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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9102 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (4801 - 4900 of 9102)

1.5 (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#2233 Profile Fields order: after edit becomes last one Extended Profile closed worksforme defect (bug) minor 12/05/2010
#2563 Profile field default supercedes current value Extended Profile closed fixed defect (bug) normal 02/13/2011
#2283 Profile fields (drop down) problem with apostrophe Extended Profile closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/05/2010
#2735 Properly append group id to cache in BP_Groups_Template::the_group() Groups closed fixed 1.2.6 defect (bug) normal 06/07/2024
#2546 Publishing a previous draft shows draft date Blogs closed fixed defect (bug) normal 11/15/2013
#2680 RSS feed is blank Activity closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 10/27/2010
#2194 RSS feed serious accent problem Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal sorich87 05/16/2011
#2416 Re-direct problem with self-hosted BuddyPress and 3 other questions Core closed no action required defect (bug) blocker 05/29/2010
#3458 Read More link in activity stream not opening content Activity closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 08/09/2011
#3197 Read more Activity closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) critical 05/06/2011
#3012 Recent Site Wide Posts widget does not display all posts on user profile and group pages Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 07/22/2011
#3154 Recognize deactivated components in 1.2-1.3 upgrade Core closed duplicate 1.5 enhancement normal 06/15/2011
#1915 Recommended change in search box default value text Core closed fixed enhancement minor 12/30/2010
#2365 Record existing blogs after MS activation Blogs closed no action required defect (bug) normal 05/14/2014
#3152 Redirect at the end of upgrade/install wizard does not work Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) critical 04/23/2011
#3066 Redirect to forum page after deleting a topic Forums closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal DJPaul 04/19/2011
#3267 Reflect comments and organisation done in default.css in rtl.css Templates closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal karmatosed 06/18/2016
#2351 Registration Core closed no action required defect (bug) major 04/27/2010
#3394 Registration is broken Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 07/28/2011
#2944 Remove "catch_nonexistant_blogs" action Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3318 Remove Favorite text not showing up Activity closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#2741 Remove avatar upload before account activation Templates closed fixed 1.2.6 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3377 Remove background gradient from header Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3221 Remove direct usage of CUSTOM_USER_TABLE and CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/07/2011
#3157 Remove latest update view link on profile page Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3355 Remove unused template tag - bp_log_out_link() Core closed fixed 1.2 enhancement normal 12/15/2023
#2778 Renaming pages breaks directories Core closed worksforme defect (bug) critical 12/19/2010
#2581 Replace deprecated get_usermeta() by get_user_meta() Core closed fixed defect (bug) critical sorich87 08/09/2010
#2580 Replace includes of wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php (which is deprecated) by wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php Core closed fixed defect (bug) critical sorich87 08/25/2010
#3340 Replace parentheses around nav item numbers with spans Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 07/18/2011
#3092 Reply of a new status message Messages closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3341 Replying to activity item creates php notices Activity closed fixed defect (bug) major 07/17/2011
#3133 Required components aren't included Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 04/07/2011
#3252 Reset.css should be updated to version 2.0 Templates closed wontfix defect (bug) normal karmatosed 06/18/2016
#2974 Respect BP_DTHEME_DISABLE_CUSTOM_HEADER in BP 1.3 Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#3520 Respect disabled avatar uploads option for groups Groups closed fixed defect (bug) normal 08/29/2011
#2951 SQL Query on non-existant table in upgraded MU Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/17/2010
#1625 SQL error on install Core closed no action required defect (bug) minor 04/13/2010
#979 SSL Support for bp_core_get_avatar() Core closed fixed defect (bug) minor Jason_JM 11/27/2010
#2547 Saving any setting in "Super Admin > Blogs > Edit" breaks activity as frontpage Templates closed duplicate defect (bug) minor 06/18/2016
#1209 Search function does not like apostrophes? Core closed fixed defect (bug) minor DJPaul 12/04/2010
#2710 Search is broken due to bp_pages support Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) major boonebgorges 11/28/2010
#2615 Security Concern: 'Activity' shows Admin's actual username! Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 12/02/2010
#3353 Selected memebers' links on PM compose page link to /undefined/ Messages closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) trivial 07/18/2011
#3072 Send Private Message button Messages closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) major 04/23/2011
#1536 Separate BP blog visibility from WPMU blog visibility (privacy) Activity closed fixed enhancement minor 03/11/2011
#1990 Settings enhancement thoughts for 1.3 Core closed fixed enhancement major johnjamesjacoby 01/21/2014
#2720 Setup process doesn't activate bp-default theme Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal DJPaul 01/26/2011
#3302 Several buddybar admin links don't do anything Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) critical 06/18/2016
#3013 Should use jQuery to check classes Templates closed fixed enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3122 Single activity item permalinks are not working Activity closed fixed defect (bug) critical boonebgorges 04/23/2011
#3538 Single topic permalinks broken in some installs Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 09/01/2011
#3457 Site Activity page ajax not working Activity closed no action required 1.5 defect (bug) normal 08/09/2011
#2964 Site Blog does not appear in "My Blogs" of admin bar unless buddypress plugin is re-activated. Core closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3380 Site options change not propagating properly in Multisite Install Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 07/25/2011
#3307 Site/Root-blog option migration runs on every pageload Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 07/04/2011
#1021 Slow mouse-over events when using the Buddy-Bar [Has Patch] Core closed worksforme defect (bug) trivial apeatling 05/09/2010
#2949 Some users wordpress comments doesn’t show avatar or link to user profile Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 02/11/2011
#3365 Spacing inconsistencies between activity entries Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#3107 Spamming user removes all associated blog entries from table wp_bp_user_blogs Blogs closed fixed 1.2.8 defect (bug) normal 04/29/2011
#3575 Spinners inside buttons - IE9 - not compatible view Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#3251 Status update post Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#3306 Sticky notification when someone accept your friend request Toolbar & Notifications closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3239 Sticky posts styling not working on all indexes Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#3059 Sticky topics get pushed to second page Forums closed fixed defect (bug) minor sushkov 07/23/2011
#3537 Sticky topics reappear strangely in ajax Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/01/2011
#3067 Stray 'li' element in bp-groups-buddybar.php Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3248 Stray closing anchor tag in comments list callback Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#3169 Subnav link when viewing a private message incorrect Messages closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/22/2011
#2753 Suggested CSS styles to add to default theme: del, big, ins, sup, sub, sticky and gallery-caption Templates closed fixed enhancement normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#1986 Suggestion: Report link next to each status update Activity closed wontfix enhancement minor 11/12/2010
#2961 Super admins can't leave groups they've joined Groups closed fixed defect (bug) normal DJPaul 12/19/2010
#3593 Super admins need to be able to skip is_required XProfile fields Extended Profile closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/20/2011
#1593 SuperGroups - Groups with an extended activity stream Groups closed wontfix enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#2706 Support WP 3.1 adminbar Core closed fixed enhancement major 03/29/2011
#2707 Support oembed Core closed fixed enhancement major 07/23/2011
#2718 Swap function_exists() calls to bp_is_active() Core closed fixed enhancement normal 03/12/2011
#2034 System Message not looking nice in frontend Core closed no action required enhancement minor 11/12/2010
#3235 Table and image caption spacing Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#3370 Tabs in profile (firefox) Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#2555 Texts are not (properly) translated (bp-core-templatetags.php) Core closed fixed enhancement normal sorich87 04/10/2011
#3531 The Forum Setup tab still displayed even though Discussion forum is disabled Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 08/31/2011
#3183 The Read More functionality Activity closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal DJPaul 05/02/2011
#3275 The forum tab is not highlighted when the forum is displayed Templates closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#3477 The image post does not appear on activity stream Activity closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3274 The parent menu highlighted when the sub menu was selected Templates closed fixed 1.2 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3562 The users cannot comment some activities on profile page Activity closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3120 The word [Home] should have translation option Groups closed fixed 1.5 enhancement minor DJPaul 04/13/2011
#2015 Time since double entry in User Profile Activity Core closed worksforme defect (bug) minor 04/09/2010
#2595 Titles are not localized in bp_get_page_title() Core closed fixed 1.2.5 defect (bug) normal DJPaul 12/20/2011
#2605 Toggle Activity Replies Activity closed duplicate enhancement major 12/12/2010
#2998 Top-level components as sub-pages hides them in bp-default tab nav Core closed wontfix defect (bug) major 01/07/2011
#3536 Topic tags are broken Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/02/2011
#3373 Unable to Save component Preference settings after #4795 Administration closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#2744 Unable to register Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/02/2010
#3414 Undefined index in BuddyBar Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 07/30/2011
#3542 Undefined property error on /profile/ on Extended Profile closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 09/02/2011
#3136 Undefined variable: recipient_ids Messages closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 04/06/2011
#3055 Unexpected output during activation Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 02/09/2011
#2298 Unicode Posts OK in Activity Streams etc, Not Working in Forum Posts Core closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 04/13/2010
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.