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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9104 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (7001 - 7100 of 9104)

2.2 (22 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#5970 Remove $filter variables holding hook names. Core closed fixed enhancement normal 12/07/2014
#5880 Group details update should be reflected in the activity stream Groups closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 11/29/2014
#5839 BP_XProfile_Query - filtering user query results by xprofile field matches Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 11/28/2014
#5867 Groups - Clear group creation cookies after the group is created Groups closed fixed 1.2 enhancement normal djpaul 11/27/2014
#3083 Create message meta table and appropriate meta functions Messages closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal r-a-y 11/27/2014
#6044 poor UI on Settings > BuddyPress > Pages; duplicated Save buttons Administration closed fixed enhancement normal djpaul 11/26/2014
#6047 More general sorting function Core closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 11/26/2014
#6041 permalinks nag message looks optional Administration closed fixed enhancement normal djpaul 11/25/2014
#5599 Change Profile Settings to Privacy Settings Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement normal djpaul 11/22/2014
#5885 Include the text of the request message in group membership request notification emails Groups closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 11/21/2014
#5986 Fix PHPDoc for bp_activity_new_comment() Activity closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 11/19/2014
#6023 Documentation for groups_get_invites_for_group() Core closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 11/17/2014
#6017 Adding new folders to svn:ignore Core closed fixed enhancement normal djpaul 11/16/2014
#6002 Use the Group Manage options "new" nav to build the WP Admin Bar current group's edit links Groups closed fixed enhancement normal imath 11/10/2014
#5533 BP_Group_Extension::display() should be passed the group_id Groups closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 11/10/2014
#5994 Use bp_core_new_subnav_item() to generate group's manage subnav Groups closed fixed enhancement normal imath 11/08/2014
#5969 Improvements to @mentions Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed 2.1 enhancement normal djpaul 10/29/2014
#5917 Missing Hooks Profile Fields -> Add Field Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 10/12/2014
#5936 bp-activity-actions.php hooks documentation Activity closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 10/12/2014
#5918 Add a CSS class to dynamically generated warning messages Core closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 10/02/2014
#5835 Allow a few more tags/attr on bp allowed tags filter. Core closed fixed enhancement low boonebgorges 09/27/2014
#5848 Add group slug to body classes Core closed fixed enhancement lowest boonebgorges 09/27/2014

2.2.1 (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#6226 Multisite: Deleting a post that matches a BP page ID will wipe out the directory page mapping Core closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) highest 02/18/2015
#6205 Notification counter vs. pagination Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 02/17/2015
#6190 Custom page template needs to be validated before using it in template stack Appearance - Template Pack closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) normal 02/17/2015
#6197 Register/Activate pages and bp_core_get_directory_page_ids() since 2.2 Registration closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) normal imath 02/12/2015
#6215 Activity: 'just-me' scope not using the correct user ID Activity closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 02/11/2015
#6193 Displaying member types within members loop fails Members closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 02/07/2015

2.2.2 (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#6240 restore_current_blog() being called when not needed, causing issues with some plugins Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 06/18/2016
#6255 2.2 deprecated functions file is not loaded Core closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) highest boonebgorges 06/18/2016
#6242 Possible conflict with BuddyPress member type user cache and the WordPress term cache Performance closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 06/18/2016
#6299 'bp_last_activity' cachegroup should be global Performance closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#6274 #5669 stops blog post activity being recorded on site where search engines are discouraged Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 05/29/2015
#6334 User queries using 'member_type' return all members when no user matches specified 'member_type' Members closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 03/30/2015
#6305 bulk delete messages doesn't work anymore Appearance - Template Pack closed fixed defect (bug) normal 03/21/2015
#6244 Custom Component Directory pages mappings removed when BuddyPress Componets selection saved in admin Administration closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) high 03/10/2015
#6277 Group admin counts are empty using WordPress 4.2 trunk Groups closed fixed 1.7 defect (bug) high johnjamesjacoby 03/03/2015
#6270 "bp_message_add_meta()" should be "bp_messages_add_meta()" Messages closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) high johnjamesjacoby 03/03/2015
#6229 Notification content Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed defect (bug) normal 03/02/2015
#6219 Cache group 'bp_friends_requests' should be global Friends closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) high johnjamesjacoby 02/24/2015
#6280 Custom BP Component dropped from BP Pages Association Settings in some cases with 2.2 changes Core closed fixed 2.2 regression normal boonebgorges 06/18/2016 (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#6369 _bp_strip_spans_from_title() causing fatal errors in 2.2.2 Core closed fixed 2.2.2 regression omg pizza djpaul 04/11/2015

2.2.3 (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#6386 usc_url in 2.2.3 Core closed fixed 2.2.3 defect (bug) highest johnjamesjacoby 04/21/2015

2.3 (57 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#3680 buddypress theme doesn’t consider the ”more tag” and showing error Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 06/03/2021
#6111 User can input old password as new Settings closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 06/03/2021
#6046 Customizer causes BP to throw a _doing_it_wrong warning Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 08/24/2016
#6184 Update http:// to links to secure https:// links Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal djpaul 06/18/2016
#6390 Nested escaping Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 06/18/2016
#6256 Add PHP7 support to travisci config. Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 06/18/2016
#6265 Remove deprecated JSHint `onevar` and `trailing` arguments Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal djpaul 06/18/2016
#6267 Update NPM Grunt packages: copy, imagemin, uglify and wp-i18n Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal djpaul 06/18/2016
#6461 Update grunt-sass version & update grunt task sass options Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 06/18/2016
#6252 bp_core_referrer() not returning leading slash Core closed fixed 2.2.1 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 06/18/2016
#6339 site (blog) directory <title> is redundant: "Site Directory Directory." Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 06/18/2016
#6438 BP Attachment API, warning when no base_dir set Core closed fixed defect (bug) high imath 06/18/2016
#6222 Audit filters in core widgets to ensure they meet WordPress expectations Core closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) normal dcavins 06/18/2016
#5972 Password strength meter's JS re-uses theme compat. asset handle Templates closed fixed 2.1 defect (bug) normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#6122 BP JS whats-new-options animation cuts of larger child elements Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 06/18/2016
#6328 bp-legacy: Messages loop missing table header action Templates closed fixed 1.7 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 06/18/2016
#6381 SCSS files need to use a LeadingZero for IE compatibility Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#6427 Sites Directory Index Template Form Nesting Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 06/18/2016
#6449 BP companion styles for Activity Permalink page Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#6454 BP Companion Stylesheet - comments in css files should be updated Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal hnla 06/18/2016
#6468 Update Companion styles group send invites mobile view Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal hnla 06/18/2016
#5925 buddypress.pot issue I18N closed fixed 2.1 defect (bug) high 06/18/2016
#6200 BP legacy template RTL style not loading. I18N closed fixed 1.9 defect (bug) high DJPaul 06/18/2016
#6368 Use proper plural forms in languages with more than two forms I18N closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 06/18/2016
#6467 Get rid of "avatar" in favour of "profile picture" Administration closed fixed defect (bug) normal djpaul 06/02/2015
#6457 buddypress.css stylesheet overloading behavior change in 2.3-RC1 Appearance - Template Pack closed fixed defect (bug) high johnjamesjacoby 06/02/2015
#6463 twentyfifteen companion stylesheet : members link in group memberships admin screen Appearance - Template Pack closed fixed defect (bug) normal hnla 05/30/2015
#6456 Remove redundant ARIA role="main" from BP legacy template files Appearance - Template Pack closed fixed 1.7 defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 05/27/2015
#6445 Notifications: Invalidate cache when updating a notification Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed 1.9 defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 05/21/2015
#2693 bp_format_time returns incorrect value when gmt_offset is empty Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 05/20/2015
#6443 Cannot have "0" as XProfile field option Extended Profile closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) normal 05/20/2015
#6439 Correct the br tags in help screen Administration closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 05/17/2015
#6176 Cannot save 'register' and 'activate' pages when sign-ups are off Registration closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) normal 05/09/2015
#6313 XProfile Field-Group "group_name" input box missing bottom margin Extended Profile closed fixed 1.7 defect (bug) normal 05/09/2015
#6318 Update XProfile UI to better match current WordPress design Extended Profile closed fixed 1.7 defect (bug) normal 05/09/2015
#6337 Wrong image url on bp-activity-admin.php Activity closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) low r-a-y 05/06/2015
#6365 Blogs: 'url' blogmeta should be deleted when editing a site via "Network Admin > Sites" Blogs closed fixed 2.0 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 05/06/2015
#6321 Messages: AJAX replies should use the message loop Messages closed fixed 1.2 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 05/06/2015
#6306 custom post type support for activities Blogs closed fixed 2.2 defect (bug) normal imath 05/04/2015
#6419 Unit tests should drop BP tables during installation Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 05/04/2015
#6411 "New Site" activity filter shown for single groups Blogs closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 04/30/2015
#6394 Clean up page number parameter for AJAX pagination in bp_filter_request() Appearance - Template Pack closed fixed 2.2.3 defect (bug) normal dcavins 04/27/2015
#6392 Cannot set class in logged in and displayed user avatars Members closed fixed 1.0 defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 04/25/2015
#6107 Missing site titles for BP pages in Twenty Fifteen and new themes which add support to the new title-tag feature Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal hnla 04/25/2015
#6377 wp-admin/Extended profile Avatar metabox & Show Avatars WP setting Extended Profile closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 04/20/2015
#6375 Need to fix parameter in do_action statement for sending email notifications to commenters you have received comments Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 04/17/2015
#6374 bp_activity_can_comment() not behaving the right way Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 04/15/2015
#6329 Notifications not clearing for deleted messages if they have not been read first. Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed 2.2.1 defect (bug) high boonebgorges 04/12/2015
#6361 Debug notices in BP_Core_Members_Widget Members closed fixed 1.2 defect (bug) high johnjamesjacoby 04/09/2015
#6363 Debug notices in BP_Core_Recently_Active_Widget Members closed fixed 1.2 defect (bug) high johnjamesjacoby 04/09/2015
#6362 Debug notices in BP_Core_Whos_Online_Widget Members closed fixed 1.2 defect (bug) high johnjamesjacoby 04/09/2015
#6354 `xprofile_insert_field()` `empty()` checks break booleans when updating existing field Extended Profile closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 04/07/2015
#6137 xprofile_insert_field() & BP_XProfile_Field->save() work incorrectly Extended Profile closed fixed defect (bug) high boonebgorges 04/07/2015
#6254 Chunk of Unicode text does not show any excerpt in BP activity stream at all (not sure) closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 04/06/2015
#6228 Pass $this instances to loop_start and loop_end actions in Members and Invites template. Groups closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 04/06/2015
#6208 Filter register_url when registration is enabled Registration closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 04/06/2015
#6353 BuddyPress navigation appends a trailing slash to the link in a subnav item when link is forced Core closed fixed 2.2.1 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 04/06/2015
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.