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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9102 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (4301 - 4400 of 9102)

1.5 (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#2955 [Patch] Public/Moderated groups, better RSS descriptions, fix an error Core closed no action required enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#3231 multi-network support for bbPress Forums closed wontfix enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#3034 Groups Slug should be used for the search field defined in groups component Groups closed wontfix enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#2629 bp_has_groups Displaying Groups That User Is Admin Of Groups closed wontfix enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#3507 hardcoded plugin directory name Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#3339 Notification list to look at past notifications Toolbar & Notifications closed wontfix enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#3229 Forum tags heat map function args Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#3495 missing hook in bp_core_admin_page_options() Administration closed wontfix enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#3451 Facebook Like Functionality Activity closed wontfix enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#3007 Allow defining of BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT in functions.php Core closed wontfix enhancement normal pcwriter 09/14/2011
#3461 Problem With bp_is_current_component when a Component needs multiple Top level pages(Directory pages) Core closed no action required enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#3292 Buddypress 1.3 should be renamed to buddypress 3.... Core closed no action required enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#1567 Forum posts per topic page Core closed fixed enhancement minor 09/14/2011
#3395 Delete unnecessary colons on BP-admin -> Settings page Administration closed fixed enhancement normal slaFFik 09/14/2011
#2953 [patch] Add CSS classes to Group Members Buttons Groups closed fixed enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#2780 Cancel friendship button not appearing under profile->friends page of a user Friends closed fixed enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#230 Desperately need "only admin writable" xprofile field type Extended Profile closed no action required enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#1101 Extend invites Members closed no action required enhancement major 09/13/2011
#1069 Create: Invite contacts to join site using BuddyPress Members closed no action required enhancement major 09/13/2011
#2146 Edit / Delete private messages Messages closed wontfix enhancement trivial 09/13/2011
#1593 SuperGroups - Groups with an extended activity stream Groups closed wontfix enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#1330 Disable users' ability to create Groups Core closed duplicate enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#2132 Updates and their replies Activity closed fixed enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#2204 Up activity item, which was commented Activity closed duplicate enhancement major 09/13/2011
#2616 Add a hook to unregister Sidebars in BP-Default from Child Theme functions.php Core closed worksforme enhancement normal 09/13/2011
#3147 BP_Core_User::$total_blogs Core closed fixed enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#1702 Image ALT text on avatars Core closed fixed enhancement major 09/13/2011
#634 Constants for tables names => change table names and share users in more installs Core closed fixed enhancement major nicolagreco 09/13/2011
#3564 "Read me before upgrading BuddyPress" message on plugin screen Core closed fixed enhancement blocker 09/09/2011
#3547 Improve quality of website image in screenshot-6.gif Core closed fixed enhancement trivial 09/04/2011
#3546 Cleanup screenshots - anti-alias text;) Core closed fixed enhancement trivial 09/04/2011
#3399 Audit usage of bp_is_current_component() Core closed fixed enhancement normal 08/31/2011
#3535 "New Reply" link breaks with multiple page topics Forums closed fixed enhancement normal 08/31/2011
#3401 BP Setup menu still stuck to top of wp-admin menu Administration closed fixed enhancement minor 08/29/2011
#3523 add $selected parameter to bp_get_the_profile_field_options_* filters Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement trivial 08/29/2011
#3472 Update readme.txt Core closed fixed enhancement normal 08/28/2011
#3515 add $username to bp_core_get_user_domain filter Members closed fixed 1.5 enhancement minor 08/25/2011
#3513 add field_ ID to xprofile_get_field_data filter Extended Profile closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 08/25/2011
#3488 Fixing the banned user check in bp_get_group_join_button Groups closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 08/18/2011
#3455 BuddyPress activity comment recording for Blog posts does not honour the WordPress post type visibility Blogs closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 08/12/2011
#3466 Whitespace cleanup Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 08/10/2011
#3439 require_once instead of require Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal slaFFik 08/05/2011
#3418 Probable Inconsistency in the name of Actions created by BP_Component class Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 07/30/2011
#3379 Filter to be able to change default subnav item easily Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal slaFFik 07/24/2011
#2707 Support oembed Core closed fixed enhancement major 07/23/2011
#2985 Performance Tune Loops by Removing Functions from Their Declarations Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 07/21/2011
#3358 Use of $wpdb->base_prefix Core closed fixed enhancement normal 07/20/2011
#3312 Allow replacement of groups object in group component loading Groups closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 07/20/2011
#3340 Replace parentheses around nav item numbers with spans Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 07/18/2011
#3299 bp_get_user_meta() and bp_update_user_meta() Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal boonebgorges 06/24/2011
#3154 Recognize deactivated components in 1.2-1.3 upgrade Core closed duplicate 1.5 enhancement normal 06/15/2011
#2299 [patch] Improve support for IIS-style WordPress URLs Core closed wontfix enhancement minor 06/15/2011
#3253 Move activity reply HTML to template. Activity closed fixed 1.2 enhancement normal 06/12/2011
#3271 groups admin manage members buttons hardcoded to core awkward for theme devs Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 06/12/2011
#2164 Change terminology from 'blogs' to 'sites' to match WP 3.0 Core closed fixed enhancement normal 06/06/2011
#3233 Cutdown the queries for Xprofile select/Multiselect field Extended Profile closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal sbrajesh 05/28/2011
#1299 site wide activity widget should aware "rel" tag Activity closed fixed enhancement minor masonjames 05/22/2011
#3232 Update BP admin menu logo for WP 3.2 Core closed fixed enhancement normal luccame 05/21/2011
#2773 Add "pre-delete" hooks to groups component Groups closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 05/20/2011
#2355 bp_core_new_nav_item doesn't allow for an array as a callback. Core closed worksforme enhancement normal 05/18/2011
#2952 Filter user meta keys Core closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 05/16/2011
#3205 Usermeta parameters for bp_has_members() Core closed fixed 1.2.8 enhancement normal boonebgorges 05/15/2011
#1150 Allow site admins to restrict group creation Groups closed fixed enhancement major cnorris23 05/09/2011
#3183 The Read More functionality Activity closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal DJPaul 05/02/2011
#3184 deprecate bp_core_add_admin_menu_page()? Core closed fixed enhancement normal DJPaul 04/30/2011
#3022 %member% has changed their avatar in Activity Stream Extended Profile closed fixed 1.5 enhancement minor 04/24/2011
#3063 All activity stream messages should use main site's language Activity closed wontfix 1.2.6 enhancement normal 04/23/2011
#3144 Move bp-pages to a site_option Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement critical boonebgorges 04/23/2011
#2635 Long Activity stream posts should show an exerpt with a "read more" link Activity closed fixed enhancement major 04/22/2011
#2281 Missing Tags input field in Edit Forum Topic Page Groups closed fixed enhancement normal 04/21/2011
#3148 BP_Core_User constructor not 5.3.3 >= friendly Core closed fixed enhancement normal 04/19/2011
#3086 group member list like user list Groups closed wontfix 1.2.8 enhancement minor DJPaul 04/13/2011
#3042 BuddyPress should save active components rather than inactive components Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 04/13/2011
#3120 The word [Home] should have translation option Groups closed fixed 1.5 enhancement minor DJPaul 04/13/2011
#3149 International Date format for XProfile fields Extended Profile closed duplicate 1.5 enhancement normal 04/12/2011
#2674 bp-activity-classes.php: add a sql statements filter Activity closed fixed enhancement trivial 04/10/2011
#2555 Texts are not (properly) translated (bp-core-templatetags.php) Core closed fixed enhancement normal sorich87 04/10/2011
#2544 [patch] Activity Stream filtering $hidden_sql Activity closed wontfix enhancement normal DJPaul 04/08/2011
#3137 Combine admin notices into a single Uber Notice Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 04/08/2011
#3132 Wrapper function for BP_ROOT_BLOG checks Core closed fixed 1.2.8 enhancement minor boonebgorges 04/07/2011
#2255 merging wp search and buddypress search on same form Core closed fixed enhancement normal sorich87 04/07/2011
#1699 add filters to the queries of function get_users() Core closed fixed enhancement minor 04/07/2011
#3134 Components location hardcoded Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 04/07/2011
#3088 hooks near SQL creation Groups closed no action required 1.2.8 enhancement normal 04/06/2011
#2706 Support WP 3.1 adminbar Core closed fixed enhancement major 03/29/2011
#3113 Add $settings_link variable to the various email notification filters. Messages closed fixed enhancement normal 03/15/2011
#2718 Swap function_exists() calls to bp_is_active() Core closed fixed enhancement normal 03/12/2011
#3027 Inform admins when a WP page is associated with a BP component Core closed fixed enhancement major 03/11/2011
#3028 Meta box for single page edit screen to associate with a BP component Core closed fixed enhancement normal 03/11/2011
#1024 xprofile_insert_field() should return the field_id Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement minor johnjamesjacoby 03/11/2011
#1536 Separate BP blog visibility from WPMU blog visibility (privacy) Activity closed fixed enhancement minor 03/11/2011
#2766 Filter the output of bp_get_signup_allowed() Core closed fixed enhancement minor 02/12/2011
#1490 Activity: Profile details Core closed wontfix enhancement minor 02/12/2011
#2946 Date selector fields in customised profiles need future dates Extended Profile closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 02/11/2011
#2492 Edit lock on forum topics and comments Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 02/11/2011
#2466 navigation improvement suggestion Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 02/11/2011
#3051 Changes on Xprofile hook bp_get_the_profile_field_edit_value Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement normal 02/05/2011
#3024 Filter forum posts before output them Forums closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal djpaul 01/24/2011
#2772 Error message for attempted login when user is not yet activated Core closed fixed enhancement normal 01/19/2011
#3003 Add an action to detect first login Core closed fixed enhancement normal 01/15/2011
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.