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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9107 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (8201 - 8300 of 9107)

5.0.0 (39 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#8126 `bp_send_email()` forms `WP_Error` object incorrectly Emails closed fixed 2.5.0 defect (bug) normal DJPaul 08/08/2019
#8125 func_get_args() should be cast to variable before being modified Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 08/08/2019
#8079 BP Site-wide Notices: To enable paragraphs in the body text of the notification. Messages closed fixed 4.2.0 enhancement normal imath 08/07/2019
#8122 BP Nouveau: edit profile tabs are too small Templates closed fixed 3.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 08/04/2019
#8117 Set dataType option by default to JSON in bp.apiRequest Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 07/30/2019
#8116 BP Blocks category Administration closed fixed enhancement normal imath 07/30/2019
#8026 Default avatar choices show same generated icon in general discussion settings Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 07/26/2019
#8013 BuddyPress Data Export Screen should not show WordPress/BuddyPress to users Settings closed fixed 4.0.0 enhancement normal imath 07/25/2019
#8115 class-oembed.php is deprecated in 5.3.0 Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 07/25/2019
#8106 Nouveau Activity Form Class (.form-exapanded) Templates closed fixed 4.3.0 enhancement normal imath 06/29/2019
#8045 AJAXify parts of group membership Dashboard UI using REST API Groups closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 06/26/2019
#4154 BuddyPress not allow use search like Route Parser closed fixed 1.5.5 defect (bug) normal imath 06/17/2019
#8097 RTL stylesheets must replace with regular ones, not extend them Core closed fixed defect (bug) high imath 05/25/2019
#8042 visibility options for Name field appear on registration page Registration closed fixed 4.1.0 defect (bug) high imath 05/22/2019
#8023 Style issue with Twenty Nineteen theme Templates closed fixed 4.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 05/18/2019
#8092 BP Nouveau : use the WordPress Password control Templates closed fixed enhancement normal imath 05/18/2019
#8063 Multi-Line Text Area loses existing formatting on re-edit Extended Profile closed fixed 2.1 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 05/14/2019
#8089 Improve Groups activity action formatting Groups closed fixed enhancement normal imath 05/11/2019
#8020 Make 'Download Personal Data' link more obvious Settings closed fixed 4.0.0 enhancement normal boonebgorges 05/04/2019
#8087 Display BuddyPress specific debug info into the WP 5.2 site health info screen Administration closed fixed enhancement normal slaFFik 04/29/2019
#7244 Add functions bp_get_group_avatar_url() and bp_get_group_cover_url() Groups closed fixed feature request normal boonebgorges 04/24/2019
#7435 XProfile caching: The Next Generation Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 03/19/2019
#8044 Give visual feedback to the user when altering xProfile visibility values Extended Profile closed fixed 2.9.0 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 03/17/2019
#8065 BP Nouveau Activity Post Form markup should be more in line with BP Legacy's one Templates closed fixed 3.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 03/14/2019
#8038 wp-signup.php seems doesn't managed properly in multisite Registration closed fixed 4.1.0 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 03/11/2019
#8054 Filter bp_activity_custom_update params Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 03/08/2019
#8003 Setting Reply-To and From causes excessive database overhead in cases where addresses don't match a user Emails closed fixed enhancement normal DJPaul 03/06/2019
#8041 Time string. “few minutes, hours ago” not translated in Belarusian language Core closed fixed defect (bug) high boonebgorges 03/01/2019
#8027 [Nouveau template ]Group > Invite > Pending Invite - Tooltip should be visible on hover event. Groups closed fixed 3.0.0 defect (bug) low boonebgorges 03/01/2019
#8056 {{}} Email Token in Salutation shows {{recipient.username}} in Account Activation Mail Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 03/01/2019
#8028 Javacript updates the Favourite/UnFavorite button incorrectly on Nouveau Templates closed fixed 3.0.0 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 02/28/2019
#8025 WP version requirements for BuddyPress 5.0.0 Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 02/13/2019
#7533 needs a filter on group and activity list table sortable columns Core closed fixed 2.8.2 enhancement low espellcaste 02/02/2019
#7057 BuddyPress is not in the search results for the keyword "Intranet" Core closed fixed enhancement normal espellcaste 01/28/2019
#8040 `BP_User_Query` should ignore empty `exclude` Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 01/24/2019
#8039 Mark unit tests without tests as incomplete Build/Test Tools closed fixed enhancement normal espellcaste 01/21/2019
#8031 Messages - Alert icon is shown twice which is not intuitive. Messages closed fixed 3.0.0 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 01/14/2019
#8036 Sanity checks for member/group widget limits Core closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 01/11/2019
#8035 Nouveau: AJAX filter in Friends Requests returns incorrect and incorrectly-formatted results Friends closed fixed 3.0.0 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 01/10/2019

5.1.0 (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#8174 Registration process is generating an error when the xProfile component is not active Registration closed fixed 5.0.0 defect (bug) highest imath 12/06/2019
#8167 Nouveau: Inviter cannot remove group invitation Groups closed fixed 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal dcavins 12/04/2019
#8163 WP 5.3 use of the spread operator, our PHP required version (5.3) & BP_Walker_Nav_Menu Core closed fixed 1.7 defect (bug) high imath 11/29/2019
#8152 BuddyPress Blocks category may cause an error Administration closed fixed 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 11/01/2019
#8151 Avatar endpoints are loaded even they have been disabled from the WP Admin options screen REST API closed fixed 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 11/01/2019
#8149 Incorrect 'ids' param passed to `groups_get_invites()` causes all invites to be returned Groups closed fixed 5.0.0 defect (bug) highest dcavins 10/30/2019
#8142 Remove closed plugin from plugin description Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 10/14/2019
#8140 Some translation commands are missing I18N closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 10/06/2019

5.2.0 (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#8274 Update Travis config for branch 5.0 Build/Test Tools closed fixed task normal imath 04/10/2020
#8265 WordPress Update 5.4 Changed function wp_get_user_request_data() Settings closed fixed 5.0.0 defect (bug) high r-a-y 04/09/2020
#8181 PHP Notice generated when logged out user attempts to join an invalid user to a group via REST API REST API closed fixed 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal 04/02/2020
#8233 groups_send_invites() skipping `force_resend` parameter Groups closed fixed 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 01/27/2020
#8188 Missing i18n string into the single Group manage members UI Groups closed fixed 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 01/18/2020

6.0.0 (48 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#8138 Confirmation for email change request is sent to the current email Settings closed fixed 2.5.0 defect (bug) normal imath 04/28/2021
#8156 Move the Local Avatar and Cover Image features into the Members component. Members closed fixed 1.0 enhancement high imath 02/21/2021
#8283 Bug in groups count Templates closed fixed 3.0.0 defect (bug) high imath 06/05/2020
#8270 Hello BuddyPress 6.0.0 Core closed fixed task normal imath 05/14/2020
#8288 PHP 7.4 Notice: Trying to access array offset... Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal r-a-y 05/07/2020
#8287 PHP 7.4 - Deprecated: implode() Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed 1.9 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 05/07/2020
#8290 BP Blocks i18n strings are not identified by GlotPress Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) omg pizza imath 05/02/2020
#8286 Add the `html` argument to bp_get_blog_avatar() Blogs closed fixed enhancement normal imath 04/29/2020
#8284 Improve BP_Signup::get() function whitelisting the orderby argument Registration closed fixed 2.0 defect (bug) normal imath 04/26/2020
#8282 ACTIVITY API ENDPOINT - bp_get_activity_content_body filter missing second object param REST API closed fixed 5.2.0 defect (bug) high 04/24/2020
#8280 BP Nouveau throwing notices on including members-loop.php Templates closed fixed 3.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 04/18/2020
#8278 Post 6.0.0-beta2 release improvements Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 04/17/2020
#8269 Member Directory nav tab Won’t Display over 999 member count Templates closed fixed 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 04/15/2020
#8271 BP Blocks: one panel for all block settings REST API closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 04/15/2020
#8154 Fix node modules vulnerabilities Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 04/08/2020
#8268 Blogs component: Typo when using the __() function Blogs closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 04/04/2020
#7156 Build REST-API endpoints for all Components. REST API closed fixed feature request strategic espellcaste 03/31/2020
#7984 Core multisite changes require mods to BP Blogs closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 03/31/2020
#8264 PHP 7.4 "trying to access..." errors Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 03/29/2020
#8175 Calling `wp_delete_user()` on multisite should not trigger data deletion Members closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 03/29/2020
#8236 `empty()` check for activity content after kses filtering Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 03/29/2020
#8136 We should have `Secondary Item Id` in filters for `friends_format_notifications` function Core closed fixed 4.4.0 enhancement normal imath 03/28/2020
#8202 Setting up Group_Type via Group REST API Request REST API closed fixed 5.0.0 enhancement normal espellcaste 03/28/2020
#8260 Missing /* Translators: */ comments I18N closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 03/28/2020
#8158 WP_Admin_Bar::add_menu() is deprecated in WP 5.4 Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 03/25/2020
#8048 BuddyPress Blocks ! REST API closed fixed enhancement normal imath 03/25/2020
#8238 filter name incorrect in bp_attachments_get_group_has_cover_image Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 03/15/2020
#8157 Coding Standards: Fix CSS template packs/companion stylesheets Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 03/15/2020
#8183 BP Nouveau: the `bp_directory_members_item` hook is wrongly positioned Templates closed fixed 3.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 03/15/2020
#8187 members page takes over home page of subsite "members" in a multisite subdirectory installation Core closed fixed 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 03/15/2020
#8146 bp_get_group_is_public() always returns NULL Groups closed fixed 1.0 defect (bug) normal imath 03/15/2020
#7995 Misposition of multiple bp_nouveau_after_* actions Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 03/06/2020
#8155 WordPress required version and travis config update Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal netweb 03/06/2020
#8168 BuddyPress Email footer Error Emails closed fixed 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal DJPaul 03/06/2020
#8254 Undefined `$current_blog` in function `bp_core_delete_existing_avatar` Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 03/04/2020
#8234 Activity: Fatal error on admin dashboard when using `'bp_get_activity_action'` filter Administration closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal slaFFik 03/03/2020
#8172 Bump PHP required version to 5.6 Core closed fixed task normal imath 02/27/2020
#8242 Docs: Fix typos Core closed maybelater 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal 02/26/2020
#8243 Docs: Fix typos Core closed maybelater 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal 02/26/2020
#8244 Docs: Fix typos Core closed maybelater 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal 02/26/2020
#8245 fix docs standard in some files Core closed maybelater 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal 02/26/2020
#8246 fix docs standard in some files Core closed maybelater 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal 02/26/2020
#8247 fix docs standard in some files Core closed maybelater 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal 02/26/2020
#8248 fix docs standard in some files Core closed maybelater 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal 02/26/2020
#8249 fix docs standard in some files Core closed maybelater 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal 02/26/2020
#8250 fix docs standard in some files Core closed maybelater 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal 02/26/2020
#8251 fix docs standard in some files Core closed maybelater 5.0.0 defect (bug) normal 02/26/2020
#7526 Counter for "All" tab for activity and groups table Administration closed fixed 2.8.2 enhancement normal slaFFik 02/25/2020
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.