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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9102 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (2401 - 2500 of 9102)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#2033 Admins cannot view/admin private groups closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/22/2010
#2020 Extending the Blogs page in profile from static to dynamic Core closed enhancement major 07/31/2016
#2012 activity-stream to automatically show new posts Core closed duplicate enhancement major 04/21/2014
#2004 Trac header sents to Core closed fixed enhancement trivial 06/18/2016
#2003 Blogmeta Names - No Options After Creation Core closed fixed defect (bug) major 06/10/2010
#1996 Problem posting to existing forums Forums closed no action required defect (bug) minor 04/30/2011
#1995 Public, semi-public and private users Extended Profile closed no action required enhancement major cnorris23 04/18/2014
#1979 Warning: include error message closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/17/2010
#1957 Show activity on front with activity disabled breaks things... Core closed duplicate defect (bug) minor 06/11/2010
#1949 Refactor notification emails Core closed enhancement major DJPaul 08/29/2015
#1944 image-link within e-mail notification ? Core closed wontfix enhancement trivial 04/18/2014
#1941 Global forum directory shows only topics of public groups. Forums closed no action required enhancement major 04/18/2014
#1935 No front page theme options (Blogs or Activity) on dashboard closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/14/2010
#1934 Site-wide privacy inoperable on activity page closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/13/2010
#1903 Status messages not fed into group forum members page Core closed no action required enhancement trivial 04/18/2014
#1883 Make it possible to favorite activity items from the source content (blog post, forum post, etc) Core closed enhancement minor 11/09/2016
#1868 hebrew translate closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/12/2010
#1867 Error 403 On forums Core closed worksforme defect (bug) major 05/07/2010
#1856 Create a Group / should be also in BuddyBar-Navigation Activity closed duplicate enhancement minor 04/18/2014
#1852 Replacing The Header Image Failed closed worksforme defect (bug) major 02/08/2010
#1844 Notifications link not working closed fixed defect (bug) major 03/03/2010
#1842 Just the first Profile Field Group required for signup (but other fields set as "required" too) Extended Profile closed maybelater enhancement minor johnjamesjacoby 02/08/2018
#1841 Groups: No activity updates shown for other members Activity closed no action required defect (bug) major 04/30/2011
#1834 Further profile syncing? Core closed no action required enhancement minor 04/18/2014
#1832 User Name contains dot character(.) cannot navigate closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/06/2010
#1827 Alway Present Whats New Post Form closed wontfix enhancement trivial 03/09/2010
#1826 Admin: General Settings: Options to change per_page settings Administration closed maybelater enhancement minor 02/08/2018
#1822 Small gray tab in comment Templates closed wontfix defect (bug) trivial 06/18/2016
#1800 Douple posts in activity and no activity on members page closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/04/2010
#1797 Error on auto install of bbpress within buddypress closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/11/2010
#1794 If Group is Created before Forum Component Install, Group Cannot Post to Forum Core closed fixed defect (bug) major 12/31/2010
#1784 Textfields in IE8 needs adjustment Templates closed wontfix defect (bug) trivial 06/18/2016
#1774 Display name change Core closed duplicate defect (bug) major 04/18/2014
#1762 Logging in closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/02/2010
#1761 Forum closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/02/2010
#1759 .mo malfunction or out of memory Core closed wontfix defect (bug) major 05/07/2010
#1758 install error: call to undefined method closed no action required defect (bug) blocker 02/17/2010
#1750 Profile Update-Field in IE not nice-looking Core closed wontfix defect (bug) minor 10/17/2012
#1747 Date of Birth Core closed no action required enhancement major 12/29/2010
#1746 registering Core closed no action required enhancement minor 03/12/2011
#1745 Make general settings behave like component setup, with enabled/disabled radio buttons has-patch Core closed no action required defect (bug) minor 04/18/2014
#1735 Header Toolbar Core closed worksforme defect (bug) major 05/07/2010
#1734 Avatar Upload Core closed fixed defect (bug) major 05/07/2010
#1724 Hardcoded table prefix in get_blog_role_for_user Core closed no action required defect (bug) minor 05/03/2010
#1720 Blog Feature Does not Appear to Work in Buddypress theme (on BP 1.1.3) closed no action required defect (bug) major 01/28/2010
#1713 Reply to Activity Comments can be Unclear Activity closed no action required enhancement major 04/18/2014
#1706 categorize groups, filter group enhancement Groups closed no action required enhancement normal 07/30/2016
#1705 Cannot set homepage as static while simultaneously displaying posts in blog Core closed no action required defect (bug) major 03/12/2011
#1704 Buddypress username & password not sent in welcome email closed no action required defect (bug) critical 02/24/2010
#1683 Make "You were invited to group" notification more specific by using inviter name Toolbar & Notifications closed wontfix enhancement minor 07/30/2016
#1677 classes for DIV elements of the registration form closed no action required enhancement minor 03/09/2010
#1663 Where are the installation guides? closed no action required defect (bug) major 01/22/2010
#1656 Probably not a "bug", but there's a link issue when changing the blog url, or at least it's not consistent. Core closed worksforme defect (bug) minor 04/18/2014
#1648 Deleting Activity leads to 404 (tested in 1.1.1 and 1.1.3) closed fixed defect (bug) major 02/08/2010
#1608 Threaded/no threaded comments switch Templates closed duplicate enhancement minor 06/18/2016
#1602 1.1.3 Can't create groups Core closed worksforme defect (bug) major 03/30/2010
#1599 dropdown tickbox menu for Activity Stream (include/exlude activity types) Templates closed wontfix enhancement major 07/30/2016
#1596 Not being able to add new topic to a forum after adding 12 topics closed duplicate defect (bug) critical 01/14/2010
#1595 Not being able to add new topic to a forum after adding 12 topics Core closed no action required defect (bug) trivial 07/30/2011
#1571 Change display name not just slugs closed no action required enhancement minor 03/09/2010
#1568 Single-WP-Install - No Activaton Email is sent on registration closed fixed defect (bug) critical 01/09/2010
#1566 Add missng style to default theme Core closed fixed enhancement minor 06/11/2010
#1564 enabling discussion forum while creating group closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/13/2010
#1559 Forums build of Forums-Activity-Items - conceptual idea. Templates closed no action required enhancement major 06/18/2016
#1550 Login issue closed no action required defect (bug) major 01/14/2010
#1538 Activity Items dissapearing from "Private Groups" Activity Stream. closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/04/2010
#1526 Names did not appear in "Members" lists until profile was visited once Core closed worksforme defect (bug) major 05/07/2010
#1524 BP trunk does not load since rev 2213 on WPMU closed no action required defect (bug) blocker 01/02/2010
#1523 Cannot activate plugin - Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bp_loader_activate() closed duplicate defect (bug) major 01/01/2010
#1514 When you reply to your own post you get an email notification closed worksforme defect (bug) trivial 03/09/2010
#1497 Unable to Post Reply on Forum Core closed no action required defect (bug) major 07/29/2011
#1493 Deprecate Friends component and replace with Personal Group type Friends closed no action required enhancement major johnjamesjacoby 07/30/2016
#1492 Groups and Member widget filter aren't working on BP 1.2 theme Core closed worksforme defect (bug) major 05/07/2010
#1486 BP 1.2 trunk Cannot Create Blog closed fixed defect (bug) major 01/11/2010
#1484 404 Page error with IE8 when creating group or topic, FireFox OK closed worksforme defect (bug) critical 02/17/2010
#1471 bp_core_get_notifications_for_user() Core closed no action required enhancement minor 09/15/2011
#1470 Home -> My Friends Bug closed worksforme defect (bug) trivial 03/09/2010
#1469 Home -> My Groups is not showing my groups list closed no action required defect (bug) minor 01/14/2010
#1436 text-field for "Send Invites" Groups closed no action required enhancement major 08/16/2016
#1433 Creating groups results in 404 error Core closed no action required 1.2.6 defect (bug) major 06/03/2021
#1431 add one more filter at page: Forums closed no action required enhancement major 03/11/2013
#1430 plugin autoinstall and default plugin templates Core closed no action required enhancement major 12/29/2010
#1428 Admin doesnt have access for hidden groups closed worksforme defect (bug) critical 01/22/2010
#1427 followers Friends closed enhancement major 06/20/2016
#1426 BP_ENABLE_ROOT_PROFILES conflicts with multisite subdirectory slugs Core closed wontfix defect (bug) major 06/03/2021
#1420 Group invites problem in latest trunk revision Groups closed fixed defect (bug) major 03/10/2011
#1412 Broken link to download BuddyPress closed worksforme defect (bug) major 11/30/2009
#1407 theme layout CSS z-index should reduce to lower number Core closed fixed enhancement major 06/11/2010
#1403 There was an error saving the field. Please try again Activity closed duplicate defect (bug) major 03/22/2010
#1401 recover password : reset yes, new password fails Sites closed no action required defect (bug) minor 03/10/2011
#1395 </form> and </div> mixed up in Changeset 2152 closed duplicate defect (bug) major 01/19/2010
#1394 Group name and description misses some Lithuanian characters after the group is created. closed worksforme defect (bug) major 12/03/2009
#1392 Profile Field Setup Cant Add SelectBox Fields Activity closed worksforme defect (bug) major 03/22/2010
#1379 Widget and HTML Core closed wontfix enhancement major 03/12/2011
#1377 Status - new parameter in bp_status_from_usermeta filter - has-patch Activity closed wontfix defect (bug) major 03/22/2010
#1376 I can't post anything on the site! closed no action required defect (bug) blocker 11/26/2009
#1370 More comments in the same activity element should be grouped Activity closed no action required enhancement major 04/30/2011
#1366 URL in display names Core closed no action required enhancement major 04/18/2014
#1362 Groups directory : custom filtering possibility Groups closed no action required enhancement minor 07/30/2011
#1361 adding quickpress into the profile menu closed duplicate enhancement major 11/24/2009
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.