{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9104 matches)
A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.
Results (1901 - 2000 of 9104)
(empty) (100 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Component | Status | Resolution | Version | Type | Priority | Owner | Modified |
#4330 | theme enable and comment problems | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 07/06/2012 | |
#4327 | My Favorites Count Bug | Activity | closed | duplicate | 1.5.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/17/2014 | |
#4324 | Private message sent durations are incorrect after first sending. | Messages | closed | 1.5.6 | defect (bug) | normal | LukeJJones | 08/10/2016 | |
#4323 | php errors in php5.4 | Core | closed | no action required | 1.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#4321 | Moderate Activity Stream | Activity | closed | no action required | 1.5.6 | enhancement | normal | 07/02/2012 | |
#4320 | Changes to Profile fields visibility don’t seem to be sticking | Core | closed | no action required | 1.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/02/2015 | |
#4318 | fatal error in secondary sites dashboards on multisite local install | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 09/10/2012 | |
#4317 | image space in default css | Core | closed | worksforme | 1.5.6 | enhancement | low | 03/20/2024 | |
#4313 | 1.6 beta 1 doesn't show the admin bar for logged out users | Core | closed | no action required | 1.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/02/2015 | |
#4312 | Activity Settings for Blog & Forum Comments and behavior in front are opposite. | Activity | closed | duplicate | 1.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/02/2015 | |
#4309 | Deactivating BuddyPress while bp-default is active does not switch theme | Core | closed | wontfix | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/21/2016 | |
#4308 | User profiles can not be opened when Members Directory is set as sub page. | Members | closed | fixed | 1.5.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 12/14/2016 | |
#4307 | Pagination Bug | BuddyPress.org Sites | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | normal | 06/28/2012 | ||
#4304 | Post trash management suggestion | Blogs | closed | no action required | 1.6 | enhancement | normal | 02/02/2015 | |
#4303 | Updates to Blog posts are not reflected in the Activity Feed | Activity | closed | maybelater | 1.6 | enhancement | normal | 02/08/2018 | |
#4298 | problem with the plugins page | TestBP.org Website | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | normal | 06/25/2012 | ||
#4293 | bp.org member page not showing activity | BuddyPress.org Sites | closed | worksforme | 1.5.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 12/13/2016 | |
#4291 | text box and some text in multi-line text box as url links | Extended Profile | closed | no action required | 1.5.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/22/2012 | |
#4290 | Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error | Core | closed | no action required | 1.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/02/2015 | |
#4289 | 1.6.1 - Avatar updated - size in Activity Stream | Activity | closed | no action required | 1.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/02/2015 | |
#4286 | problem with browsing the plugin page | Core | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | normal | 06/21/2012 | ||
#4285 | Not all correct information showing up in Activity Streams | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/22/2012 | |
#4283 | Pagination broken in plugin search | BuddyPress.org Sites | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | normal | 03/20/2024 | ||
#4282 | Lost Add post and page toolbar functionality and menu roll overs with WP 3.4 upgrade | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.6 | defect (bug) | normal | Chris Alemany | 06/25/2012 |
#4278 | Feature request - profile fields on registration form | Core | closed | maybelater | 1.2 | enhancement | normal | 02/08/2018 | |
#4277 | Error when isntalling on XAMPP | Core | closed | duplicate | 1.5.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/20/2012 | |
#4276 | Delete profile field meta when field is deleted | Core | closed | maybelater | enhancement | normal | 02/08/2018 | ||
#4272 | Redefining BP_PLUGIN_DIR will break update plugin notification | Core | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2012 | ||
#4270 | WordPress › Support » How-To and Troubleshooting Seeing "Page Not Found" on Activity, Members, Groups in Wp with Buddypress | Route Parser | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | ganesh | 06/18/2012 | |
#4268 | errors and fatal errors on fresh install | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 06/16/2012 | ||
#4267 | PHP 5.4 warning with BP 1.6 - Creating default object from empty value | Core | closed | worksforme | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 07/27/2016 | |
#4266 | WP Profile Syncing | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 12/20/2012 | ||
#4264 | Activity Item duplicated when posting new update and clicking ’Load More’ | Activity | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 11/06/2016 | ||
#4262 | Cannot post anything in support forums. | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 06/15/2012 | ||
#4260 | Avatars since WordPress 3.4 | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 07/04/2012 | ||
#4257 | "Enable discussion forum" not updating on save | Forums | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 06/24/2012 | ||
#4254 | Profile field tabs are not flush with the tab box | Core | closed | worksforme | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#4253 | Avatar cropper on touch devices | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 11/16/2012 | ||
#4252 | Avatars are (erroneously) stored locally when running BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG | Core | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | normal | 09/18/2017 | ||
#4251 | Slow queries on Activity Stream during peak times on site. | Core | closed | duplicate | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/12/2012 | |
#4250 | Profile - Public / Private Message | Members | closed | no action required | enhancement | normal | 07/31/2016 | ||
#4248 | On profile edit screen, update 'This field can be seen by' dynamically | Core | closed | duplicate | enhancement | low | boonebgorges | 09/23/2014 | |
#4247 | Synchronize blog comments and activity stream comments | Activity | closed | duplicate | 1.5.5 | enhancement | normal | 09/12/2016 | |
#4246 | Delete a user's data | Core | closed | maybelater | enhancement | normal | 02/08/2018 | ||
#4244 | Strange Issues with BuddyPress Template Pack | Appearance - Template Pack | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 12/20/2012 | |
#4240 | Make "get pagination" filters more conventionalized | Core | closed | maybelater | 1.5.5 | enhancement | normal | 02/08/2018 | |
#4237 | Adding avatar file names to db | Core | closed | maybelater | enhancement | normal | 02/08/2018 | ||
#4236 | Buddy Press default theme logic breaks when plugin folder is relocated | Templates | closed | duplicate | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#4235 | Member count (Version 1.6-bleeding) | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 06/03/2012 | ||
#4234 | Search function on buddypress.org not working | Core | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | normal | 06/03/2012 | ||
#4232 | Private Group Updates not showing in Activity Loop for Members in that Private Group | Activity | closed | duplicate | 1.5.5 | enhancement | normal | 06/03/2012 | |
#4231 | private site in site tracking | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/03/2012 | |
#4230 | Please provide a valid activation key. | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 01/19/2017 | ||
#4229 | Member Search oddness. | Members | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/22/2013 | |
#4223 | Multiple different registration fields | Extended Profile | closed | maybelater | 1.5.5 | enhancement | normal | 02/08/2018 | |
#4221 | Uploaded avatar should be deleted on user deletion | Core | closed | duplicate | enhancement | normal | 06/07/2014 | ||
#4220 | BP Member Role Not Listed | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 05/27/2012 | |
#4219 | UPDATES/REPLIES/COMMENTS ARE DUPLICATED IN BUDDYPRESS | Activity | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 05/24/2012 | |
#4217 | Display Name doesn´t fit between BP and WP fields. | Extended Profile | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 11/19/2012 | |
#4214 | no error when wp_crop_image fails to crop the avatar | Core | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | normal | 05/21/2012 | ||
#4213 | BP Profile Search not working properly | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/02/2012 | |
#4211 | Missing translation | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/24/2016 | |
#4210 | Create an account not working | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | Jagesh | 05/21/2012 |
#4209 | bp_get_displayed_user_nav() should have exclusion argument. (code included) | Toolbar & Notifications | closed | maybelater | 1.5.5 | enhancement | normal | 02/08/2018 | |
#4208 | Sliding Plugin Not working,,,,? | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 05/21/2012 | |
#4206 | possible bug with shopperpress and buddypress | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | Joe | 05/15/2012 |
#4205 | Make Install Wizard and the Settings screens more consistent | Administration | closed | no action required | enhancement | normal | 07/22/2016 | ||
#4203 | Users and groups problems, solution not found @support forums. | Groups | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | enhancement | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#4201 | Add missing endif; to members/single/activity.php | Templates | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | ||
#4200 | Better spam-prevention admin settings (password strength, username blacklists, content filters) | Core | closed | maybelater | enhancement | normal | 02/08/2018 | ||
#4197 | Number format internationalization | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 05/21/2012 | ||
#4196 | BuddyPress should filter out keymaster when get_editable_roles() or wp_dropdown_roles() is called | Core | closed | wontfix | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#4195 | functions tied to "init" action do not run | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 05/08/2012 | |
#4194 | Creppy site - impossible to post or search | BuddyPress.org Sites | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | normal | 05/07/2012 | ||
#4193 | Main nav broken in RTL mode in IE7 on BP-Default | I18N | closed | wontfix | 1.5 | defect (bug) | low | 06/18/2016 | |
#4192 | Buddybar Login link ignores wp installation path other that root | Toolbar & Notifications | closed | duplicate | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#4189 | Settings tab does not work in the upgrade | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 05/21/2012 | |
#4188 | Activity pages incorrectly return no results when the previously selected activity filter doesn't exist for the current activity context | Activity | closed | 1.2 | defect (bug) | normal | 10/21/2016 | ||
#4181 | Form submit input elements should not use names or ids that conflict with properties of a form, such as submit, length, or method | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 07/22/2016 | |
#4179 | Can't create more than 1 group in 24 hour period | Groups | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | enhancement | normal | 06/29/2012 | |
#4178 | can't see the Register page | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 04/30/2012 | ||
#4176 | Buddypress media album page CSS not working properly | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | wrowlands@… | 05/03/2012 |
#4175 | Upload Failed! Error was: Unable to create directory /avatars/5558301. Is its parent directory writable by the server? | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 05/06/2012 | ||
#4174 | Page Avatar | Blogs | closed | duplicate | 1.5.5 | enhancement | normal | Stephan Boehme | 06/18/2016 |
#4173 | Site crashed after installing BP | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 04/27/2012 | |
#4172 | Fatal Error | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 04/25/2012 | ||
#4171 | Activation email link missing wp-activate.php | Members | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 06/14/2012 | ||
#4170 | Header reverts to default with Featured Images | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 04/25/2012 | |
#4169 | Language Switcher in Profile Settings | Settings | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | enhancement | normal | 05/11/2012 | |
#4168 | Profile Fields missing after WP update | Extended Profile | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 04/24/2012 | |
#4167 | report a bug | Forums | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | abbas667@… | 04/24/2012 |
#4166 | Activity Automatic deleted From Server Arround Midnight | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.1 | defect (bug) | normal | 04/24/2012 | |
#4162 | Not choosing a group forum in the "Post In Group Forum:" combobox removes written post | Forums | closed | wontfix | 1.5.5 | enhancement | normal | 04/22/2014 | |
#4157 | Sidebar and Posting Comments | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | Xenoflare | 04/21/2012 |
#4156 | BUG - Incorrect time zones/or time since update? | Core | closed | worksforme | 1.5.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 07/04/2012 | |
#4155 | bp_has_members filter type=online is not working | Members | closed | no action required | 1.7 | defect (bug) | normal | HRidaya | 03/08/2014 |
#4153 | BuddyPress.org: wp-login "No input file specified" | BuddyPress.org Sites | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 06/07/2021 | ||
#4152 | Favorite/Remove Favorite ajax does not report failure | Templates | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 11/10/2016 | ||
#4151 | Default Theme CSS on Subdomain in IE 9 | Templates | closed | no action required | 1.5.4 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/18/2016 | |
#4150 | error code 404 on my profile | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 04/20/2012 |
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