 defect (bug) normal 11/23/2018
#7918 Filter for bp_nouveau_get_filter_options to change dropdown options Templates new 3.0.0 defect (bug) normal 10/26/2018
#7939 Support "Take Photo" webcam functionality in mobile browsers Core new defect (bug) normal 08/03/2018
#7943 Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array bp_core_avatar_handle_upload line 923 Media new defect (bug) normal 11/23/2018
#8019 For site admin Delete account page is not visible. Members new 1.0 defect (bug) normal 12/04/2018
#8047 Some profile fields create empty links Extended Profile new 4.1.0 defect (bug) normal 02/19/2019
#8078 BuddyPress / Yoast conflict Core new defect (bug) normal 05/26/2019
#8081 BuddyPress breaks disabling notification for new users Members new 1.2.2 defect (bug) normal 06/30/2019
#8084 Bug report regarding notification system :) Blogs new defect (bug) normal 04/24/2019
#8093 Field Visibility Not Honored in PHP 7.1 & above Extended Profile new 4.3.0 defect (bug) normal 07/22/2021
#8095 Back to previous page Templates new 4.3.0 defect (bug) normal 04/17/2021
#8103 BP-Legacy needs a companion stylesheet for Twenty Nineteen Templates new defect (bug) normal 09/16/2019
#8144 Use of bp_core_signup_send_activation_key not checked while querying for signups Members new defect (bug) normal 06/20/2024
#8356 swap the order to the two filters bp_core_avatar_folder_url and bp_core_avatar_folder_dir in bp_core_fetch_avatar Core new defect (bug) normal 12/18/2021
#8368 bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user should return additional objects Core assigned defect (bug) normal 07/21/2023
#8713 Group type meta is not set on group types registered in code Groups assigned 10.3.0 defect (bug) normal dcavins 07/21/2023
#8783 Fatal error on Manage Opt-outs admin page Core assigned defect (bug) normal dcavins 07/21/2023
#8842 Filter to stop assets loading outside of BuddyPress Core is not working Core new 11.1.0 defect (bug) normal 09/09/2023
#5468 Removing user on multisite site still shows user Core new defect (bug) high 04/28/2014
#6156 bp_is_user_deleted() incorrectly checks user_status === 2 Members new defect (bug) high 05/09/2015
#6668 Better compatibility when using 'BP_ENABLE_USERNAME_COMPATIBILITY_MODE' and UTF-8 Core reopened 1.1 defect (bug) high 06/18/2016
#6731 search as page/post slug redirects to home Core new 2.2 defect (bug) high 01/25/2017
#6808 Group Invites Option persists even though disabled friending removes invites tab Friends new 2.4.0 defect (bug) high 01/12/2016
#6885 bp_has_custom_signup_page() & bp_has_custom_activation_page() are always true Core new defect (bug) high 01/25/2017
#6984 Change Avatar – Image is “cut off” on the right side Media new 2.5.0 defect (bug) high 06/18/2016
#7278 No content when defining another default tab for profile settings Members new defect (bug) high 08/25/2017
#5608 Improve "Blog Comments" activity filter Activity new 2.0 defect (bug) highest 01/27/2015
#8169 Password Reset issue Core reopened 5.0.0 defect (bug) highest 11/29/2019
#8275 Notification don't go away Extended Profile assigned 5.0.0 defect (bug) highest 04/13/2020
#2776 Most content is double-escaped in the database Core new defect (bug) major 05/17/2023
#8022 Attachments for Buddypress Media closed fixed defect (bug) high imath 04/06/2024
#7660 .webp files not properly handled Media closed fixed 2.9.2 defect (bug) normal 02/17/2023
#7938 Using the same activation key results in wrong "Invalid activation key" error Members closed fixed defect (bug) normal dcavins 08/31/2021
#8176 BP Beta Tester always show the notices after updating the BuddyPress plugin Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/04/2019
#6146 URL xprofile field should have target=_blank Extended Profile new 1.0 enhancement low 04/09/2017
#6714 Filtering messages in bp_core_add_message() Core assigned 2.3.3 enhancement low tw2113 04/09/2017
#7412 Update jquery.dimensions Messages new enhancement low 01/25/2017
#7673 Group Creation Link On Member Profile Groups assigned 1.0 enhancement low DJPaul 10/26/2018
#7690 Will need a direct menu for Profile Front page after Nouveau Navigation new enhancement low 03/20/2018
#7959 Wrong wording in Messaging Messages new 3.0.0 enhancement low 11/23/2018
#8062 Get updated General setting posted fields at time of update Core new 4.1.0 enhancement low 03/21/2019
#8409 Admin Types should use the same JavaScript's UX as the WP categories Administration new 7.0.0 enhancement low slaFFik 07/26/2023
#8410 Admin Type order of field for creation of new type Administration new enhancement low slaFFik 04/27/2021
#9062 Emails default footer text should not hard-code year and site title Emails assigned enhancement low 02/22/2024
#2721 All activity streams view link should have similar end points Activity new 1.5 enhancement normal 07/27/2017
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.