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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9094 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (7801 - 7900 of 9094)

2.9 (57 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#7524 get_group_administrator_ids() & get_group_moderator_ids() should protect against bad parameter. Groups closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal dcavins 06/23/2017
#7506 friends_add_friend() should convert accepted arguments Friends closed fixed defect (bug) normal r-a-y 04/27/2017
#7424 filter get_avatar_url to parse URLs from BP avatars Extended Profile closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 07/12/2017
#7520 bp_update_option() => $value should be mixed type, not string (docblocks) Core closed fixed enhancement low slaffik 05/14/2017
#4986 bp_nav_menu activity favorite filter selection clash with bbPress favorites Core closed fixed 1.7 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 04/26/2017
#7516 bp_member_profile_data( 'field=Non existing fields' ) Members closed fixed 2.7 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 06/15/2017
#7513 bp_group_has_members performs unnecessary query Groups closed fixed 1.0 defect (bug) normal dcavins 06/21/2017
#7542 bp-legacy: Fix "Show all comments" count for activity comments Templates closed fixed 1.8 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 06/23/2017
#7441 `_bp_rehook_maybe_redirect_404()` should check if multisite is enabled Core closed fixed 1.6.1 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 06/21/2017
#7497 `BP_Groups_Group::set_up_admins_and_mods()` can fail when users don't have site role Groups closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 04/05/2017
#7553 Xprofile field default visibility not honored during POST processing of registration form Registration closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) high r-a-y 07/12/2017
#7474 WordPress version support for BP 2.9 Core closed fixed enhancement normal 03/21/2017
#7349 When user is not logged , in he/she clicks email link to view new messages gets 404 page when should get login page Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/23/2017
#7563 Welcome Screen for BP 2.9.0 Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal djpaul 07/25/2017
#7531 Variables conflict in messages_notification_new_message() Messages closed fixed 2.5.0 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 06/01/2017
#7028 Use stylelint to lint SCSS & CSS replacing Ruby Gem `scss_lint` Build/Test Tools closed fixed 2.3.0 enhancement normal netweb 06/03/2021
#7493 Update bp_group_description_excerpt() to accept a $length param Groups closed fixed enhancement normal hnla 04/15/2017
#7429 Update and fix all the NPM things Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal netweb 06/04/2017
#7574 Update Travis CI build matrix for PHP 7.2 Build/Test Tools closed fixed enhancement normal netweb 07/28/2017
#7157 UI to pick Template Packs Administration closed fixed enhancement strategic 06/21/2017
#7471 Twenty Seventeen dark - members listing - Order by drop down text hard to see Templates closed fixed 2.8.2 defect (bug) normal mercime 03/17/2017
#7448 Trailing slash needed for URLs for compatibility with LiteSpeed Core closed fixed 2.8.0 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 06/21/2017
#7432 Test depends on PHP EXIF support; should fail more gracefully when absent Media closed fixed 2.4.0 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 04/27/2017
#7494 Take advantage of BP_Groups_Group magic methods in groups component setup Groups closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal dcavins 04/28/2017
#7567 Switch Travis CI environment to Trusty - PHP 5.3 no longer available Sept 2017 Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal netweb 07/12/2017
#7479 Strings in readme.txt require constant localisation I18N closed fixed enhancement normal slaFFik 04/30/2017
#7430 Reverse the order in which the Travis jobs run Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal netweb 04/21/2017
#7484 Resize member avatar error with cyrillic (not latin) filename Core closed fixed 2.3.0 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 06/03/2021
#5003 Removing friend who not a friend shows incorrect message. Friends closed fixed 1.7 defect (bug) normal offereins 06/15/2017
#7188 Remove/Replace `title` attributes with Tooltips usable in all devices Core closed fixed enhancement normal mercime 07/12/2017
#7460 Remove unwanted code for `Index hint` Activity closed fixed 2.8.0 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 03/21/2017
#6831 Remove remove_node 'edit' in bp-core-adminbar.php Core closed fixed enhancement low tw2113 05/24/2017
#7511 Remove HHVM from the test matrix on Travis Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal netweb 04/24/2017
#7452 Plugin short descriptions are limited to 150 characters Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 06/23/2017
#7096 Messages: member page messages are queried for the loggedin user Messages closed fixed defect (bug) normal dcavins 07/13/2017
#6014 Include BP Edit Group Slug into the core Groups closed fixed enhancement normal dcavins 06/21/2017
#7486 Improve message after successful group invitation acceptance. Groups closed fixed 1.0 enhancement normal dcavins 04/08/2017
#7443 Hidden groups CSS specificity Groups closed fixed 1.7 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 06/23/2017
#7464 Get Travis tests working again on PHP 7 Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal netweb 03/10/2017
#7546 General settings form field markup Settings closed fixed enhancement normal mercime 06/22/2017
#7416 Fix for profile image upload on Microsoft Edge breaks iOS Safari and Chrome Core closed fixed 2.7.3 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 06/07/2017
#7530 Fetching of ALL users from bp_friends_prime_mentions_results() for non logged in users Friends closed fixed 2.1 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 05/31/2017
#7490 FIX: Impossible to display older activity comments Activity closed fixed defect (bug) low r-a-y 06/21/2017
#7544 Closing PHP tag in various bp-legacy templates Core closed fixed enhancement lowest djpaul 06/20/2017
#7509 BP_PHPMailer needs to set the `Date` header Emails closed fixed 2.5.0 defect (bug) normal DJPaul 04/27/2017
#7477 BP_Groups_Group::group_exists() should be cached. Groups closed fixed 2.8.2 enhancement normal dcavins 04/05/2017
#7532 BP_Button needs to update `$parent_element` and `$parent_attr` Core closed fixed 2.8.0 defect (bug) normal 06/01/2017
#7568 Avoid passing WP_Comment object to `is_email()` when filtering avatar URL Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal r-a-y 07/12/2017
#7485 Allow bp_get_group_permalink() to produce HTML links. Groups closed fixed enhancement normal dcavins 04/12/2017
#7205 Adds 'orderby' support to Activity queries Activity closed fixed enhancement normal tw2113 06/07/2017
#7469 Adding condition check on page delete Core closed fixed 2.8.2 defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 03/16/2017
#7537 Add the current theme compat id to the body class array Core closed fixed enhancement low hnla 06/22/2017
#7496 Add 'slug' argument to BP_Groups_Group::get(). Groups closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal dcavins 04/05/2017
#7501 Add "status" parameter to groups_get_groups(). Groups closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal dcavins 04/20/2017
#7538 Activity: Add `<ol>`, `<ul>` and `<li>` to allowed elements Activity closed fixed enhancement normal r-a-y 06/20/2017
#7348 Accessibility: Group related form elements within fieldsets in Profile > Edit screen Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement normal mercime 07/13/2017
#7421 Accessibility: Change sitewide notices "Close" controls to semantic buttons Messages closed fixed enhancement normal mercime 06/08/2017

2.9.1 (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#7577 Group description truncated even below default of 225 Groups closed fixed 2.9.0 defect (bug) normal hnla 08/04/2017
#7578 Avatar should use full-size instead of thumb Media closed fixed 2.9.0 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 08/04/2017

2.9.2 (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#7617 refresh_blog_details is deprecated in WordPress 4.9 Blogs closed fixed 2.3.0 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 11/02/2017
#7634 PHP 7.2 compatibility Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 01/17/2018
#7649 Error: extra quotation mark and a right-arrow symbol in buddypress\bp-messages\bp-messages-template.php line 1340 Messages closed fixed 2.9.2 defect (bug) high 12/31/2017

2.9.4 (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#7704 [legacy template pack]: Ajax pagination and filters for group members list shows all members Templates closed fixed 2.9.2 defect (bug) normal dcavins 03/20/2018
#7697 rejects emails from BuddyPress. Emails closed fixed 2.8.0 defect (bug) high DJPaul 03/20/2018
#7674 Cover Image & More Cannot be Uploaded on Windows Servers with 2.9.3 Update Media closed fixed 2.9.2 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 03/20/2018

3.0 (35 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#7667 xprofile field types - required fields aren't marked with HTML5 "required" property. Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement normal djpaul 01/28/2018
#6549 xprofile field type for phone number Extended Profile closed fixed 2.3.2 enhancement normal DJPaul 02/07/2018
#7265 uploads dir should filtered for cover images Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 03/02/2018
#7683 friends_add_friend doesnt check if user ids exist Friends closed fixed 2.9.2 defect (bug) normal djpaul 03/05/2018
#7599 field id not passed to pre_validate_filter Extended Profile closed fixed 2.9.0 enhancement normal djpaul 09/27/2017
#7581 duplicated paramater Groups closed fixed 2.9.0 enhancement low djpaul 06/03/2021
#7556 confirmation message problem (on activity delete) Core closed fixed 1.2 defect (bug) normal djpaul 08/04/2017
#7130 bp_notifications_get_all_notifications_for_user gets all records and can cause memory leak Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 03/05/2018
#7622 bp_message_notice_delete_link uses wrong action for nonce generation Messages closed fixed defect (bug) normal djpaul 11/29/2017
#7627 bp_get_profile_field_data() doesn't translate the datebox field values I18N closed fixed 2.9.0 defect (bug) normal slaFFik 11/29/2017
#5351 bp-forums retirement Forums closed fixed enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 04/03/2018
#4261 audit persistent object cache use Performance closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/22/2017
#7724 at-mentions adds unexpected characters wrapped around username Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal djpaul 03/29/2018
#7619 `groups_create_group()` messes with creator_id Groups closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 11/03/2017
#5979 `bp_core_userdata_` cache is unnecessary Members closed fixed 1.2 defect (bug) high 01/22/2018
#7771 [BP Nouveau] Updated Feedback messages are hidden in TwentySeventeen Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/29/2018
#7768 [BP Nouveau] Unstyled load newest link Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 04/26/2018
#7769 [BP Nouveau] Prevent underscore errors if the activity post-form has been overriden Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 04/26/2018
#7770 [BP Nouveau] Feedback messages on error/info/success about just posted activities are not styled Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal hnla 04/28/2018
#7686 XProfile: Add method parameter(s) to delete field hooks Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement normal offereins 02/07/2018
#7616 Whitelist `primary_link` column in BP_Activity_Query Activity closed fixed 2.9.0 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 11/16/2017
#3889 When searching on the activity page, you cannot search using an authors name. Activity closed fixed enhancement normal djpaul 02/28/2018
#7741 Welcome screen updates for 3.0 New User Experience closed fixed enhancement normal djpaul 05/01/2018
#6723 Visibility toggle styling is awful on wp-admin Extended Profile closed fixed defect (bug) normal mercime 11/01/2017
#7436 Very slow check_is_friend function Friends closed fixed 2.7 defect (bug) high dcavins 04/04/2018
#7706 Using nl2br for Email content adds unwanted br tags Emails closed fixed defect (bug) normal DJPaul 03/07/2018
#4429 User banned from public group can still reply to group activity items Activity closed fixed 1.2 defect (bug) normal rachelbaker 05/25/2018
#7522 Use wp_login_url() instead of site_url() where needed Core closed fixed enhancement normal djpaul 09/17/2017
#7610 Use bp_user_can for some group-related permissions. Groups closed fixed 2.9.0 enhancement normal dcavins 04/13/2018
#7684 Use bp_is_post_request() instead of hardcoding the POST verification Core closed fixed enhancement normal espellcaste 02/15/2018
#7536 Use bp_get_admin_url() in XProfile instead of hard-coded links Extended Profile closed fixed 1.2 enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 01/10/2018
#7595 Use WP_User::get_data_by in BP_Core_User::get_core_userdata (remove custom user object cache) Members closed fixed 1.2 defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 09/27/2017
#7661 Use WP functions to retrieve user name, display name, nicename, and email. Members closed fixed 2.9.2 enhancement normal dcavins 01/25/2018
#7442 Use JOIN rather than Subquery on user search Core closed fixed enhancement normal DJPaul 03/05/2018
#7608 Use BP_Groups_Group visibility and access properties. Groups closed fixed 2.9.0 enhancement normal djpaul 03/14/2018
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.