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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9104 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (5601 - 5700 of 9104)

1.6 (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4326 BP setup creates dir pages even if I choose to use existing pages New User Experience closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4332 Trouble with ajax favoriting activities if different than activity_updates Templates closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#4335 Activity stream "everything" filter assumes Groups component is active Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4339 Repeat footer - Templates closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 06/18/2016
#4348 data being updated but not appearing on front end Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4354 bust member count cache on delete member Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4355 Delete Account as admin Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4358 Activity Akismet query doesn't handle service failure Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 03/20/2024
#4362 Registration Page Has Pre-Populated Fields Extended Profile closed fixed defect (bug) normal DJPaul 11/01/2013
#4363 Display options in edit xprofile field Administration closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4366 Configure Sitewide Forums Button Loads Dashboard Administration closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4375 custom-background body class stripped out of body classes Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4376 Translation does not load in Wizard/BuddyPress Update Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#4379 bp_core_get_active_member_count() not network-aware Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 02/02/2015
#4390 Align input boxes with icons and text in Settings > BP > Components panel Administration closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal 02/02/2015
#4392 email Profile fields not formatting correctly Core closed fixed 1.5.7 defect (bug) normal zkwc 08/05/2012
#4425 Provide ability to add "Field Description" to primary Profile Field Extended Profile closed fixed 1.5.6 enhancement normal 09/28/2012

1.6.1 (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4215 bp_core_fetch_avatar html pref checking should use !empty Core closed fixed enhancement normal 10/25/2012
#4402 RE-align checkboxes with icons and text in Settings > BP > Components panel Administration closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal 08/07/2012
#4403 Fatal Error After Upgrading to BuddyPress 1.6 Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 08/08/2012
#4415 1.6 doesn't work if NOBLOGREDIRECT is defined in wp-config? Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 08/13/2012

1.6.2 (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4241 bp_core_is_root_component() missing in BP 1.5+ Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#4417 Fix notice in bp-groups-loader.php Groups closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 11/01/2012
#4441 Duplicate Call to bp_get_user_meta_key in bp_settings_action_notifications Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 09/29/2012
#4461 The action "bp_before_activity_delete" is called after the activity is deleted Activity closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 09/29/2012
#4464 Widget ajax broken for non-logged-in users Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 08/23/2012
#4485 Changing email address in Settings improperly checks limited_email_domains Members closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 08/29/2012
#4495 User can't request membership to private group when an invite exists Groups closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) low boonebgorges 08/30/2012
#4516 Global $bp_unfiltered_uri removed in 1.6 Core closed fixed 1.6.1 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#4523 On submitting a new activity, I got error "There was a problem posting your update, please try again." Activity closed fixed 1.6.1 defect (bug) normal 09/13/2012
#4608 wp_create_thumbnail() deprecated as of WP 3.5 - avater uploads will fail currently Core closed fixed 1.6.1 defect (bug) highest 12/04/2012
#4701 Larger theme screenshots break the layout of Setup Wizard > Theme screen. New User Experience closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/04/2012
#4906 new message, wrong id... Messages closed worksforme 1.5 defect (bug) normal 05/14/2013

1.6.3 (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4713 BP 1.6.2 breaks avatar uploads Core closed fixed 1.6.1 defect (bug) normal 01/11/2013

1.7 (66 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#2782 Add filters to bp_core_time_since Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 09/16/2012
#3038 Members Widget doesn't work in TwentyTen Theme Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#3194 Friends request acceptance Friends closed fixed enhancement normal Dennissmolek 04/29/2013
#3598 Refactor group forums component to use bbPress 2.0+ plugin Forums closed fixed enhancement major johnjamesjacoby 06/18/2016
#3741 BuddyPress should have theme compatibility Templates closed fixed enhancement highest johnjamesjacoby 06/18/2016
#3778 Allow drag and drop custom ordering of profile field options Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement normal 09/03/2012
#3980 bp_activity_at_name_filter_updates() causes activity to be saved twice Activity closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 12/18/2012
#4005 Update/Install wizard needs help Administration closed fixed 1.5.3 enhancement major johnjamesjacoby 06/18/2016
#4060 Improve performance of BP_Core_User::get_users() Members closed fixed 1.2.9 enhancement highest boonebgorges 12/15/2012
#4242 Child Page - Page Titles Core closed fixed 1.5.5 defect (bug) normal 12/10/2012
#4305 Numeric Usernames and Private Messaging Bug Messages closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 09/17/2012
#4306 Filter name 'groups_total_public_forum_topic_count' used in two places Groups closed fixed defect (bug) normal 08/07/2012
#4315 XML feeds not working Activity closed fixed 1.5.4 defect (bug) normal fanquake 09/27/2012
#4337 bp_blogs_record_existing_blogs() is not network-aware Blogs closed fixed 1.5.1 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 09/03/2012
#4350 Updated forum topics are not displaying the correct action in the activity stream Groups closed fixed 1.2 defect (bug) normal DJPaul 08/07/2012
#4389 A string can't get translated and awkward sentence construction Core closed fixed enhancement normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#4393 Deleting favorited activity does not update user favorite counts Activity closed worksforme 1.6 defect (bug) normal rachelbaker 02/02/2015
#4397 Cannot uninstall "Forums for Groups" Administration closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 09/28/2012
#4401 Email subject line corrupted in 1.6 group notifications. Groups closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/16/2012
#4409 No feedback after saving BP Settings Settings closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal 08/07/2012
#4413 Buddypress Installation Wizard won't go away... Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal Susan 12/10/2012
#4414 Admin UI for Groups management Administration closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 12/17/2012
#4419 Page <title> separator is hardcoded on BuddyPress pages Core closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal 09/28/2012
#4430 Use _x() for passing strings as function parameters Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/10/2012
#4436 Secondary Avatar Link Activity closed fixed 1.2.6 enhancement normal 12/10/2012
#4440 Profile field visibility only to admins Extended Profile closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal boonebgorges 09/30/2012
#4443 Remove EOF ?> per WordPress core standard Core closed fixed 1.0 defect (bug) normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#4444 Add the actual plugin name to readme.txt Core closed fixed 1.0 enhancement normal fanquake 08/17/2012
#4445 Updated @ since comments Core closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal fanquake 08/18/2012
#4446 Add some additional information to loader.php Core closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal fanquake 12/10/2012
#4447 Cleanup BP-Blogs Docs Blogs closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal fanquake 08/18/2012
#4455 Switch to min.js convention Core closed fixed enhancement normal 08/24/2012
#4456 BP_XProfile_Group->get() does not return default field visibility on register.php Extended Profile closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 12/10/2012
#4459 adding enctype="multipart/form-data" to compose message form Messages closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal DJPaul 09/11/2012
#4470 BuddyPress Singleton Core closed fixed enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 09/03/2012
#4478 Allow setups behind proxy, by allowing filtering of bp_get_requested_url Core closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal 09/28/2012
#4479 bp_is_page(BP_GROUPS_SLUG) return true in group home page Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal MegaInfo 12/10/2012
#4484 Dashboard markup change broke our custom icons Administration closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/03/2012
#4486 Use bp_core_validate_email_address() at registration Core closed fixed enhancement low boonebgorges 09/16/2012
#4488 Activity stream not stripping caption shortcodes again in 1.6.1 Blogs closed fixed 1.6.1 defect (bug) lowest 01/23/2013
#4489 Public Tab in User Profile Extended Profile closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal 12/10/2012
#4492 Use "Activity Item" in admin, rather than just "Activity" for single items. Core closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal fanquake 09/27/2012
#4493 Fatal Error when disabling then re-enabling Profiles and Forums Administration closed worksforme 1.6 defect (bug) normal fanquake 12/10/2012
#4494 BuddyPress Update Wizard suggests using BuddyPress Default theme as default theme choice, even if site has a BP-compatible theme installed New User Experience closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 09/27/2012
#4503 bp_core_fetch_avatar hooking into get_avatar Core closed fixed enhancement normal 12/10/2012
#4507 bbp_ function prefix on change in r6302 Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 09/27/2012
#4510 Activity stream posting and commenting broken Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 01/06/2013
#4512 Symbols within commenter names Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/17/2012
#4518 BP pages Deleted on Upgrade? Administration closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) high 12/10/2012
#4527 Allow omitting blogs from being recordable and trackable Blogs closed fixed 1.6.1 enhancement normal 12/10/2012
#4533 Avoid "Notice: Undefined index" in bp_core_remove_nav_item Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 10/15/2012
#4546 Use locate_template() in bp_locate_template() Core closed no action required 1.7 enhancement normal 12/01/2012
#4547 Problem in the activity manager: the bottom 'Bulk actions' apply button produces an error Administration closed fixed 1.6.1 defect (bug) normal 12/10/2012
#4548 can't find my forum topics Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/01/2012
#4550 BP_VERSION / BP_DB_VERSION constants are empty Core closed fixed 1.7 defect (bug) normal 12/10/2012
#4560 Subdomains may not exceed 63 characters in length Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 10/31/2012
#4561 Fix this hook please. -- action: groups_before_delete_group Groups closed fixed defect (bug) normal Michael Ecklund 09/26/2012
#4568 Retina all the things Core closed fixed enhancement normal modemlooper 06/18/2016
#4570 Track latest post for sites to improve the Sites directory Blogs closed fixed enhancement normal 10/03/2012
#4572 Cache not deleting when modifying group data. Groups closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/10/2012
#4574 Avatar crop screen filtering on wp_get_attachment_image_src () causes issues Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 03/21/2013
#4577 [bp-groups][bp-groups-template.php] bp_get_group_join_button() Line: 1524 Groups closed fixed 1.6.1 defect (bug) normal Michael Ecklund 10/15/2012
#4578 group avatars do not display Groups closed fixed 1.7 defect (bug) normal 10/08/2012
#4579 smileys don't appears in profile fields Core closed fixed 1.6.1 defect (bug) normal 12/10/2012
#4587 Include passed in username in bp_core_get_userid filter Members closed fixed 1.2 enhancement normal 10/30/2012
#4592 Deprecated functions for 1.7 Core closed fixed 1.7 defect (bug) normal 10/30/2012
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.