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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9107 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (3401 - 3500 of 9107)

1.2 (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1890 Group avatar cropping is not working closed worksforme defect (bug) major 02/11/2010
#1906 registration avatar not saved closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1901 bp_init runs before bp_core_set_uri_globals HAS-PATCH closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1898 On login - redirect to admin closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1866 "What's new" box missing first name closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/10/2010
#1858 Custom profile fields descriptions not showing closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/10/2010
#936 upgrading 1.0.3 to trunk 1680 - sql error [has-patch] closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/10/2010
#1896 Turning off friends component causes error on members page closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1895 Private Messaging - Email notifications for follow-up replies within same thread closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1894 When adding profile fields - going to Profile public view gives error for links closed worksforme defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1886 Light gray theme to site should be black closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1875 Forums link to nowhere closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1869 Naviagtion :selected = wrong closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/10/2010
#1873 Activity feed link not updating when tabs are clicked closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1872 Groups: Overall Last Activity not updating closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1865 Edit profile -- non-required fields can't be left blank closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1862 Comments count / order bugs closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1847 Single Blog no longer available? closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1861 Groups Notification Caching issue closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1859 undefined functions when hooking a function returned by ajax. closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/10/2010
#1789 Forum directory sidebar tag links don't work properly closed fixed defect (bug) critical 02/10/2010
#1880 Forum directory doesn't list topics for logged in members of Private/Hidden groups. closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/09/2010
#1879 What's new ? missing name closed duplicate defect (bug) minor 02/09/2010
#1863 Mention this User / shows wrong @username closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/09/2010
#1830 Cannot hide bp-default from WPMU users in Appearance > Themes closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/09/2010
#1864 Blog is not showing in BuddyBar closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/09/2010
#1848 Creating Groups closed worksforme defect (bug) major 02/08/2010
#1857 Child Themes destroy the dashboard adminbar closed worksforme defect (bug) minor 02/08/2010
#1853 author name not showing in post closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/08/2010
#1839 When the trash is emptied, all the "blog posts update" in activity stream are deleted closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/08/2010
#1854 Bug: Activate Your Account Email closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/08/2010
#1851 Who's online avatar widget doesn't work closed worksforme defect (bug) major 02/08/2010
#1816 Linkable thumbnails in Messages missing closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/08/2010
#1849 @mentions within BuddyBar when at Permalink-page closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/08/2010
#1850 Wrong username under Notification settings closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/08/2010
#1813 A bit too much space between status update and reply field closed worksforme defect (bug) trivial 02/08/2010
#1810 Profile Field Setup - groups out of alignment closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/08/2010
#1798 Profile closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/08/2010
#1821 Group Creation - After Avatar Upload/Crop Error closed no action required defect (bug) minor 02/08/2010
#1799 Profile - Edit(HAS PATCH) closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/08/2010
#1840 Groups: Join Date is wrong closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/08/2010
#1811 Buddybar in front- and backend Blog closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/08/2010
#1719 Functions related to friends output broke template output when Friends' module is disabled closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/08/2010
#1809 Blog Activity from 1.1 invalid in 1.2 closed wontfix defect (bug) major 02/08/2010
#1831 BuddyPress breaks creating a category javascript in WPMU closed no action required defect (bug) minor 02/07/2010
#1824 Blog Pagination closed worksforme defect (bug) major 02/07/2010
#1833 Default theme not usable as user blog theme? closed no action required defect (bug) minor 02/06/2010
#1808 Buddypress 1.2 beta and bbpress autoinstall closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/05/2010
#1817 BP 1.2 beta -- new registration avatar glitch closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/05/2010
#1823 forum dir action filter mis-named and in wrong place closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/05/2010
#1819 bug: Send Group-Invites / Multiple invites to ONE friend closed no action required defect (bug) minor 02/05/2010
#1815 Error on 'Visit Random Blog' closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/05/2010
#1818 AJAX query string filtering - empty qs not being filtered HAS-PATCH closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/05/2010
#1807 syntax error bp-core-cssjs.php on line 50 closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/04/2010
#1805 Activity feed title is missing site information closed worksforme defect (bug) major 02/04/2010
#1803 Forum-directory / first topic always sticky when paging closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/04/2010
#1804 ALL MEMBERS tab shows only my own updates closed fixed defect (bug) critical 02/04/2010
#1790 <readmore> not showing up in activity stream closed no action required defect (bug) minor 02/04/2010
#1802 Register page messed up if extended profiles are turned off closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/04/2010
#1801 Cannot leave group closed fixed defect (bug) blocker 02/04/2010
#1266 Member Directory search pagination bug - IE8 and Chrome closed worksforme defect (bug) major 02/04/2010
#1793 Move theme content cookies from core to theme HAS-PATCH closed fixed defect (bug) major apeatling 02/04/2010
#1766 Cannot create group closed worksforme defect (bug) major 02/04/2010
#1795 Reply and Favorite button broken closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/03/2010
#1633 Button area's on the frontpage which isn't linkable closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/03/2010
#1791 When updating an activity, the activity id is set to 0 in BP_Activity_Activity::save() [Has patch] closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/03/2010
#1756 double-posts closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/03/2010
#1551 's' search term breaks groups search closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/03/2010
#1792 Updating Group Notifications to "yes" from group admin returns fatal error closed fixed defect (bug) blocker 02/03/2010
#1787 i18n issue on frontpage closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/03/2010
#1786 Send invite page in Groups closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/03/2010
#1785 'Not Found' message when clicking "..." on pagination closed fixed defect (bug) major apeatling 02/03/2010
#1783 Status message gets pushed below profile image closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/03/2010
#1782 Classic Theme - missing email notification settings icon HAS-PATCH closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/03/2010
#1780 Classic Theme - group admin details - missing html tag HAS-PATCH closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/03/2010
#1779 Classic Theme - group home page - members widget style issue closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/03/2010
#1781 Classic Theme - My Activity - Groups/Favorites/Mentions all 404 closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/03/2010
#1755 Messages: New message flagging problems closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/03/2010
#1776 Group named "Members" causes conflict with group members page closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/03/2010
#1777 Variable 'user_dataset' left undefined closed fixed defect (bug) blocker 02/03/2010
#1769 Missing background tabs in Groups, Forums and Blogs closed worksforme defect (bug) minor 02/02/2010
#1770 Recently Active Member Avatars not updating closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/02/2010
#1772 Paging in Groups, Forums and Blogs closed worksforme defect (bug) major 02/02/2010
#1773 Delete isn't working closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/02/2010
#1767 Profile: Deleting last update remains in profile header closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/02/2010
#1768 Unnecessary join with user table in BP_Activity_Activity::get() HAS-PATCH closed fixed defect (bug) minor apeatling 02/02/2010
#1763 Layout for secondary activity permalinks get cut off closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/02/2010
#1752 Forum disabled - still choosable in the filter pulldown closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/02/2010
#1753 As a group admin I can leave a group closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/02/2010
#1760 Group invite step of group creation displays email on screen instead of sending closed fixed defect (bug) blocker 02/02/2010
#1751 Status update gets cut off closed duplicate defect (bug) major 02/02/2010
#1765 bug: error-message / new Group-Creation / invite friends closed duplicate defect (bug) major 02/02/2010
#1733 Missing filter on template check inside bp_core_catch_no_access HAS-PATCH closed fixed defect (bug) critical 02/01/2010
#1748 IE7 & IE8 Members-Page major CSS Issues closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/01/2010
#1540 Mini activity status updates are not "mini" in IE8 closed fixed defect (bug) trivial hempsworth 02/01/2010
#1579 Dropdown/Filter box on frontpage in IE8 alignment closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/01/2010
#1565 Main menu overlap by 1px in IE8. (easy fix) closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/01/2010
#1674 CSS Focus styles not defined closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/01/2010
#1631 Tag · in front of # - missing few places closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/01/2010
#1687 Mouse-over in profile closed fixed defect (bug) trivial junsuijin 02/01/2010
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.