{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9104 matches)
A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.
Results (4601 - 4700 of 9104)
1.5 (100 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Component | Status | Resolution | Version | Type | Priority | Owner | Modified |
#3084 | BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR does not disable WP admin bar | Core | closed | wontfix | 1.2.8 | defect (bug) | minor | boonebgorges | 03/11/2011 |
#3081 | [Translations] Upgrade strings are not translatable | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 09/14/2011 | |
#3079 | Bug with reply-function | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 09/14/2011 | ||
#3078 | Forums - creating a topic | Forums | closed | worksforme | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | gunju2221 | 04/14/2011 |
#3077 | Forums "New Topic" tab issues | Forums | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 09/14/2011 | ||
#3076 | "BuddyPress Test Drive" text in top banner link | Templates | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | ||
#3074 | XProfile - Incorrect CSS zebra striping | Templates | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#3073 | Community tab (menu) | Templates | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | ||
#3072 | Send Private Message button | Messages | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | major | 04/23/2011 | |
#3071 | bp_before_directory_groups_content on members directory | Templates | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#3070 | bp_before_directory_groups_list action duplicate | Templates | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#3069 | PHP Notices In Activity Stream | Activity | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | johnpbloch | 09/14/2011 | |
#3068 | single.php creates empty span when no tags are present | Templates | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 06/18/2016 |
#3067 | Stray 'li' element in bp-groups-buddybar.php | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 09/14/2011 | ||
#3066 | Redirect to forum page after deleting a topic | Forums | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 04/19/2011 |
#3065 | Cannot set 'reading' to static pages | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | major | 02/12/2011 | |
#3064 | WordPress database error Unknown column feed in where clause | Activity | closed | no action required | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 04/25/2011 | |
#3063 | All activity stream messages should use main site's language | Activity | closed | wontfix | 1.2.6 | enhancement | normal | 04/23/2011 | |
#3062 | Components page throws error | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | johnpbloch | 02/09/2011 |
#3060 | Can't navigate to group page after creation - Page not found | Groups | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 04/23/2011 | ||
#3059 | Sticky topics get pushed to second page | Forums | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | minor | sushkov | 07/23/2011 | |
#3058 | Email for username causes problems with mentions and private messaging. | Core | closed | worksforme | defect (bug) | normal | Nick Hoover | 09/14/2011 | |
#3057 | function bp_group_join_button does not pass $group to bp_get_group_join_button | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 02/09/2011 | ||
#3055 | Unexpected output during activation | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/09/2011 | |
#3054 | Missing images during installation | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/05/2011 | |
#3053 | Component Settings checkboxes selection | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/07/2011 | |
#3051 | Changes on Xprofile hook bp_get_the_profile_field_edit_value | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 02/05/2011 | ||
#3050 | defect: run a check for show_admin_bar | Core | closed | wontfix | defect (bug) | normal | 09/14/2011 | ||
#3049 | Buddypress Components redirecting to Homepage | Appearance - Template Pack | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 06/04/2011 | ||
#3048 | Groups don't show correct view when Page slug changed | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 04/30/2011 | ||
#3047 | jQuery not properly enqueued in all circumstances | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | johnpbloch | 09/14/2011 | |
#3045 | Activity replies not showing -activity permalink failing | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 02/12/2011 | ||
#3044 | bp-xprofile Add Hook before saving xprofile field data | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | enhancement | lowest | 02/10/2022 | ||
#3042 | BuddyPress should save active components rather than inactive components | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | enhancement | normal | johnjamesjacoby | 04/13/2011 |
#3041 | Component Settings Cannot Save | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 04/24/2011 | |
#3040 | Encoding mismatch in activity feed item title | Activity | closed | fixed | 1.2.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 05/16/2011 | |
#3039 | Leave group / Cancel Friendship buttons | Templates | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | ||
#3036 | Blogs is active even after deactivating it. | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | johnjamesjacoby | 04/23/2011 | |
#3035 | php notices after applying patch | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 09/14/2011 | ||
#3034 | Groups Slug should be used for the search field defined in groups component | Groups | closed | wontfix | enhancement | normal | 09/14/2011 | ||
#3033 | Group & Members Widgets aren't showing in my fresh install | Templates | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#3032 | bp_blogs_remove_post() in bp-blogs.php | Blogs | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 09/14/2011 | ||
#3030 | BuddyPress messes with user_url usermeta, | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | anthonycole | 01/28/2011 | |
#3029 | in bp_core_update_nag use network_admin_url if multisite | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/12/2011 | |
#3028 | Meta box for single page edit screen to associate with a BP component | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 03/11/2011 | ||
#3027 | Inform admins when a WP page is associated with a BP component | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | major | 03/11/2011 | ||
#3026 | Activating components after setup needs to create a WP page | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | critical | 04/09/2011 | ||
#3025 | Deactivating components/deleting corresponding WP page should run an uninstaller | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | critical | 04/09/2011 | ||
#3024 | Filter forum posts before output them | Forums | closed | fixed | 1.5 | enhancement | normal | djpaul | 01/24/2011 |
#3023 | BP notifications are not working | Core | closed | worksforme | 1.2.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/12/2011 | |
#3022 | %member% has changed their avatar in Activity Stream | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | 1.5 | enhancement | minor | 04/24/2011 | |
#3020 | bp_loaded is fired too early | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | major | 06/15/2011 | ||
#3019 | Need a way to manage WP page/BP component connections in Dashboard | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | 01/31/2011 | ||
#3018 | PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function show_admin_bar() | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 09/14/2011 | ||
#3015 | BP crashes when upgrading to MS | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | critical | 04/14/2011 | ||
#3014 | Body top padding not leaving room for admin bar on wp-admin | Templates | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | minor | 06/18/2016 | ||
#3013 | Should use jQuery to check classes | Templates | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 06/18/2016 | ||
#3012 | Recent Site Wide Posts widget does not display all posts on user profile and group pages | Activity | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 07/22/2011 | ||
#3011 | Documentation Bug in /bp-core/bp-core-templatetags.php | Core | closed | fixed | 1.2.6 | defect (bug) | trivial | 01/18/2011 | |
#3010 | buddypress and css conflicts in wp-admin | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 09/14/2011 | ||
#3007 | Allow defining of BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT in functions.php | Core | closed | wontfix | enhancement | normal | pcwriter | 09/14/2011 | |
#3005 | Initial activation dies on single WP | Core | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | critical | boonebgorges | 01/13/2011 | |
#3004 | Move footer site generator info out of widget area | Templates | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 06/18/2016 | ||
#3003 | Add an action to detect first login | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 01/15/2011 | ||
#2999 | 'bp-wizard-step' cookie in setup/upgrader not cleared | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | minor | 02/12/2011 | ||
#2998 | Top-level components as sub-pages hides them in bp-default tab nav | Core | closed | wontfix | defect (bug) | major | 01/07/2011 | ||
#2997 | wp-includes/registration.php is deprecated in WP 3.1 | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | nacin | 01/06/2011 | |
#2996 | XProfile Tabs lack filter | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | 1.2.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/05/2011 | |
#2995 | functions.php shouldn't add comment-reply javascript | Templates | closed | fixed | enhancement | minor | DJPaul | 06/18/2016 | |
#2994 | bp_dtheme_main_nav() duplicates show_home parameter for wp_page_menu() | Templates | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | DJPaul | 06/18/2016 | |
#2992 | Add class to directory form h3 | Templates | closed | wontfix | enhancement | normal | 06/18/2016 | ||
#2991 | activity stream permalink page has a smaller max-width | Templates | closed | fixed | enhancement | minor | 06/18/2016 | ||
#2990 | can edit xprofile base group name & fullname field in xprofile admin | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 04/13/2011 | ||
#2989 | $bp->pages not populated on secondary sites under MS | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | critical | boonebgorges | 01/01/2011 | |
#2988 | Blog comment CSS to mimic Activity stream. | Templates | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 06/18/2016 | ||
#2987 | cleanup in notification settings | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | DJPaul | 12/31/2010 | |
#2986 | Form General Settings - Fields are not escaped | Core | closed | fixed | 1.2.6 | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 01/01/2011 |
#2985 | Performance Tune Loops by Removing Functions from Their Declarations | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | enhancement | normal | 07/21/2011 | |
#2984 | $current_blog is not updated during switch_to_blog() | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | 03/11/2011 | ||
#2983 | sprintf content needs to be in single quotes | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | 12/31/2010 | ||
#2982 | single.php has wrong function and format to show next and/or previous post link. | Templates | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 06/18/2016 |
#2981 | Change "loop_start/end" actions to "component_loop_start/end" | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 09/14/2011 | ||
#2980 | bp_create_excerpt() should pass the original text along to the filter | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | minor | boonebgorges | 12/28/2010 | |
#2979 | footer on activity permalink page has extra margin | Templates | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | minor | 06/18/2016 | ||
#2978 | comments.php is not using comment_form() | Templates | closed | fixed | 1.5 | enhancement | normal | DJPaul | 06/18/2016 |
#2977 | Component pages have comments and pingbacks enabled | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 12/28/2010 |
#2976 | Group extension admin screen not saving | Groups | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | 12/28/2010 | ||
#2975 | Clean up bp-default header.php | Templates | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#2974 | Respect BP_DTHEME_DISABLE_CUSTOM_HEADER in BP 1.3 | Templates | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#2973 | Background color for headers in comments section not consistant | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 09/14/2011 | ||
#2972 | BP-Default custom header graphic should be 125px tall | Templates | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#2971 | Default theme custom background doesn't fully display | Templates | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#2970 | duplicate sql in BP_Activity_Activity::get/get_specific | Activity | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 12/24/2010 | |
#2969 | 404 header errors with buddypress sub-sections | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 12/25/2010 | |
#2968 | User Avatar won't show up in blogs outside buddypress site. | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 01/23/2011 | |
#2966 | Update BP Plugin readme.txt Adding So Much More' section | Core | closed | duplicate | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 01/02/2011 | |
#2965 | Brush those trailing whites | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | trivial | 12/27/2010 | |
#2964 | Site Blog does not appear in "My Blogs" of admin bar unless buddypress plugin is re-activated. | Core | closed | worksforme | defect (bug) | normal | 09/14/2011 | ||
#2963 | XProfile - Bugs with the type datebox | Extended Profile | closed | duplicate | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 12/21/2010 | |
#2962 | No way to reassociate a page with bp components once the bp setup wizard is complete | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/11/2011 |
See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.