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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9101 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (901 - 1000 of 9101)

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(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#6133 Digit limit and mask for number xprofile field Extended Profile closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6152 Suggestion: standard form for errors messages I18N closed maybelater enhancement normal r-a-y 02/08/2018
#6154 tie existing role to bp_register_member_type Members closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6204 Move bp_loggedin_register_page_redirect_to into helper function Registration closed maybelater 1.5 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6218 bp_friend_get_total_requests_count() could use already cached data Friends closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6225 Naming of Body Classes: 'my-profile' & 'my-account' Core closed maybelater 1.1 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6251 Add filter for styling support on paginate_links of members Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6259 user_name / username checks in bp_core_validate_user_signup Members closed maybelater 2.2.1 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6261 Show comment attachments in activity stream Activity closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6281 Cannot return to a page > 1 of a directory. Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6294 Support activity / post comment synchronisation for custom post types Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6297 Comments in Activity Stream don't link to Comments in blogs Problem Activity closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6302 Add callbacks/events when ajax functions have finished Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6304 Group admin tabs should not require separate page loads for view/save Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6308 bp_settings_action_general() could be broken down into smaller functions Settings closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6316 inconsistent notification total/notification counts in user nav Core closed maybelater 2.2.1 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6341 'bp' cache group cleanup Performance closed maybelater 1.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6357 To display or not to display empty site-wide activity tabs Activity closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6358 Query methods should return arrays of BP objects Core closed maybelater 1.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6366 In `BP_User_Query`, allow xprofile fields to be toggled when searching Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6383 Add access control for Member Type directories based on WP role and BP Member Type Members closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6387 Fix for bp_groups-template in order to support Ajax for group admin actions Groups closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6393 Select default landing tab on site-wide activity Groups closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6408 xprofile admin: user should be redirected to proper field group after deleting a field Extended Profile closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6435 Core Shortcode Support Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6437 Allow user with bp_moderate cap to view hidden groups of user Administration closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6564 Permalink into single private message. Toolbar & Notifications closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6567 Cache issue on bp directory pages with multisite installtion Core closed maybelater 1.1 enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 02/08/2018
#6604 BuddyPress Modal Iframe Media closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6610 BP Attachments API should allow plugins to use their own custom templates in WP Admin Media closed maybelater 2.3.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6645 `BP_Activity_Activity::get()` args should be translated into `BP_Activity_Query` Activity closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6654 Settings/Verification email improvements Settings closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6665 Blogs: Record all existing post comments as activity items when creating the initial blog post activity item Blogs closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6693 Activity CPT tracking should handle deletion as well Activity closed maybelater 2.2 enhancement normal r-a-y 02/08/2018
#6696 @mention notification link behaviour Toolbar & Notifications closed maybelater 2.3.3 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6787 User setting to pick plain text or HTML emails Settings closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6807 Deprecate bp_attachments_is_wp_version_supported() Media closed maybelater 2.3.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6827 Add BP top level menu and Admin Page to Improve User Experience New User Experience closed maybelater enhancement normal mercime 02/08/2018
#6849 Changing a post author doesn't affect the activity entry Activity closed maybelater 2.4.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6856 Activity type filter Activity closed maybelater 1.2 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6897 Email tokens - descriptions and updated UI Emails closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6922 Emails, Customizer: move some settings into new 'Global' panel Emails closed maybelater enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 02/08/2018
#6924 Allow 'description' to be saved for xprofile field options Extended Profile closed maybelater 1.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6930 Send emails async Emails closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6933 Emails: Do not strip HTML content for email content Emails closed maybelater 2.5.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6934 Emails: Make plain-text email content more accessible Emails closed maybelater 2.5.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6943 Email inactive users to bring them back to the site Members closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6979 Messages: Add caching to BP_Messages_Message class Messages closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6985 Feature Request IMPORT/EXPORT Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6986 Bug : Duplicate Group Names are tolerated in Create Group Groups closed maybelater 2.5.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7014 Some Emoji do not work in BP email notification Toolbar & Notifications closed maybelater 2.5.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7036 Emails: Allow the ability to only reinstall certain emails Emails closed maybelater 2.5.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7038 BuddyPress should override and provide templates for core user emails (password reset, etc) Emails closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7059 Make sure all documented $args arrays have description. Core closed maybelater enhancement normal tw2113 02/08/2018
#7064 Group type directories Groups closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7075 URI: Ensure `/members/me/` shortlink supports internationalization Route Parser closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7088 If type is passed into bp_group_has_members have the bp_groups_members_filter select default to type Groups closed maybelater 1.2 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7099 Feature Request: Email Notifications on Group Activity (opt-in by default) Emails closed maybelater 2.5.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7101 Activity Embeds: Support activity comment display Activity closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7128 Wrong include URLs while using domain mapping Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7185 Extend Log in Widget to add BuddyPress dynamic links from My Account toolbar Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7206 Display and filter by member type on Dashboard > Users > Manage Signups Administration closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7232 Enhancement Request: Provide metabox for editing Group Photos in backend of Groups Groups closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7262 Activity comment tree should be fetched more efficiently Activity closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7319 Email: "All dates" dropdown seems out of place Emails closed maybelater 2.5.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7342 Enhancement request: Check if a member type directory is being viewed Core closed maybelater 2.7.2 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7362 Query only registered activity types like WP_Query does with post types Activity closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7369 Add hooks to perform addional checks when a user resets password Settings closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7379 Send test email button for BP Emails Emails closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7380 Preview email button for BP Emails Emails closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7381 Disable email sending checkbox for BP Emails Toolbar & Notifications closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7653 WPCS improvements to the Admin Component Options Core closed no action required enhancement normal 02/06/2018
#7651 URGENT: Why can Only Admins Post and Subscribers cannot ? (not sure) closed no action required 2.9.2 defect (bug) normal 01/31/2018
#7116 Move asset template parts away from bp-legacy Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 01/29/2018
#7483 Required xprofile fields are not validated Extended Profile closed no action required 2.8.2 defect (bug) normal 01/24/2018
#7552 Introduce 'visibility' parameter for registering BP nav items Navigation closed no action required enhancement normal 01/20/2018
#7663 Allow using Content-Security-Policy without unsafe-inline I18N closed wontfix 2.9.2 enhancement normal 01/19/2018
#7603 group filter update does not work Core closed no action required 2.9.0 defect (bug) normal 01/02/2018
#7644 PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class WP_Taxonomy Core closed wontfix 2.9.2 defect (bug) normal 01/01/2018
#7643 I want to favorite and Remove from favorite button hooks or some guidence. Core closed no action required 2.9.2 defect (bug) normal 12/13/2017
#7632 Autolink with Special Characters Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 12/12/2017
#7576 Get notification description outside loop Toolbar & Notifications closed wontfix 2.8.2 enhancement normal 11/29/2017
#7613 xprofile field "description" placement inconsistency Extended Profile closed wontfix 2.9.0 defect (bug) normal 11/12/2017
#7588 Conflict with Jetpack Core closed worksforme 2.9.0 defect (bug) normal 09/27/2017
#7582 wp_update_user creates an error Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/27/2017
#7596 warning notice on every page after update Core closed no action required 2.9.0 defect (bug) normal 09/27/2017
#4884 Changing members page doesn't invalidate cache Core closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 09/22/2017
#4252 Avatars are (erroneously) stored locally when running BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG Core closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/18/2017
#7584 I have problems with student registration Core closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 09/05/2017
#7591 Activities disappear from my database Activity closed no action required defect (bug) normal 08/29/2017
#7587 photo smaller then 0kb Core closed worksforme 2.9.0 defect (bug) normal 08/18/2017
#7585 Issues with $has_access Core closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 08/16/2017
#7560 make Activity Index shows only the activities of... Activity closed no action required feature request normal 08/15/2017
#7583 Implement an option to show Create new group button on the /members/USER/groups/ page Members closed maybelater feature request normal 08/15/2017
#7572 Buddypress Activity Filter not displaying the results for multiple filters Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 08/15/2017
#7570 fatal error Groups closed no action required defect (bug) normal 08/15/2017
#7395 embed_oembed_html not used on sitewide activity? Core closed wontfix 1.5 defect (bug) normal 08/04/2017
#4449 Move to custom AJAX handler Templates closed wontfix 1.6 enhancement normal 07/27/2017
#4500 Ajax loading doesn't refresh JS onload Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 07/27/2017
#4585 Hardcoded width/height on avatar images cause problems with responsive image techniques Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 07/27/2017
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