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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9101 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (2901 - 3000 of 9101)

(empty) (89 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#3783 Link to and [Read More] missing for long Forum posts on Activity stream page Core closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 12/29/2011
#3760 buddypress and multisite - display issue on new blog creation Core closed duplicate 1.5.1 defect (bug) normal 12/29/2011
#3758 Many database queries repeated when using bp_core_fetch_avatar to get group avatars Core closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 12/29/2011
#3756 Multisite Buddypress - New Users, Sites, Admin Bar Core closed duplicate 1.5.1 defect (bug) normal 12/29/2011
#3696 User added to root blog when creating a new blog Blogs closed duplicate 1.5 defect (bug) normal 12/29/2011
#3863 Profile Images are not displaying after upgrade Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 12/29/2011
#3861 BuddyPress Group admin functions consistently produce 403 Forbidden page errors. Groups closed no action required 1.5.2 defect (bug) normal 12/29/2011
#3811 Wp profiles for Buddypress Extended Profile closed no action required 1.5.1 defect (bug) normal 12/29/2011
#3810 Wp profiles for Buddypress Extended Profile closed no action required 1.5.1 defect (bug) normal 12/29/2011
#3809 Avatar problems Core closed no action required 1.5.1 defect (bug) normal scott 12/29/2011
#3759 Issues with members and blogs within buddypress/multisite environment Blogs closed no action required 1.5.1 defect (bug) normal 12/29/2011
#3874 Laggy, Buttons Not Immediately Showing Activity Activity closed no action required 1.5.2 defect (bug) normal Andrew 12/23/2011
#3859 after update Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 12/16/2011
#3792 Error when name field have - sign Extended Profile closed worksforme 1.5.1 defect (bug) normal 12/14/2011
#3726 Trying to report error on Troubleshooting Group...Get error Core closed no action required 1.5 defect (bug) normal Katy Purviance 11/09/2011
#3736 Bp To WP fields not dumping Extended Profile closed no action required defect (bug) normal 11/07/2011
#3704 Allow the footer credit to be filtered Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 11/07/2011
#3735 Bp To WP fields not dumping Extended Profile closed no action required defect (bug) normal 11/07/2011
#3623 Activity Embeds Too Wide Core closed no action required 1.5 defect (bug) normal 11/03/2011
#3609 "New Topic" button and link shows up even for non-group members Groups closed no action required 1.5 defect (bug) normal 11/03/2011
#3719 Certain group tab start help for a plug in Groups closed no action required 1.5 defect (bug) normal 10/28/2011
#3714 Buddypress users can log in via wp-admin, view site details Core closed no action required 1.5 defect (bug) normal 10/28/2011
#3710 THE NEW BUDDYPRESS UPDATE USE TO WORK WELL WITH MY WEBSITE LAYOUT Activity closed no action required 1.5 defect (bug) normal blvcccvrd 10/25/2011
#3685 Please help me fast Activity closed no action required defect (bug) normal Abdallah 10/15/2011
#3678 Activation fails Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 10/12/2011
#3192 replying to a nested activity item, whose root item is yours, results in duplicated activity stream entries Activity closed no action required 1.2 enhancement normal 10/09/2011
#3646 Mailpress conflict - TypeError with slideDown() and ScrollTo() Groups closed no action required defect (bug) normal 10/03/2011
#2396 error at login takes you to /wp-login.php Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 09/30/2011
#3633 Date fields do not work in languages other than English Extended Profile closed worksforme 1.5 defect (bug) normal 09/30/2011
#3628 Forums do not install properly Forums closed worksforme 1.5 defect (bug) normal 09/30/2011
#3620 Single column template on pages does not work Core closed no action required 1.5 defect (bug) normal Steve Davies 09/25/2011
#3615 Deleted forum topic reply does not cascade through to activity stream Forums closed no action required 1.5 defect (bug) normal S Davies 09/24/2011
#3522 Fix timezone != GMT creates wrong "posted xyz ago" dates Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/19/2011
#3583 Impossible for new members to login Members closed no action required defect (bug) normal Maxime St-Onge 09/16/2011
#3135 bp_core_set_uri_globals not compatable with < 3.0 Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/15/2011
#3145 como acertar este erro sempre? Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/15/2011
#3224 Fatal error: Class 'BP_Group_Extension Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/15/2011
#3256 enabling discussion forums causes error Forums closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/15/2011
#3285 Error in Building a BuddyPress Child Theme Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/15/2011
#3286 Redirect to Friends Activity on Profile Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/15/2011
#3304 Buddy Press Sliding Login Corruption! Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/15/2011
#3346 Unable to access Buddypress pages when logged in Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/15/2011
#3441 Testing defines in bp-custom on 1.5 Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/15/2011
#3470 My website crashed twice after installing BP Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/15/2011
#3510 BP Default and switch_to_blog for multisite Core closed no action required enhancement normal 09/15/2011
#3544 Couple more errors on Sites closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/04/2011
#3525 Confusion in TRAC: is BP 1.5 = BP1.3? Sites closed fixed enhancement normal 08/29/2011
#3453 Delete button - spinner - Perm. link Core closed no action required 1.5 defect (bug) normal xeqta 08/09/2011
#2425 Member Feedback/Ratings Core closed no action required enhancement normal 07/30/2011
#2688 [patch] Correct Check of wp_insert_user Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 10/27/2010
#2666 Error in Wordpress 3.01 Core closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 10/04/2010
#2305 Blank screen of death when activating the Multi-Site option in WP 3.0 Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 05/04/2010
#6428 When a user updates nickname in profile-edit first_name and last_name is cleared Core closed worksforme 2.2.3 defect (bug) omg pizza 06/18/2016
#7180 UI for All Group Types screen in wp-admin Groups closed maybelater enhancement strategic 02/08/2018
#7182 UI for All Member Types in wp-admin Members closed maybelater enhancement strategic 02/08/2018
#7158 per-component template packs Templates closed wontfix feature request strategic 07/27/2017
#270 Grammar error in Create Account message closed fixed enhancement trivial 06/18/2016
#2004 Trac header sents to Core closed fixed enhancement trivial 06/18/2016
#1784 Textfields in IE8 needs adjustment Templates closed wontfix defect (bug) trivial 06/18/2016
#1822 Small gray tab in comment Templates closed wontfix defect (bug) trivial 06/18/2016
#3999 Dark Styles for BP-Legacy Templates closed wontfix enhancement trivial 06/18/2016
#3629 Code formatting in rss feeds. Activity closed duplicate enhancement trivial fanquake 06/08/2014
#2142 Ability to edit Group and Topic url slugs Groups closed duplicate enhancement trivial 05/03/2014
#1944 image-link within e-mail notification ? Core closed wontfix enhancement trivial 04/18/2014
#1903 Status messages not fed into group forum members page Core closed no action required enhancement trivial 04/18/2014
#847 The 'Deppenapostroph' Core closed no action required enhancement trivial apeatling 04/18/2014
#3202 Reply box background becomes more narrow Activity closed wontfix 1.5 defect (bug) trivial 03/11/2013
#453 Pages should show up in sitewide activity Activity closed fixed 1.2.10 enhancement trivial 01/15/2012
#1595 Not being able to add new topic to a forum after adding 12 topics Core closed no action required defect (bug) trivial 07/30/2011
#2235 incorrect variable in bp_activity_notifications Activity closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 03/25/2010
#1470 Home -> My Friends Bug closed worksforme defect (bug) trivial 03/09/2010
#1514 When you reply to your own post you get an email notification closed worksforme defect (bug) trivial 03/09/2010
#1827 Alway Present Whats New Post Form closed wontfix enhancement trivial 03/09/2010
#559 Add max results to get_random_members() closed worksforme enhancement trivial 03/08/2010
#1761 Forum closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/02/2010
#449 Move wire field above past posts closed no action required enhancement trivial 12/12/2009
#1306 Filter friends/Filter groups have wrong html closed no action required enhancement trivial 11/24/2009
#1008 "Deleted" message box appears when clicking navigation items on member's page closed no action required defect (bug) trivial jeffsayre 10/07/2009
#254 Socialize admin area closed fixed enhancement trivial 08/20/2009
#727 Broken link on Homepage closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 06/10/2009
#630 Full screen bp-home default template with weird list output closed no action required defect (bug) trivial chouf1 03/28/2009
#615 Minor correction to alt classes on My Blogs submenus closed fixed 1.0 defect (bug) trivial 03/25/2009
#609 "Welcome" Text widget needs css padding closed no action required defect (bug) trivial 03/25/2009
#502 bp skeleton component wrong db version constant closed no action required defect (bug) trivial 03/09/2009
#482 hidden groups missing 'leave' button closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/24/2009
#491 Add a visibility callback to bp_core_add_nav_default closed no action required enhancement trivial 02/15/2009
#264 (Admin) on all users taskbar closed worksforme 1.0 defect (bug) trivial 01/21/2009
#181 XProfile field group translation conflict closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 12/15/2008
#215 unclosed li in bp-core-templatetags.php closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 12/15/2008

1.1 (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#923 Not able to activate the buddypress theme closed fixed defect (bug) blocker apeatling 08/26/2009
#1130 individual group page footer doesn't load and get server error in log. closed fixed defect (bug) critical 09/30/2009
#1111 After Click at SignIn Button Profile Details are not emty closed fixed defect (bug) critical 09/29/2009
#1114 able to embed javascript into the Status field closed fixed defect (bug) critical 09/29/2009
#1078 Incorrect activation link in activate e-mail closed no action required defect (bug) critical 09/27/2009
#1077 Searching forums needs tweaking closed fixed defect (bug) critical johnjamesjacoby 09/25/2009
#1032 i18n patches for 1.1 closed fixed defect (bug) critical apeatling 09/22/2009
#1034 new blog privacy doesn't work closed no action required defect (bug) critical 09/17/2009
#1013 Widget title i18n closed fixed enhancement critical apeatling 09/15/2009
#1009 Accidentally removed function(s) in bp-activity.php closed fixed defect (bug) critical jeffsayre 09/15/2009
#1001 Profile fields: When I deleted one option of a radio button field, all field has deleted. closed worksforme defect (bug) critical 09/14/2009
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.