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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9105 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1901 - 2000 of 9105)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1430 plugin autoinstall and default plugin templates Core closed no action required enhancement major 12/29/2010
#2165 Language link broken Core closed no action required defect (bug) minor 06/28/2010
#912 No customisation possible for the Wire Core closed no action required enhancement minor 05/08/2010
#2135 not able to login to buddypress forums with wordpress username/pass Core closed no action required defect (bug) major 05/08/2010
#2305 Blank screen of death when activating the Multi-Site option in WP 3.0 Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 05/04/2010
#1724 Hardcoded table prefix in get_blog_role_for_user Core closed no action required defect (bug) minor 05/03/2010
#2059 On Standard Wordpress, I can't enable Registrations Activity closed no action required defect (bug) major 03/25/2010
#2205 Header background color wrong; subtitle missing Blogs closed no action required defect (bug) minor apeatling 03/19/2010
#2181 Class 'BP_Blogs_Comment' not found Extended Profile closed no action required defect (bug) major 03/15/2010
#1571 Change display name not just slugs closed no action required enhancement minor 03/09/2010
#1677 classes for DIV elements of the registration form closed no action required enhancement minor 03/09/2010
#494 Move Password Change to Generic URL closed no action required enhancement minor apeatling 03/08/2010
#2154 Buddypress Links checks for frendship status of non logged in user resulting in a crash closed no action required defect (bug) major MrMaz 03/08/2010
#2140 Can Not Activate Buddy Press closed no action required defect (bug) critical 03/06/2010
#2134 Cannot create New Group in Forums closed no action required defect (bug) major 03/06/2010
#2092 Broken: Installed BuddyPress on GoDaddy closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/28/2010
#2088 Group Forum sticky bug closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/27/2010
#2053 Status Update PHP Warning closed no action required defect (bug) minor 02/25/2010
#1704 Buddypress username & password not sent in welcome email closed no action required defect (bug) critical 02/24/2010
#1758 install error: call to undefined method closed no action required defect (bug) blocker 02/17/2010
#1979 Warning: include error message closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/17/2010
#1934 Site-wide privacy inoperable on activity page closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/13/2010
#1832 User Name contains dot character(.) cannot navigate closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/06/2010
#1762 Logging in closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/02/2010
#1720 Blog Feature Does not Appear to Work in Buddypress theme (on BP 1.1.3) closed no action required defect (bug) major 01/28/2010
#1663 Where are the installation guides? closed no action required defect (bug) major 01/22/2010
#96 Wire delete doesn't work with activity closed no action required enhancement minor apeatling 01/21/2010
#341 Feature: Wire to Wire Communication closed no action required enhancement major 01/18/2010
#1550 Login issue closed no action required defect (bug) major 01/14/2010
#1469 Home -> My Groups is not showing my groups list closed no action required defect (bug) minor 01/14/2010
#1524 BP trunk does not load since rev 2213 on WPMU closed no action required defect (bug) blocker 01/02/2010
#758 be able to group blogs closed no action required enhancement major 12/30/2009
#449 Move wire field above past posts closed no action required enhancement trivial 12/12/2009
#90 Pagination For Activity Feed closed no action required enhancement minor apeatling 12/12/2009
#1376 I can't post anything on the site! closed no action required defect (bug) blocker 11/26/2009
#1278 broken link on "Activity Widget" when link contain SPACE closed no action required enhancement minor 11/24/2009
#1306 Filter friends/Filter groups have wrong html closed no action required enhancement trivial 11/24/2009
#1340 Greek translasion of buddypress link broken closed no action required defect (bug) major 11/23/2009
#1322 1319 closed no action required defect (bug) major 11/05/2009
#1319 Regarding Ticket #1310 closed no action required defect (bug) major 11/05/2009
#1310 Fatal error when downloading BuddyPress closed no action required defect (bug) critical Tech Support, Coders, Programmers 11/04/2009
#1295 User comments didn't appear in site activity rss feed closed no action required defect (bug) major 11/01/2009
#726 Shared Roster closed no action required enhancement major 11/01/2009
#1297 Custom registration page in child theme fails to send activation email closed no action required defect (bug) minor 11/01/2009
#1255 Fix wrong groups css id closed no action required defect (bug) minor johnjamesjacoby 11/01/2009
#1268 Users sub pages not working closed no action required defect (bug) critical 10/23/2009
#1228 I can't post on forums closed no action required defect (bug) major 10/21/2009
#798 xprofile get_edit_html() hook needed closed no action required enhancement major 10/18/2009
#1008 "Deleted" message box appears when clicking navigation items on member's page closed no action required defect (bug) trivial jeffsayre 10/07/2009
#1156 Activation emails are broken from wp-admin closed no action required defect (bug) critical 10/05/2009
#1172 Profile: Send Blink closed no action required enhancement major 10/05/2009
#1056 Forum new topic closed no action required defect (bug) minor 09/21/2009
#1045 New trac ticket posts 10+ on wire closed no action required defect (bug) major 09/19/2009
#1016 member id error on forum post closed no action required defect (bug) major 09/17/2009
#989 Thread Authors to be Displayed on Group Forums closed no action required enhancement minor 09/09/2009
#985 404 Errors... closed no action required defect (bug) major 09/07/2009
#973 Group Extension bug closed no action required defect (bug) minor 09/07/2009
#971 BuddyPress Themes closed no action required defect (bug) major 09/05/2009
#852 Invalid HTML in recent activity output closed no action required defect (bug) minor 09/03/2009
#831 page title not stripped slashes closed no action required defect (bug) minor 09/03/2009
#962 Connect status updates to twitter account closed no action required enhancement minor 09/02/2009
#349 Whitespace in username closed no action required 2.0 defect (bug) minor 09/02/2009
#953 Confirming changes of group names or don't allow changes closed no action required enhancement minor 08/30/2009
#835 Ability to choose "Create a Blog" option on register page closed no action required enhancement minor 08/28/2009
#755 fatal error closed no action required defect (bug) major 08/27/2009
#802 when i try to invite someone to the group, i get "no friends to invite" error. closed no action required defect (bug) critical 08/26/2009
#643 Add extra field in buddypress signup and validate it. closed no action required enhancement major 08/20/2009
#612 FORUM FEATURE SUGGESTION: orange hats!!! closed no action required enhancement minor 08/20/2009
#125 country drop down problem closed no action required defect (bug) major 08/20/2009
#904 Test ticket closed no action required defect (bug) major 07/30/2009
#828 messages_remove_callback_values cookies closed no action required defect (bug) minor 07/16/2009
#422 Orphan Link in My Blogs closed no action required 1.0 defect (bug) minor 07/16/2009
#372 Forum Replies Not Clearing Cache closed no action required defect (bug) major apeatling 07/16/2009
#857 1.0.3 site wide activity closed no action required defect (bug) major 07/16/2009
#826 bp_core_remove_nav_item bug? closed no action required defect (bug) major 07/03/2009
#789 sharethis button breaks in 1.0.1 closed no action required defect (bug) minor 06/22/2009
#767 Friends List Empty closed no action required defect (bug) major 06/22/2009
#750 Bug in Navigation? closed no action required defect (bug) minor 06/10/2009
#756 Activating Themes/Plugins closed no action required defect (bug) blocker 05/25/2009
#716 No BuddPress Themes closed no action required defect (bug) blocker 05/01/2009
#683 Forums closed no action required defect (bug) major 04/28/2009
#669 Blog posts and comments not showing in global streams closed no action required 1.0 defect (bug) critical 04/14/2009
#664 Deleting a blog doesn't delete recent blog posts or activity originating from that blog closed no action required defect (bug) minor burtadsit 04/12/2009
#660 Fatal Error - Customizing buddypress themes closed no action required defect (bug) critical 04/09/2009
#644 Changes in php.ini to avoid White Screen of Death closed no action required defect (bug) major 04/02/2009
#642 fatal error ---- 'bpdev-admin-classes.php' closed no action required defect (bug) critical 04/02/2009
#633 Class member functions can't be used as subnav callback functions closed no action required defect (bug) minor 03/31/2009
#630 Full screen bp-home default template with weird list output closed no action required defect (bug) trivial chouf1 03/28/2009
#625 Forum is nothing but a blank page closed no action required defect (bug) major 03/26/2009
#621 latest activity in the group categories shifted to the right in safari 4 closed no action required defect (bug) major 03/25/2009
#618 main blog showing not found closed no action required defect (bug) major 03/25/2009
#609 "Welcome" Text widget needs css padding closed no action required defect (bug) trivial 03/25/2009
#601 Bug report. closed no action required defect (bug) major 03/19/2009
#598 Path error for member theme download in pot file closed no action required defect (bug) critical 03/19/2009
#594 weird thing after account activation closed no action required defect (bug) major 03/19/2009
#502 bp skeleton component wrong db version constant closed no action required defect (bug) trivial 03/09/2009
#505 heading is missing from site wide activity closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/25/2009
#473 Recent blog post skips new posts closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/25/2009
#507 Site wide activity not showing title and links from bbPress forums closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/25/2009
#506 Site wide activity not delivering international characters closed no action required defect (bug) major 02/25/2009
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.