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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9077 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1201 - 1300 of 9077)

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(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#3245 Comment postmetadata text terms confusing Templates closed no action required enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3265 bp-default - move sidebar to footer Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3273 Make main nav drop-down items fit on screen Templates closed wontfix 1.5 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3435 Add CSS class to BP Component Page Titles Templates closed wontfix 1.5 enhancement normal karmatosed 06/18/2016
#3468 Simplifying Default Theme Structure Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3517 Sidebar login - Don't redirect to wp-login.php on error Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3588 custom header image repeats on y-axis Templates closed wontfix 1.5 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3627 Support post formats in BP-Default Templates closed wontfix 1.5 enhancement minor 06/18/2016
#3635 avatar not translatable Templates closed no action required 1.5 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3668 Make main nav tab active when browse within this component Templates closed duplicate 1.5 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3999 Dark Styles for BP-Legacy Templates closed wontfix enhancement trivial 06/18/2016
#4089 add_theme_support BP-Default Theme Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#4124 Default theme fits in active theme wrapper Templates closed duplicate 1.5.4 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#4545 Allow page templates with theme compat Templates closed duplicate 1.7 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#4593 css div.action ( in directories ): no enough margin in case more than button Templates closed no action required 1.6.1 enhancement normal MegaInfo 06/18/2016
#4739 no fallback to access content for non-javascript browsing Templates closed duplicate enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#4936 Display user nicename in tooltips instead full name Templates closed wontfix 1.7 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#5016 Usage of <H*> selectors in theme compatibility templates Templates closed wontfix 1.7 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#5090 Member's group invites list style in BP Theme Compat Templates closed wontfix 1.8 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#6147 Profile photos on list/directory pages are tiny Templates closed no action required enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#6276 Give the users a message if no activity, rather than blank screen Templates closed no action required enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#6345 Settings tabs for each Active Component Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#6004 Move Avatar local management into new Attachments component Media closed no action required enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#6650 Optimizing Media with the Attachment Library Media closed no action required enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#6735 It isn't possible to use Gravatar && filter the "avatar default" Media closed wontfix 2.4.0 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#5578 Child Translations I18N closed wontfix enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#5668 Use __() to translate page titles I18N closed no action required enhancement low 06/18/2016
#6502 Activity actions and grammar subject I18N closed wontfix enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#6025 Add function to send single invitation Groups closed enhancement normal dcavins 06/14/2016
#7095 Enhancement: Please introduce the members_search form onto the Group Admin Members page Groups closed 2.5.0 enhancement normal 06/01/2016
#29 Set blogname to user's "Firstname Lastname" when update Profile closed no action required enhancement major 05/24/2016
#27 Two issues about the current conversational Message design closed fixed enhancement minor apeatling 05/24/2016
#19 Reordering xprofile fields does not work closed fixed enhancement major apeatling 05/24/2016
#17 Find Friends basd on tags Friends closed wontfix enhancement minor 05/24/2016
#5893 Redirect non-admins from /wp-admin/ to profile Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 04/22/2016
#6988 xprofile field delete does not delete field meta Extended Profile closed no action required enhancement normal 03/31/2016
#6271 Separate activity WHERE conditions into new method Activity closed wontfix 1.6 enhancement low 03/29/2016
#6928 Improve error messaging on profile edit screens. Extended Profile closed 2.4.0 enhancement low 02/24/2016
#6847 xprofile_set_field_data is very slow Extended Profile closed no action required 2.4.0 enhancement normal 01/28/2016
#6761 A11y: Heading level changes for Settings > BuddyPress - Settings Administration closed wontfix enhancement normal 01/22/2016
#6829 Break up bp-groups-template.php into smaller files. Groups closed enhancement normal 01/17/2016
#4776 Allow email notifications to be hooked/filtered Toolbar & Notifications closed enhancement normal DJPaul 01/14/2016
#6619 Intuitive Buddypress User Verification That is Extensible & a Core Function Members closed wontfix enhancement normal 12/14/2015
#6641 How to Modify/Change a Buddypress/Wordpress Account Activation Process Registration closed no action required 2.3.3 enhancement normal 12/14/2015
#6285 Groups for specific member roles Groups closed no action required enhancement normal 09/09/2015
#1949 Refactor notification emails Core closed enhancement major DJPaul 08/29/2015
#4859 Avatar Cropper Small Screens - Image Size Too Large on mobile devices Core closed 1.2 enhancement normal 08/12/2015
#6585 Notification's item id do not retrieve always right ID Toolbar & Notifications closed no action required enhancement normal 08/10/2015
#1357 Common friends and friends invitation Friends closed wontfix enhancement major 08/09/2015
#6550 set_current_user deprecated since WP 3.0 Core closed no action required 2.3.2 enhancement low 07/07/2015
#6516 BuddyPress is missing one very basic function, vital to any site to grow, Invite Friends option Friends closed enhancement normal 06/19/2015
#6491 Activity streams module - give an option for viewing for friends only. Activity closed no action required enhancement normal 06/18/2015
#4357 Merge BuddyPress & bbPress user profiles Forums closed no action required 1.6 enhancement normal 06/11/2015
#6470 Please consider bringing back avatar upload on registration - as a option in admin panel Members closed enhancement normal 06/01/2015
#6459 filter in bp_notifications_add_notification Toolbar & Notifications closed enhancement normal 05/28/2015
#6348 BP Theme Compat: Administration screens & control Templates closed no action required 1.7 enhancement normal 04/06/2015
#182 Change IDs of columns in home template for better customization closed fixed enhancement minor 04/04/2015
#4304 Post trash management suggestion Blogs closed no action required 1.6 enhancement normal 02/02/2015
#4351 Display of Member Count Members closed no action required 1.6 enhancement normal 02/02/2015
#6024 Allow plugins to filter selected template for bp-legacy AJAX requests Core closed no action required enhancement normal 01/27/2015
#6029 Compatibility with easy fancybox plugin Activity closed wontfix 2.1 enhancement normal 01/21/2015
#5397 Activity stats for wp-admin/Profile Activity closed wontfix enhancement normal 12/17/2014
#4591 search and Get Groups by Group Meta Groups closed wontfix 1.7 enhancement normal 12/12/2014
#6039 Activity mentions open in new tab Activity closed wontfix enhancement normal 12/12/2014
#5676 Safe Class for custom filter items in .item-list-tabs Core closed no action required 2.0 enhancement normal 11/29/2014
#6038 Date selector type profile field enhancement Extended Profile closed enhancement normal 11/22/2014
#5968 Add action hook for failure to remove user favorite Activity closed no action required enhancement normal 11/16/2014
#5780 bp_edit_profile_button default arguments Extended Profile closed no action required enhancement low 10/29/2014
#5902 Copy to create field Extended Profile closed wontfix enhancement normal 10/12/2014
#5788 Different field names when collecting and displaying data Extended Profile closed wontfix enhancement normal 09/24/2014
#4248 On profile edit screen, update 'This field can be seen by' dynamically Core closed duplicate enhancement low boonebgorges 09/23/2014
#5851 Add bp_has_activities param to exclude profile activity Core closed no action required enhancement normal 09/08/2014
#5829 Autosuggest mentions space Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 08/22/2014
#5828 Add paramter before in filter BP_Activity_Activity::get Activity closed wontfix 1.2 enhancement normal 08/20/2014
#5822 Extending ajax parameters Activity closed duplicate 2.0 enhancement normal 08/19/2014
#5604 Add Trac home to sub-navigation menu Sites closed no action required enhancement low 08/12/2014
#5801 Register Directory, Group profile, User profile etc pages as CPTs Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 08/11/2014
#5689 edit_field_html doesn't have a filter Extended Profile closed worksforme enhancement normal 07/26/2014
#5631 Option for stream length Extended Profile closed wontfix 2.0 enhancement normal 07/20/2014
#5581 Maybe throw a notice if signups table creation failed Administration closed wontfix 2.0 enhancement normal 07/09/2014
#5724 bp_has_notifications to support all notifications Toolbar & Notifications closed duplicate enhancement normal 06/21/2014
#5646 Max date for datebox should be present year Extended Profile closed duplicate enhancement low 06/13/2014
#5444 Add a new argument for BP_Menu_Walker sub-menu item that allows you to filter the UL class. Core closed wontfix enhancement normal DJPaul 06/13/2014
#5706 Set default forum category for groups? Forums closed no action required 2.0 enhancement low 06/12/2014
#4945 Add cache support to bp_get_option() Core closed no action required enhancement normal boonebgorges 06/09/2014
#3629 Code formatting in rss feeds. Activity closed duplicate enhancement trivial fanquake 06/08/2014
#4221 Uploaded avatar should be deleted on user deletion Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 06/07/2014
#3951 Activation page Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 06/07/2014
#3699 Set the permanent link into number like the google+ Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 06/07/2014
#743 Ability to block user on various actions Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 06/05/2014
#5632 Use CPTs for status updates Activity closed wontfix enhancement normal 06/04/2014
#5651 Unblock XProfile editing for super admins and self Extended Profile closed duplicate enhancement normal 05/19/2014
#5541 Notifications on new message Messages closed no action required enhancement normal 05/19/2014
#3519 Messaging buttons (no spinners) Messages closed wontfix enhancement normal 05/06/2014
#3444 delete post/comment - blog/activity stream integration (multisite) Activity closed duplicate 1.5 enhancement normal 05/04/2014
#3426 Add Profile Field Type: Multiple Text Boxes Extended Profile closed duplicate enhancement normal 05/04/2014
#3413 Group Forum slugs inconstant with other slugs and interfere with bbPress /forums/ slug Forums closed wontfix 1.5 enhancement normal 05/04/2014
#5612 Let admin decide which xprofile fields link to search Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 05/04/2014
#3288 Load core js/css in the same way as WP script-loader.php does Core closed no action required enhancement minor 05/03/2014
#3124 Group/forum specific tag clouds and lists Forums closed no action required enhancement normal 05/03/2014
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.