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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9104 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1301 - 1400 of 9104)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#3124 Group/forum specific tag clouds and lists Forums closed no action required enhancement normal 05/03/2014
#2142 Ability to edit Group and Topic url slugs Groups closed duplicate enhancement trivial 05/03/2014
#3046 Add Proper access to members options menu items Core closed no action required enhancement normal 05/02/2014
#2765 Forum reset script Forums closed no action required enhancement minor 05/02/2014
#2761 Add Mass Delete of PMs Core closed worksforme enhancement normal 05/02/2014
#5587 Configurable list pagination - PC and mobile Appearance - Template Pack closed no action required enhancement normal 04/28/2014
#5523 Tags Core closed no action required enhancement normal 04/28/2014
#2651 [patch] Exclude and include parameters for bp_has_forum_topic_posts() Forums closed wontfix enhancement normal boonebgorges 04/25/2014
#5574 Tool to repare Signups for non multisite configs Core closed wontfix 2.0 enhancement normal 04/22/2014
#3981 buddypress notification Toolbar & Notifications closed duplicate 1.5.3 enhancement normal 04/22/2014
#4162 Not choosing a group forum in the "Post In Group Forum:" combobox removes written post Forums closed wontfix 1.5.5 enhancement normal 04/22/2014
#3717 Create toggles for create_steps in BP_Group_Extension Groups closed duplicate enhancement normal 04/22/2014
#3056 Rewrite bp_core_time_since() to use WP's human_time_diff() Core closed wontfix 1.5 enhancement normal 04/22/2014
#2263 Sticky threads sticky only in Groups view Core closed no action required enhancement normal 04/22/2014
#2012 activity-stream to automatically show new posts Core closed duplicate enhancement major 04/21/2014
#278 Different xprofile fields output format. Extended Profile closed duplicate enhancement major djpaul 04/21/2014
#4538 Using WordPress Menus for BuddyPress Menus Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 04/18/2014
#1995 Public, semi-public and private users Extended Profile closed no action required enhancement major cnorris23 04/18/2014
#1944 image-link within e-mail notification ? Core closed wontfix enhancement trivial 04/18/2014
#1941 Global forum directory shows only topics of public groups. Forums closed no action required enhancement major 04/18/2014
#1903 Status messages not fed into group forum members page Core closed no action required enhancement trivial 04/18/2014
#1856 Create a Group / should be also in BuddyBar-Navigation Activity closed duplicate enhancement minor 04/18/2014
#1834 Further profile syncing? Core closed no action required enhancement minor 04/18/2014
#1713 Reply to Activity Comments can be Unclear Activity closed no action required enhancement major 04/18/2014
#1366 URL in display names Core closed no action required enhancement major 04/18/2014
#1214 Maximum pm's with statusbar Messages closed wontfix enhancement major 04/18/2014
#1171 Activity Stream: Hide items Activity closed wontfix enhancement major 04/18/2014
#881 Multiple Friendship Requests shouldn't be possible within a timeframe Core closed wontfix enhancement minor 04/18/2014
#847 The 'Deppenapostroph' Core closed no action required enhancement trivial apeatling 04/18/2014
#817 The default theme should have its own localization domain Core closed no action required enhancement minor 04/18/2014
#809 ?=#s type permalink for bp components (groups, members, etc) Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 04/18/2014
#797 SEARCH - glitches Core closed no action required enhancement normal 04/18/2014
#769 Update idea for Activity Streams Core closed duplicate enhancement major 04/18/2014
#5554 Filter for spam error messages Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 04/18/2014
#5529 BuddyPress + Multisite Core closed no action required 1.9.2 enhancement normal 04/10/2014
#5521 No Extended Profile in Admin for Admin? Administration closed duplicate 2.0 enhancement normal 04/09/2014
#4129 Sort criteria for group member list Groups closed duplicate 1.5.4 enhancement low 04/09/2014
#1110 feature-request: sort Group-members within Group Core closed duplicate enhancement minor 04/07/2014
#5191 Conditionals profile fields Extended Profile closed duplicate enhancement high 04/01/2014
#5495 Calculated custom fields Extended Profile closed wontfix enhancement normal djpaul 03/30/2014
#5183 Disallow HTML tags in profile fields Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/27/2014
#3497 Faster function for get activity Activity closed duplicate enhancement normal 03/20/2014
#5109 Introduce sorting parameters for BP_Group_Member_Query Core closed duplicate 1.8 enhancement normal 03/20/2014
#5430 Notification on Activity comments Activity closed duplicate enhancement normal 03/10/2014
#5210 Using DISTINCT in the select statement when retrieving activity data slows down the query Activity closed duplicate 1.8.1 enhancement high 01/26/2014
#5244 Need way to load buddypress.css when buddypress templates are included in theme Core closed no action required 1.8.1 enhancement normal 01/22/2014
#1140 Log-in at Core closed worksforme enhancement minor johnjamesjacoby 01/21/2014
#901 XProfile 1.1 field functions and filters Extended Profile closed wontfix enhancement major johnjamesjacoby 01/21/2014
#5317 Add xprofile field Vibility "Admin only" Extended Profile closed wontfix 1.9.1 enhancement normal 01/19/2014
#5321 Change max comment depth. Activity closed duplicate 1.9.1 enhancement normal 01/04/2014
#5294 Notifications and Activity components share the same icon Toolbar & Notifications closed no action required enhancement normal 12/15/2013
#5261 More control over the Activity headers Activity closed duplicate 1.2 enhancement normal 12/13/2013
#5274 1 Click Buddypress Group Creation Core closed no action required enhancement normal 12/09/2013
#5246 Add blog_id to activities Activity closed wontfix enhancement normal 11/18/2013
#5226 Internationalization of the activity stream Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 11/05/2013
#5159 Add front-end “Add Media" functionality to Buddypress Activity Core closed duplicate 1.2 enhancement normal valuser 09/13/2013
#3511 Member Search won't look for user login Members closed duplicate enhancement normal 09/12/2013
#2242 make Group sticky Groups closed wontfix enhancement normal 09/10/2013
#4131 Show Member's groups on Profile tab Appearance - Template Pack closed duplicate 1.5.4 enhancement normal 08/27/2013
#5102 Separate Widgets code or Join All code in Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 08/27/2013
#5078 Legacy group forums uninstall Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 06/28/2013
#3201 Multiple Scopes For bp_has_activities Activity closed duplicate enhancement normal 06/25/2013
#5043 Current page is single message check Messages closed no action required enhancement normal 06/24/2013
#3673 Site-wide mentions for @all and @group Groups closed wontfix 1.5 enhancement normal 06/22/2013
#5048 Pagination links as list elements Core closed no action required enhancement normal 06/10/2013
#5035 Delete avatar link displayed when no avatar uploaded Core closed no action required enhancement normal 06/10/2013
#4564 Add syndication elements to RSS feeds Activity closed duplicate 1.2 enhancement normal r-a-y 06/06/2013
#5011 BuddyPress Next - frontend UI Appearance - Template Pack closed duplicate 1.7 enhancement normal 05/27/2013
#4069 Write codex page for 1.6 theme changes Sites closed no action required enhancement normal 05/19/2013
#5010 @grouphandle Groups closed duplicate enhancement normal 05/17/2013
#4970 Notification settings table markup moved from core into notifications.php Core closed wontfix 1.7 enhancement normal 05/01/2013
#4961 Overriding CSS in plugin doesn't seem to work Core closed no action required enhancement normal 04/30/2013
#3716 Adding Dutch language to download Core closed duplicate 1.5 enhancement normal 04/29/2013
#4650 bp_get_send_message_button filter can't work Core closed duplicate 1.2.6 enhancement normal 04/29/2013
#4941 Upload and insert images from visual editor Core closed no action required 1.7 enhancement normal 04/22/2013
#3008 Notification Count Not Updating Activity closed wontfix 1.2 enhancement normal 03/20/2013
#4878 Change all components to custom post types Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 03/20/2013
#2677 Secondary avatar for blog posts Activity closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/11/2013
#2275 Post moderation within Groups Groups closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/11/2013
#2527 mention-this-user / post-box visible immediately without button to click / same as Activity closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/11/2013
#1431 add one more filter at page: Forums closed no action required enhancement major 03/11/2013
#2254 Moderation of Spam Users Core closed no action required enhancement normal 03/11/2013
#3791 Change members to users Members closed wontfix enhancement normal 03/11/2013
#4851 Activity Loop args: scope 'favorites' overrides primary_id Activity closed duplicate 1.7 enhancement low 03/11/2013
#4841 Need a way to override buddypress-functions.php Core closed no action required 1.7 enhancement normal 02/22/2013
#3902 Settings and Messages Messages closed no action required enhancement normal chrisclayton 02/15/2013
#4812 1.7 lost group forum option in admin Forums closed fixed 1.7 enhancement normal 02/08/2013
#4717 Member list "views" or modes Members closed no action required enhancement normal 01/31/2013
#4730 bp_is_active('blogs') returns true on Non multisite install too Core closed no action required 1.7 enhancement normal 12/27/2012
#4729 Hook inside bp_xprofile_get_visibility_levels Extended Profile closed no action required enhancement normal 12/27/2012
#4635 Redirection for attempts to access account page of other profiles. Members closed wontfix 1.7 enhancement normal 12/21/2012
#4569 Make BP Groups into WP Custom Taxonomies Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 12/12/2012
#4534 About default profile fields/tab Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement normal 12/01/2012
#4660 Ignore Function Core closed no action required enhancement normal 12/01/2012
#4508 Add bp friendpress as part of the buddypress default install Friends closed no action required 1.7 enhancement normal 12/01/2012
#4253 Avatar cropper on touch devices Core closed fixed enhancement normal 11/16/2012
#4529 Showing user stats in the profile Extended Profile closed no action required enhancement normal 10/04/2012
#4542 Group members map Sites closed wontfix 1.6 enhancement lowest 09/19/2012
#4520 lacking nested/conditional profile fields in the Core Extended Profile closed duplicate 1.2 enhancement normal 09/13/2012
#3127 Switch to WP_User_Query for BP_Core_User Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 08/26/2012
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.