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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9104 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (3301 - 3400 of 9104)

1.1.3 (30 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1355 XML-RPC Error closed no action required defect (bug) minor 11/20/2009
#1308 Remove avatar Ids to allow w3c validated pages closed duplicate enhancement minor 11/11/2009
#1287 Activity template function bp_activity_feed_item_guid() applying wrong filter closed fixed defect (bug) minor MrMaz 11/06/2009
#1302 ajaxed Sending Message need translation closed duplicate defect (bug) minor 11/02/2009
#1291 bp_get_activity_avatar applies incorrect filter closed fixed defect (bug) minor johnjamesjacoby 11/01/2009
#1265 Dashboard Add User email URL borked with BuddyPress 1.1.1 active closed fixed defect (bug) major 06/03/2021
#1365 Profile - RSS Feed link closed fixed defect (bug) major 11/29/2009
#1374 Status-Update is NOT required anymore closed no action required enhancement major 11/27/2009
#1373 new activity-comments: button to COLLAPSE comments missing closed duplicate defect (bug) major 11/26/2009
#1372 new activity-comment / does not show at Home-Page closed no action required defect (bug) major 11/26/2009
#1284 BP_Groups_Group::get_all method generates bad mysql request closed fixed defect (bug) major MrMaz 11/25/2009
#1353 Users cannot delete accounts / !(int) get_site_option( 'bp-disable-account-deletion' ) closed fixed defect (bug) major 11/24/2009
#1351 Wrongly identified as only Group Admin when attempting to leave group closed fixed defect (bug) major 11/24/2009
#1350 The page isn't redirecting properly when clicking in friend requests link and user is not logged in closed worksforme defect (bug) major 11/24/2009
#1343 Delete links displayed in error on my friends' activity stream closed fixed defect (bug) major 11/24/2009
#1331 Syntax issue in CSS closed fixed defect (bug) major jason_jm 11/24/2009
#1323 Message and activity admin_menu hook priority closed fixed defect (bug) major 11/24/2009
#1316 Message inbox possible date error closed no action required defect (bug) major 11/24/2009
#1311 Missing argument 2 for bp_get_the_body_class closed fixed defect (bug) major 11/24/2009
#1275 bp-sn-parent: the word "ago" not localized closed fixed defect (bug) major MrMaz 11/24/2009
#1338 Add deprecated theme support for "Edit topic/post" in Group Forums [Has Patch] closed wontfix defect (bug) major 11/24/2009
#1337 Add deprecated theme support for new Forums component [Has Patch] closed wontfix defect (bug) major 11/24/2009
#1305 Problems with Content filter added to bp_get_activity_content() closed fixed defect (bug) major 11/24/2009
#1329 Blog and Blogs tabs and pages empty closed worksforme defect (bug) major 11/23/2009
#1298 Admins cannot post on group wires closed fixed defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 11/20/2009
#1303 User-Blogs deactivated, but "Blogs" still showing within Activities closed no action required defect (bug) major 11/03/2009
#1281 function bp_is_single_group_item() closed fixed enhancement major 11/02/2009
#1292 blank page at "Log-in", clicking on link "Register" closed fixed defect (bug) major 11/01/2009
#1352 joining Group does not show within Activity-Stream closed fixed defect (bug) critical 11/24/2009
#1336 Group delete doesnt delete everything closed worksforme defect (bug) critical 11/24/2009

1.2 (70 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1163 feature-request: Ask questions / get questions answered Forums closed no action required enhancement trivial 06/18/2016
#1207 feature request: members NEAR you Members closed no action required enhancement trivial 09/13/2011
#2266 Group Avatar Uploads, Repeat naming structure Groups closed duplicate defect (bug) trivial 09/13/2011
#946 Sub groups or group categories Groups closed duplicate enhancement trivial 09/13/2011
#1965 button: Blogs Directory closed no action required defect (bug) trivial 02/15/2010
#1962 Tagline for Home Pages is missing - theme BP Default - trunk BP1.2rc3 closed no action required defect (bug) trivial 02/15/2010
#1929 BBpress installs with .svn hidden folders closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/12/2010
#1885 BP Plugin description needs updating closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/11/2010
#596 inline css in bp-core-widgets.php closed fixed enhancement trivial 02/09/2010
#1067 Recommend this Blog to a friend closed no action required enhancement trivial 02/09/2010
#1816 Linkable thumbnails in Messages missing closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/08/2010
#1813 A bit too much space between status update and reply field closed worksforme defect (bug) trivial 02/08/2010
#1810 Profile Field Setup - groups out of alignment closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/08/2010
#1798 Profile closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/08/2010
#1803 Forum-directory / first topic always sticky when paging closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/04/2010
#1782 Classic Theme - missing email notification settings icon HAS-PATCH closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/03/2010
#1540 Mini activity status updates are not "mini" in IE8 closed fixed defect (bug) trivial hempsworth 02/01/2010
#1579 Dropdown/Filter box on frontpage in IE8 alignment closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/01/2010
#1565 Main menu overlap by 1px in IE8. (easy fix) closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/01/2010
#1631 Tag · in front of # - missing few places closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/01/2010
#1687 Mouse-over in profile closed fixed defect (bug) trivial junsuijin 02/01/2010
#1659 Comment backshade width consistency - Frontpage and Profile closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/01/2010
#1600 White line between comments closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 02/01/2010
#1447 function_exists check probably not needed closed fixed defect (bug) trivial apeatling 02/01/2010
#1495 Replace horizontal line with vertical line in BP-Title closed fixed enhancement trivial 01/21/2010
#1160 Forums Directory CSS tweak for background images on sticky and alt classes closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 01/20/2010
#1621 Messages - sorting and textfield closed wontfix enhancement trivial 01/18/2010
#1622 Group forum - Sorting and textfield closed wontfix enhancement trivial 01/18/2010
#1197 CSS Typo for Recently Active Member Avatar Widget closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 01/18/2010
#1168 Forum: Tags closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 01/14/2010
#1075 Widgets alignment (updated) closed fixed defect (bug) trivial 01/14/2010
#1043 Move rollover images in bp-default to CSS sprites closed fixed enhancement trivial 01/14/2010
#1142 "See All" link / when paging closed fixed enhancement trivial 01/06/2010
#1500 error in bp_loggedinuser_link function closed no action required defect (bug) trivial 12/28/2009
#2704 Blog avatars Blogs closed duplicate enhancement normal 09/13/2011
#2268 Changing email address should prompt reactivation Core closed duplicate enhancement normal 09/13/2011
#1707 Disable Buddypress Plugin Last When Upgrading closed no action required enhancement minor 06/18/2016
#1082 pagination / drop-down would help to navigate through pages Templates closed no action required enhancement minor 06/18/2016
#1239 when signing in, then go to User-Profile-Page Templates closed wontfix enhancement minor 06/18/2016
#1398 notifications need enhancement for activity comments Activity closed no action required enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#1341 Group activity RSS feed Groups closed no action required enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#1247 integration of buddybar and admin bar functionality Core closed no action required enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#670 Sort 'My Blogs' admin menu items by role with possible elimination of some roles Blogs closed no action required enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#43 Allow registrations via HTTP AUTH, bypassing activation Core closed no action required enhancement minor apeatling 09/13/2011
#583 1:N Extended Profile Field Type Core closed wontfix enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#97 Single character without space create problem Core closed wontfix enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#1610 use /activate?key= on all blogs (not just BuddyPress' root blog) Members closed duplicate defect (bug) minor DJPaul 09/13/2011
#365 Profile Avatar Change Update Core closed duplicate enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#1342 @user notation Core closed fixed enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#1335 Group administrator demote to group mod Core closed fixed enhancement minor 09/13/2011
#699 BuddyPress Navs should be in a own hook + diff Core closed fixed defect (bug) minor nicolagreco 09/13/2011
#206 Selectable Viewing on Friend Page Core closed fixed enhancement minor apeatling 09/13/2011
#1347 / user e-mail notification / missing information of how to reply to a message Core closed no action required enhancement minor 09/03/2010
#1968 Drop-Down-field closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/16/2010
#1969 Custom Header routine seems to fail closed worksforme defect (bug) minor 02/16/2010
#1961 'Edit Topic' does not work in BuddyPress forums closed no action required defect (bug) minor 02/15/2010
#1959 No-ajax search should 'return' not 'return false' [Has-patch] closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/15/2010
#1960 Edit Profile - Basic closed no action required defect (bug) minor 02/15/2010
#1920 BP 1.2 rc3 errors from PHP log - WordPress database error Multiple primary key defined for query ALTER TABLE closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/15/2010
#1933 'Full Name field name' admin setting stuck closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/15/2010
#1943 Articles with visibility "Private" are "not found" instead of noted as private closed no action required defect (bug) minor 02/15/2010
#1917 Missing delete link on your own status messages closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/12/2010
#1916 Deprecated function get_the_author_email() closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/12/2010
#1877 Activity template invalid (ID already defined etc.) closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/11/2010
#1913 Messages - ajax load when clicking 'Send Reply' closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/11/2010
#1911 Custom header image reverting to original in BP pages closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/11/2010
#1910 image posted in status loses its title attribute, trailing slash closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/11/2010
#1874 Register-page CSS Bug? closed no action required defect (bug) minor 02/11/2010
#1893 width problem on activity page : view an activity closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/11/2010
#1909 Child comments of private activities are not hidden after logging out closed fixed defect (bug) minor 02/11/2010
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.