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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9108 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (3401 - 3500 of 9108)

1.2 (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1235 bp_get_comment_content echo instead of return closed fixed defect (bug) minor johnjamesjacoby 11/25/2009
#1238 Confusing error while sending message without title closed fixed enhancement major slaFFik 02/08/2010
#1239 when signing in, then go to User-Profile-Page Templates closed wontfix enhancement minor 06/18/2016
#1240 6 "Popular Group Forums" / make STICKY closed fixed enhancement minor 01/06/2010
#1244 ul#nav class="selected" and ul#bp-nav class="current" are mixing up closed fixed defect (bug) major 12/04/2009
#1247 integration of buddybar and admin bar functionality Core closed no action required enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#1248 $wire_link needs to use constant rather than text. closed no action required defect (bug) major 01/14/2010
#1249 Setting custom BP_SETTINGS_SLUG breaks notifications/delete settings links closed fixed defect (bug) minor 11/25/2009
#1250 Add no_grav to bp_get_new_group_avatar args closed fixed defect (bug) minor johnjamesjacoby 01/31/2010
#1251 Create Blog options not hidden when disabled in WPMU closed fixed defect (bug) minor boonebgorges 01/19/2010
#1252 subdomain redirect return blank page on wp-signup.php closed fixed defect (bug) minor 11/01/2009
#1253 Fix wrong friends css id closed no action required defect (bug) minor johnjamesjacoby 11/01/2009
#1254 Fix wrong activity css id closed no action required defect (bug) minor johnjamesjacoby 11/01/2009
#1256 Fix wrong blogs css id closed no action required defect (bug) minor johnjamesjacoby 11/01/2009
#1257 Group admin can set his status to user + leave group bug [has patch] closed fixed enhancement minor Jason_JM 11/01/2009
#1258 Limit text length on "user status" closed wontfix defect (bug) major 11/25/2009
#1259 status-update: "Cancel-button" is missing closed fixed enhancement minor 01/06/2010
#1260 bp_user_fullname and bp_displayed_user_fullname are inside out closed fixed defect (bug) minor 01/19/2010
#1262 Enhancement: Friends updates closed fixed enhancement major slaFFik 11/27/2009
#1266 Member Directory search pagination bug - IE8 and Chrome closed worksforme defect (bug) major 02/04/2010
#1267 No Group Avatar upload Form when adding adding 'wp_enqueue_script( 'thickbox' ); closed fixed defect (bug) major 11/25/2009
#1270 Widget alignment closed fixed defect (bug) minor 01/14/2010
#1271 Messages: Please sort latest messages to the top and move textfield to top closed duplicate enhancement major 01/18/2010
#1272 CSS Bug pinboard closed no action required defect (bug) minor 01/19/2010
#1276 undefined fuction get_blog_option() closed no action required defect (bug) major 10/27/2009
#1277 "Latest Post" Permalink in [Blogs] page is wrong closed no action required defect (bug) major 01/14/2010
#1280 Automatic updated to 1.2.2 Failed closed no action required defect (bug) major 10/27/2009
#1285 Activity class - filters for sql Activity closed wontfix enhancement major 09/13/2011
#1288 'hasn't created any public blogs yet' error for previously created blogs closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/15/2010
#1293 activity posts duplicated sometimes (not sure) closed no action required defect (bug) major 05/06/2019
#1300 Blogs with non-English characters are not listed in A - Z Blog Directory Core closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/13/2011
#1301 mystery-man.jpg not able to overwrite image in child-theme closed fixed defect (bug) minor 01/19/2010
#1309 Buddypress 1.1.2 blogs closed worksforme defect (bug) major 11/24/2009
#1312 add the class "rss-image" where needed closed no action required enhancement major 02/08/2010
#1317 Forum topic title truncated in site wide activity widget when title contain % character closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/15/2010
#1318 get rid of "A-B-C" directory / "newest", "active" and "popular" / Members, Groups, Blogs closed fixed defect (bug) major 12/31/2009
#1321 Friends tab Friends closed no action required enhancement major 09/13/2011
#1324 wrap the submit buttons of the wire form with <p class="form-submit"></p> closed no action required enhancement minor 02/09/2010
#1325 cannot login to blogs closed worksforme enhancement major 06/18/2016
#1333 Group sorting closed no action required defect (bug) minor 01/19/2010
#1334 Group role demotion bug closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/21/2010
#1335 Group administrator demote to group mod Core closed fixed enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#1341 Group activity RSS feed Groups closed no action required enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#1342 @user notation Core closed fixed enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#1344 Status update: Random questions Activity closed no action required enhancement major 09/13/2011
#1345 Registration always redirects to login screen closed no action required defect (bug) minor jason_jm 01/19/2010
#1346 Function bp_is_profile_component() is catching non-buddypress blog pages as profile components. closed worksforme defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 01/15/2010
#1347 / user e-mail notification / missing information of how to reply to a message Core closed no action required enhancement minor 09/03/2010
#1349 Group wire - activity format closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/15/2010
#1358 Latest visitors to your profil Extended Profile closed no action required enhancement major 09/13/2011
#1359 Duplicate friendship activity closed fixed defect (bug) minor 01/19/2010
#1363 crop avatar is confusing closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/01/2010
#1364 Allow to change names of components + better i18n support for page titles closed no action required enhancement major apeatling 02/09/2010
#1367 Missed <blockquote> for comments closed fixed defect (bug) minor 11/27/2009
#1368 direct link in activity comments closed fixed enhancement major 06/18/2016
#1369 "Show more" for comments in Activity Comments closed fixed enhancement major 02/08/2010
#1371 new activity-comment / does not show WHERE I have posted the comments closed fixed defect (bug) major 11/27/2009
#1375 Filter "MY Friends" activity closed fixed enhancement major 01/06/2010
#1380 Profile: My groups and my friends closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/14/2010
#1381 Activity commenting: Delete button closed fixed defect (bug) minor 01/14/2010
#1382 Activity commenting: Comment link closed fixed defect (bug) major 11/27/2009
#1383 Comment textfield alignment closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/14/2010
#1385 Profile: My Friends closed fixed defect (bug) minor 01/14/2010
#1386 Forums Page in IE8 closed no action required defect (bug) major 01/18/2010
#1389 Forums-page: sketch for new layout Forums closed no action required enhancement major 09/13/2011
#1390 Profile: A few more issues closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/14/2010
#1391 navigation horizontal / show navigation at ALL pages Core closed fixed enhancement major 09/13/2011
#1393 Posting updates from multiple places closed fixed enhancement major 01/19/2010
#1396 Group-Forum / navigation-issue / needs more usability Forums closed no action required enhancement major 09/13/2011
#1397 ajax stream reply missing delete link closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/14/2010
#1398 notifications need enhancement for activity comments Activity closed no action required enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#1399 Load more link closed no action required enhancement minor 01/18/2010
#1400 bp_core_do_catch_uri not being called in custom component closed no action required defect (bug) major 12/06/2009
#1402 Activity: My Friends closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/14/2010
#1404 Can't post activity comment after deleting comment closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/15/2010
#1405 Group Members Listed Multiple Times After Leave and Return closed fixed defect (bug) minor Coen Naninck 01/19/2010
#1408 Comments on Forum-posts are showing in wrong place closed no action required defect (bug) major 01/14/2010
#1409 IE compatible view issues closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/14/2010
#1411 Blog / Blogs closed fixed enhancement minor 02/08/2010
#1413 Salvaging Wire Data for Existing Installs Once Wire Eliminated closed no action required enhancement minor 12/03/2009
#1414 "Activities / My friends": not showing my friends activities closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/06/2010
#1415 Wrong closing tag closed fixed defect (bug) minor 01/19/2010
#1416 Some translation went wrong in 1.1.3 closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/20/2010
#1417 classify activity links more specifically closed no action required enhancement major 02/08/2010
#1418 Permalinks: Few issues and q's closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/14/2010
#1421 register_theme_folder dupe closed no action required defect (bug) minor 01/18/2010
#1422 do_action bp_core_avatar_save missing closed no action required defect (bug) major 01/15/2010
#1423 do_action groups_created_group missing closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/15/2010
#1424 suggestion: skip BB-Press-Forum completely from BuddyPress closed no action required enhancement major 12/07/2009
#1425 do_Action bp_forums_new_topic + bp_forums_new_post missing closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/15/2010
#1429 "Older Entries" link on blog returns result set for most recent entries closed no action required defect (bug) major 01/15/2010
#1432 activity-comment + Thread / double-dipping ? closed no action required defect (bug) major 01/15/2010
#1434 new forum-post / drop-down-box shows Group which I am NOT a member of closed worksforme defect (bug) major 01/14/2010
#1435 "View Thread"-Link showing, when there is actually no thread closed wontfix defect (bug) major 12/12/2009
#1437 when search-term in box, then buttons stop working closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/15/2010
#1438 search is not working properly closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/15/2010
#1439 Friends slug hard-coded in friends_notification_new_request closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/15/2010
#1440 need to "refreh" page in order to make orange "Comment-button" work closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/14/2010
#1441 double-posts within Activities closed no action required defect (bug) critical 12/31/2009
#1442 "create a new Blog" / this option should not be within Sign-up-process closed no action required enhancement major 02/08/2010
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.