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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9096 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (3001 - 3100 of 9096)

1.1 (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1102 Activation e-mail has incorrect text closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/28/2009
#968 Activity Feed Corruption closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/04/2009
#819 Activity Stream Filter outside of home/root closed fixed defect (bug) major apeatling 09/04/2009
#889 Activity Streams: Requested codebase change for Privacy Component usage closed fixed enhancement critical 09/01/2009
#805 Activity check DB version inconsistency closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/02/2009
#764 Add "alphabetize" to the Site Groups Loop closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/23/2009
#110 Add stripslashes to various places in class BP_XProfile_ProfileData closed fixed defect (bug) critical 08/26/2009
#375 Added Functionality, by adding $forum_id = null for BP_Forums_Template_Forum construct closed no action required enhancement trivial 09/29/2009
#933 Admin Bar Create Blog only when needed. [Has Patch] closed fixed defect (bug) minor Jason_JM 09/01/2009
#1128 Admin bar CSS added even though admin bar hidden for logged out users closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/30/2009
#1111 After Click at SignIn Button Profile Details are not emty closed fixed defect (bug) critical 09/29/2009
#978 Ajax pagination on the Wire does not honor JS closed wontfix defect (bug) major 09/07/2009
#908 Allow changing of sign-up text closed fixed enhancement minor johnjamesjacoby 09/04/2009
#966 Allow each activity filter link to be hooked closed fixed defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 09/04/2009
#893 Allow override on bp_has_activities closed no action required enhancement minor johnjamesjacoby 09/29/2009
#945 Allow site admin to edit ALL xprofile data + avatars too closed fixed enhancement major johnjamesjacoby 09/08/2009
#905 Allow styling of selected item parent in activity filter closed fixed defect (bug) minor johnjamesjacoby 09/02/2009
#1037 At Site Wide Activity widget (at Home) Profile and Status filter names needs to be translated closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/23/2009
#970 Avatar cropper enhancement closed fixed defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 09/04/2009
#696 BP and user blog closed no action required defect (bug) major 08/20/2009
#872 BP_Activity_Activity::get_activity_for_user() max_items bug closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/03/2009
#959 BP_PLUGIN_URL - "define" enhancement for partial SSL-enabled BP sites [Has Patch] closed fixed defect (bug) major jason_jm 09/04/2009
#854 Blog Page 2 Error closed fixed defect (bug) critical 08/26/2009
#1030 Blog privacy option is not set after registration. closed fixed defect (bug) major apeatling 09/17/2009
#998 Bp conflicts with /wp-admin/ pages. closed no action required defect (bug) major 09/13/2009
#1088 Broken registration page closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/25/2009
#1117 BuddyPress Forums vs. bbpress documentation clarification request closed fixed defect (bug) major 10/01/2009
#1036 Bug in the registration of new blogs closed duplicate defect (bug) major 09/18/2009
#821 Bug when adding new friend closed duplicate defect (bug) major 09/01/2009
#1035 CSS enhancement on .item-meta desc closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 09/29/2009
#257 Calculate time differences in blog timezone Settings closed fixed 1.0 enhancement high hudatoriq 03/04/2017
#1005 Call to undefined function bp_page_title() closed no action required defect (bug) trivial 09/13/2009
#961 Can't create a group post closed no action required defect (bug) major 09/01/2009
#877 Can't find a bp action when a new group is created closed worksforme defect (bug) minor 09/02/2009
#470 Can't invite people for a group who have not added anything to profile but are a friend closed wontfix defect (bug) major 08/20/2009
#876 Cancel button in WPMU Admin for editing xprofile fields triggers error closed fixed defect (bug) major jeffsayre 08/28/2009
#842 Cannot delete user on MU 2.8.1 closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/02/2009
#723 Changing BP_GROUPS_SLUG breaks group wire closed fixed 1.0 defect (bug) major 08/27/2009
#922 Child Theme Development closed no action required enhancement minor apeatling 06/18/2016
#1113 Comments from moderation only showing user avatar and not text in sitewide activity closed worksforme defect (bug) minor 05/13/2019
#1081 Comments-link does not show comments closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/25/2009
#941 Components not working after update closed no action required defect (bug) critical 08/24/2009
#1095 Compose Message / Send Reply Form closed no action required defect (bug) major 09/27/2009
#788 Css class changes when defining custom slugs closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/04/2009
#1079 Custom AJAX action functions being called twice in /wp-admin closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/25/2009
#1057 Dance around deep integration issues on external installs closed fixed defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 09/21/2009
#928 Database errors on installing of Trunk rev 1680 closed fixed defect (bug) major 08/29/2009
#820 Deleted Group still shows up in User Activity closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/02/2009
#911 Deleted/Replied to message fix closed fixed defect (bug) critical johnjamesjacoby 08/24/2009
#1042 Directory letter filter ajax calls use blind/brute force selectors. closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/21/2009
#1018 Disabling extended profiles generates errors in sub-blog. closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/16/2009
#930 Division by zero error in /Users/paul/Sites/ closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/02/2009
#914 Division by zero error in /buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-templatetags.php on line 56 closed worksforme enhancement major jacobwg 08/26/2009
#917 Don't echo bp_group_member_is_banned closed fixed defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 08/28/2009
#793 Double IDs in login form (because in header and userbar) closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 09/23/2009
#869 E-mail notification for personal wire does not respect user settings closed fixed defect (bug) major plrk 08/28/2009
#887 Edit comment is not translated closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/02/2009
#827 Editing group members echos "0" for each member closed fixed defect (bug) minor plrk 08/20/2009
#1040 Editing xprofile fields resets their positions to the bottom closed fixed defect (bug) major junsuijin 09/21/2009
#810 Error when deleting account closed no action required defect (bug) critical johnjamesjacoby 08/26/2009
#196 Extra Avatars Being Stored closed no action required enhancement minor 09/22/2009
#849 Extra closing div in bphome/comments.php closed no action required defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 08/28/2009
#829 Fallback for directory search forms when javascript is turned off closed fixed defect (bug) major 08/27/2009
#1000 Fatal error: bp-activity.php on line 52. After uptdate from RC1 to the lastest trunk1.1-pre, closed worksforme defect (bug) major 09/14/2009
#771 Few extra actions to allow MultiSite plugin to work closed fixed enhancement minor 09/29/2009
#981 Filter XProfile Radio/Checkbox/Select/Group-tab items closed fixed defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 09/08/2009
#1116 Fix 1.1rc BP core member and group widgets to work in non-BP themes again closed no action required defect (bug) major 09/29/2009
#1050 Fix activity filter links closed fixed defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 09/21/2009
#925 Fix for double-escaped data in wp_bp_xprofile_fields closed worksforme defect (bug) major 09/01/2009
#960 Form action set with incorrect http scheme when logging in via theme. [Has Patch] x2 closed fixed defect (bug) minor Jason_JM 09/03/2009
#1108 Forum directory posts and topics count [not finished yet] closed fixed defect (bug) major slaFFik 09/28/2009
#863 Forum topic list closed worksforme defect (bug) major 08/26/2009
#1090 Forum: Post Reply closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/25/2009
#843 Friends Filter on SiteWide Activity Not Working - Default Home Theme closed worksforme defect (bug) major 08/28/2009
#1033 Friends Request Page is accessible publicly closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/17/2009
#927 Friends buttons not working on Group pages closed worksforme defect (bug) major Technical 08/29/2009
#934 Friends with Bears Patch 1.0 closed fixed defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 08/26/2009
#982 Friendship activity recorded closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/07/2009
#952 Group Admin Notifications and more than one private group request closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/01/2009
#832 Group Forum not showing the post at first load closed no action required defect (bug) minor 08/20/2009
#1010 Group Permalink on Forum page not woking closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/17/2009
#411 Group avatar admin is missing delete avatar closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/02/2009
#838 HTML in Profile Name Field closed fixed defect (bug) critical johnjamesjacoby 09/07/2009
#1007 Heatmap can't find bb_tag_heat_map closed fixed defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 09/14/2009
#956 Hidden groups are visible in groups listing closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/01/2009
#951 Hidden groups must be visible for Administrator closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/22/2009
#565 Hooks for group create/edit screens closed fixed 1.0 enhancement minor 08/20/2009
#536 Improve wire translation closed fixed 1.0 defect (bug) trivial apeatling 09/07/2009
#1026 Inconsistence between param name in xprofile_insert_field() and BP_XProfile_Field attribute closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/21/2009
#1078 Incorrect activation link in activate e-mail closed no action required defect (bug) critical 09/27/2009
#963 Incorrect thumbnail type closed fixed defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 09/03/2009
#929 Invalid image link on Profile Field Setup page - trunk 1680 closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 09/08/2009
#803 Issue with Edit Profile changes being saved even if required fields are left blank closed fixed defect (bug) minor 09/02/2009
#1084 Line-breaks in messages are getting filtered closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/25/2009
#954 Load plugin template files without requiring extra installation step closed fixed defect (bug) minor DJPaul 09/23/2009
#1109 Log-out-link / at General Settings / different landing closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 09/29/2009
#1053 Logging in on any profile page should route to the logged in user, not the previously logged in user closed no action required defect (bug) minor 09/21/2009
#1014 Main navigation not working on 1.1beta - going to 404 page closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/16/2009
#964 Match avatar thumb to constant sizes closed fixed defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 09/04/2009
#1083 Media Library throws bp-core.php error. closed fixed defect (bug) major 09/25/2009
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.