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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9096 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1101 - 1200 of 9096)

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(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#3419 bp_core_remove_nav_item() support WP admin bar as well? Core closed no action required 1.5 enhancement normal 12/20/2016
#7372 Add page for Member Type directory listing Members closed no action required 2.3.0 enhancement normal 12/20/2016
#4308 User profiles can not be opened when Members Directory is set as sub page. Members closed fixed 1.5.6 defect (bug) normal 12/14/2016
#4387 Private Groups request membership action is inconsistent for Admins Groups closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 12/14/2016
#4789 Allow default admin menu in Groups component to be editiable. Groups closed fixed 2.6.0 enhancement normal 12/14/2016
#4046 @mentions not working in blog posts Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed 1.5.2 enhancement normal 12/14/2016
#4543 Remove titles Messages closed wontfix 1.7 enhancement normal 12/13/2016
#4762 WP Admin xprofile clear link if radio field Extended Profile closed worksforme 1.6 defect (bug) normal 12/13/2016
#4293 member page not showing activity Sites closed worksforme 1.5.6 defect (bug) normal 12/13/2016
#5224 Duplicate content when appending a digit to URLs Forums closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 12/13/2016
#5955 not beeing able to submit something in support forums Sites closed no action required defect (bug) normal 12/13/2016
#6018 composer.lock should be in the repo Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 12/12/2016
#6168 BuddyPress Tools displayed on sub-sites in WPMS Administration closed no action required defect (bug) normal 12/12/2016
#7359 Add new setting to make Group read only Groups closed enhancement normal 12/12/2016
#5679 Harmonize jQuery search term fetching in bp-legacy/buddypress.js Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 12/12/2016
#7285 Use _ex() and _x() comments for accessibility strings I18N closed no action required enhancement normal slaFFik 12/05/2016
#7336 Dismissing alerts Core closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 11/30/2016
#4428 Fetch / Sort user updates by date in activity stream Activity closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal 11/29/2016
#7356 BP Repair Tools - Recalculate user latest bbPress activity Settings closed wontfix 2.7.2 enhancement normal 11/28/2016
#5527 List of recommended plugins outdated. Sites closed no action required 1.9.2 enhancement normal 11/26/2016
#3381 xProfile subnav links enhancement Extended Profile closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal slaFFik 11/26/2016
#6798 Prevent duplicate group membership request acceptance. Groups closed no action required 2.4.0 defect (bug) normal dcavins 11/23/2016
#7357 Logged-in needed web page return 404 error page Core closed duplicate 2.7.2 defect (bug) normal 11/21/2016
#6035 Search doesn't work if any BP page has been selected as front page Core closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 11/16/2016
#5308 Orphan notifications when item is deleted Toolbar & Notifications closed worksforme 1.9 enhancement normal 11/16/2016
#6809 Can't use you support forum ? Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 11/16/2016
#4820 Activation Link bug ? (404) Core closed no action required 1.7 defect (bug) normal 11/16/2016
#7346 Some words in Buddypress menu tab not translated I18N closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 11/15/2016
#4985 Move BP_Group_Extension::parse_args_r() into core component Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 11/14/2016
#6333 Member Type in members slug? Members closed wontfix 2.2.1 enhancement normal 11/14/2016
#5389 Mark at-mention notifications as read when the item (blog post, private message, etc) is visited Core closed maybelater 1.9.2 enhancement normal 11/14/2016
#5058 Members search - fallback to wp_users table Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 11/14/2016
#5249 1 folder avatar per 1 user, it not good Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 11/14/2016
#4828 Default setups for demonstrating the full scope of BP Core closed wontfix enhancement normal design-marc 11/13/2016
#5619 Allow user to edit WordPress Profile when the Extended Profiles component is disabled Members closed wontfix enhancement normal 11/13/2016
#4704 Member search on string containing apostrophe returns no results. Members closed worksforme 1.0 defect (bug) normal 11/13/2016
#4346 Need Ability To Prevent Members From Changning Their Email Address Extended Profile closed wontfix 1.5.6 enhancement normal 11/13/2016
#5508 improve filterability (sorting) of Activity loop Activity closed wontfix 2.0 enhancement normal 11/13/2016
#4481 New Topics without titles get deleted Core closed wontfix 1.6 defect (bug) normal 11/11/2016
#7341 404 instead of login screen Route Parser closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 11/10/2016
#4152 Favorite/Remove Favorite ajax does not report failure Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal 11/10/2016
#6706 2015 theme issues with Forum component (bbPress 2.x) Templates closed wontfix defect (bug) normal hnla 11/10/2016
#4657 Drag-drop avatar uploads Media closed fixed enhancement normal 11/10/2016
#5582 Default sort criteria filters for group lists Settings closed duplicate feature request normal 11/09/2016
#5526 Default sort criteria filters for member lists Settings closed duplicate enhancement normal 11/09/2016
#6206 add class name to `th label` column in notification table Templates closed fixed 1.2 enhancement normal 11/09/2016
#4683 Option to show gallery of profile pictures instead of list of members Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 11/09/2016
#5754 BP Forum code formatting Forums closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 11/09/2016
#7330 Post comment doesn't show in Activity directory under "Everything" filter Activity closed no action required defect (bug) normal 11/09/2016
#4672 Add Help Pointers to Admin Administration closed wontfix enhancement normal modemlooper 11/09/2016
#4732 BuddyPress MU Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 11/09/2016
#4848 asking for other sites' passwords Sites closed maybelater enhancement normal 11/06/2016
#4264 Activity Item duplicated when posting new update and clicking ’Load More’ Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 11/06/2016
#4795 Make activity status bar visible for visually impaired using text readers Activity closed fixed enhancement normal planetzuda 11/06/2016
#4343 BuddyPress Activity Component repeat entry after replying on favorites page Activity closed worksforme 1.5.6 defect (bug) normal 11/06/2016
#4540 Quick Admin functions Administration closed wontfix enhancement normal karmatosed 11/05/2016
#3559 groups/members/ dropdown filter broken? Groups closed worksforme 1.2 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 11/05/2016
#2767 Top level search page Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 11/05/2016
#7283 Group page: "administrators" header label text length issue Templates closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 11/03/2016
#7270 BuddyPress Child pages not inheriting page features from parent. Core closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 11/02/2016
#7295 Add pagination for Components, Versions, Types, and Contents screens Sites closed enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 11/02/2016
#6680 Activity post form template improvements Templates closed no action required 1.2 enhancement normal 11/02/2016
#7177 Merge the "Unconfirmed" plugin into core Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 11/02/2016
#7233 Updating user profile produces confirmation email error Core closed no action required 2.6.2 defect (bug) normal 11/02/2016
#7293 PHP7 compatibility issues Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 11/02/2016
#7311 Deleting a group does not delete it's forum Forums closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 10/28/2016
#4647 Copy to tmp table Forums closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 10/21/2016
#4188 Activity pages incorrectly return no results when the previously selected activity filter doesn't exist for the current activity context Activity closed 1.2 defect (bug) normal 10/21/2016
#7264 Last Name Visibility "Only Me" Doesn't Work Extended Profile closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 10/16/2016
#4340 Outputting timezone-correct timestamp for activity is hard Activity closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal 10/14/2016
#7276 Members can't dismiss sitewide notices Messages closed no action required defect (bug) normal 10/11/2016
#6816 Delete records of spam users in not-activated users list on bp-signups Administration closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 10/10/2016
#6683 Activity replies posting as new items Activity closed wontfix 2.3.3 defect (bug) normal 10/10/2016
#7260 Forums admin setup page doesn't have page title Forums closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 10/10/2016
#4505 With BuddyPress 1.6.1, Wordpress's Register link redirects to BuddyPress Core closed wontfix 1.6.1 defect (bug) normal dharmen99 10/10/2016
#7279 Content issues for groups on front-end Groups closed no action required defect (bug) normal 10/07/2016
#3659 Recently Active widget doesn't scale Core closed fixed 1.2.10 defect (bug) normal 10/07/2016
#3818 Search results returned in all member loops Core closed fixed 1.5.1 defect (bug) normal 10/07/2016
#3616 Group links do not work for Chinese Groups closed worksforme 1.5 defect (bug) normal 10/07/2016
#4059 Directory Example Not working (not sure) closed no action required 1.5.4 defect (bug) normal 10/07/2016
#7272 Feature Request - Groups widget to show members groups when loaded in profile pages Core closed no action required feature request normal 10/02/2016
#7269 Seperate user Profile Page Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/28/2016
#4522 group forum index not refreshing when used with a persistant object cache Forums closed fixed 1.5.4 defect (bug) normal r-a-y 09/28/2016
#4826 Activate and Register pages should be auto-created when registration is opened Core closed 1.5.1 enhancement normal 09/21/2016
#7255 Enhancement Request: Introduce Create buttons beside Register and Activate on the Buddypress Settings > Pages Administration closed enhancement normal 09/21/2016
#4798 Integration with issues Sites closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/17/2016
#3935 Members directory does not generate correct HTML (form inside form) Templates closed wontfix 1.5.3 defect (bug) normal 09/16/2016
#7258 Request Membership button not working on Group Page Groups closed no action required 1.9 defect (bug) normal 09/16/2016
#7257 Membership Requested string missing in po/mo file Groups closed worksforme 2.1 defect (bug) normal 09/15/2016
#7024 BP no longer filters `wp_mail_from_name` when using `wp_mail()` Emails closed wontfix 2.5.0 defect (bug) normal 09/14/2016
#5022 More Documentation Core closed worksforme defect (bug) normal tw2113 09/13/2016
#7166 replace blog comments with an activity stream discussion. Activity closed no action required feature request normal 09/12/2016
#4247 Synchronize blog comments and activity stream comments Activity closed duplicate 1.5.5 enhancement normal 09/12/2016
#6734 `groups_get_groups()` doesn't distinguish between `0` and falsey values for `user_id` Groups closed wontfix defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 09/09/2016
#7240 BP Core Component File Unused Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 09/02/2016
#3335 sync of profile between Wordpress and Buddypress Extended Profile closed wontfix enhancement normal 08/30/2016
#7040 PHP 7.0 Fatal Errors Forums closed no action required 2.5.0 defect (bug) normal 08/25/2016
#7155 More numeric strings in class `BP_XProfile_Field`. Extended Profile closed no action required enhancement normal 08/23/2016
#4324 Private message sent durations are incorrect after first sending. Messages closed 1.5.6 defect (bug) normal LukeJJones 08/10/2016
#7100 Cover Image Upload: “An error occurred. Please try again later.” Core closed worksforme 2.5.0 defect (bug) normal 08/02/2016
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