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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9108 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (5101 - 5200 of 9108)

1.5 (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#2715 bp-blogs always loaded on non-multisite Blogs closed fixed defect (bug) normal DJPaul 11/05/2010
#1948 [patch] bp_core_get_root_domain should use get_home_url for better ssl handling, etc Core closed fixed enhancement major DJPaul 11/03/2010
#2699 wordpress blog spam comments are showing up in buddypress activity stream Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal DJPaul 11/01/2010
#2117 [patch] bp-groups-templatetags non object Core closed fixed defect (bug) minor DJPaul 10/28/2010
#1134 [patch] IE 7 renders sign up button incorrectly [Has patch] Core closed wontfix defect (bug) trivial DJPaul 10/26/2010
#2203 GMT offset bug for date_sent in bp-messages-classes.php [Has Patch] Messages closed fixed defect (bug) major DJPaul 10/23/2010
#822 Format activity strings Core closed duplicate enhancement minor DJPaul 04/13/2010
#979 SSL Support for bp_core_get_avatar() Core closed fixed defect (bug) minor Jason_JM 11/27/2010
#2098 [patch] BP_Activity_Activity::get_filter_sql() should be using IN operator for list queries HAS-PATCH Core closed fixed enhancement major MrMaz 11/03/2010
#3058 Email for username causes problems with mentions and private messaging. Core closed worksforme defect (bug) normal Nick Hoover 09/14/2011
#3486 Activity Stream Post Button Not Displaying Activity closed no action required defect (bug) normal Sam Lewis 09/14/2011
#3104 Inconsistent display of User name Core closed fixed 1.2.8 defect (bug) major StevieG 04/25/2011
#3030 BuddyPress messes with user_url usermeta, Extended Profile closed fixed defect (bug) normal anthonycole 01/28/2011
#1972 Bug: Wrong blog title Core closed fixed 1.2.6 defect (bug) normal apeatling 12/02/2010
#2294 [patch] Update *_usermeta references to the new WP 3.0 *_user_meta Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal apeatling 10/26/2010
#2288 bp_core_fetch_avatar_filter() doesn't support email address in $user parameter [HAS-PATCH] Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal apeatling 06/10/2010
#1021 Slow mouse-over events when using the Buddy-Bar [Has Patch] Core closed worksforme defect (bug) trivial apeatling 05/09/2010
#3421 BP_Activity_Template::__construct() needs default values for new arguments Activity closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 08/01/2011
#3394 Registration is broken Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 07/28/2011
#3329 Favorite link broken Activity closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 07/13/2011
#3313 WP sitewide options not being loaded on multisite Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) major boonebgorges 07/04/2011
#3311 Inner Messages links do 404 instead of _no_access() when not logged in Messages closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 07/04/2011
#3300 Deleting a forum topic, does NOT clear the activity stream of replies to that thread, thus leaving dead links. Core closed fixed 1.2.8 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 06/24/2011
#3261 BP options get/update wrapper functions Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 06/24/2011
#3299 bp_get_user_meta() and bp_update_user_meta() Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal boonebgorges 06/24/2011
#2005 Be consistent about who can invite whom to different types of groups Groups closed fixed defect (bug) major boonebgorges 06/16/2011
#3279 Activity reply buttons have duplicate IDs Activity closed fixed 1.2.8 defect (bug) minor boonebgorges 06/15/2011
#3283 Avatars on activity permalink pages are all the same Activity closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 06/15/2011
#3219 BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG broken Core closed fixed defect (bug) major boonebgorges 06/10/2011
#2952 Filter user meta keys Core closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 05/16/2011
#3205 Usermeta parameters for bp_has_members() Core closed fixed 1.2.8 enhancement normal boonebgorges 05/15/2011
#3116 acpage links should be nofollow Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 04/24/2011
#3122 Single activity item permalinks are not working Activity closed fixed defect (bug) critical boonebgorges 04/23/2011
#3144 Move bp-pages to a site_option Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement critical boonebgorges 04/23/2011
#3168 Activity comments showing wrong content Activity closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) critical boonebgorges 04/22/2011
#2443 Make sure that make_clickable is run before wptexturize Activity closed fixed defect (bug) major boonebgorges 04/11/2011
#3132 Wrapper function for BP_ROOT_BLOG checks Core closed fixed 1.2.8 enhancement minor boonebgorges 04/07/2011
#3121 activity RSS feeds broken on trunk Activity closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) major boonebgorges 03/23/2011
#3084 BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR does not disable WP admin bar Core closed wontfix 1.2.8 defect (bug) minor boonebgorges 03/11/2011
#2600 WP pages as component slugs causes redirect problems Activity closed fixed defect (bug) critical boonebgorges 01/18/2011
#3005 Initial activation dies on single WP Core closed duplicate defect (bug) critical boonebgorges 01/13/2011
#2697 Make it easier to shut off Gravatar Core closed fixed enhancement minor boonebgorges 01/11/2011
#2989 $bp->pages not populated on secondary sites under MS Core closed fixed defect (bug) critical boonebgorges 01/01/2011
#2774 Filter on the activities and groups queries Core closed fixed 1.2.6 enhancement major boonebgorges 12/30/2010
#2980 bp_create_excerpt() should pass the original text along to the filter Core closed fixed defect (bug) minor boonebgorges 12/28/2010
#2172 Function bp_profile_field_data () returns raw data for non-string data types Core closed fixed defect (bug) minor boonebgorges 12/05/2010
#2710 Search is broken due to bp_pages support Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) major boonebgorges 11/28/2010
#2655 [patch] Exclude parameters and miscellaneous enhancements for bp_has_profile() Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 11/09/2010
#2641 [patch] Exclude parameter for bp_group_has_members() Groups closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 11/07/2010
#2620 [patch] Exclude parameter for bp_has_members() Core closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 11/06/2010
#1177 [patch] Let admins select default state (active/popular/newest) for groups and members widgets [Has Patch] Core closed fixed enhancement minor boonebgorges 10/27/2010
#3236 Add more info to 404 Page Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal bowromir 06/18/2016
#2345 PHP documentation needed through-out BP Core closed fixed enhancement minor cnorris23 06/18/2016
#3153 Upgrades from 1.2 should be recognized as upgrades Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) critical cnorris23 06/24/2011
#1150 Allow site admins to restrict group creation Groups closed fixed enhancement major cnorris23 05/09/2011
#2002 When deleting activity in permalink view page should redirect back to stream Activity closed fixed defect (bug) major cnorris23 05/09/2011
#2522 default crop avatar selection is not working Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) minor crop, avatar, selection, default 01/11/2011
#3024 Filter forum posts before output them Forums closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal djpaul 01/24/2011
#3220 improve registration email confirmation message Templates closed fixed 1.2 enhancement normal dwenaus 06/18/2016
#3078 Forums - creating a topic Forums closed worksforme 1.5 defect (bug) normal gunju2221 04/14/2011
#1623 [patch] Group forum - New Topic form (needs to be hidden) Core closed fixed enhancement minor hempsworth 11/01/2010
#3237 Use wp_link_pages() in index.php and archive.php Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal hnla 06/18/2016
#2465 JQuery fix for proper alternate table row highlighting -> Has Patch Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal jeffsayre 06/29/2010
#1479 Universal Component Class Concept Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement minor johnjamesjacoby 06/18/2016
#3484 Inconsistency in action hook position in default theme files Templates closed fixed enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 06/18/2016
#1990 Settings enhancement thoughts for 1.3 Core closed fixed enhancement major johnjamesjacoby 01/21/2014
#3199 Deleted blogs not remaining on the blog list Blogs closed worksforme defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 09/14/2011
#3538 Single topic permalinks broken in some installs Forums closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 09/01/2011
#3325 Global and root slug audits Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 07/25/2011
#3158 bp_core -> bp_members has erased a bunch of hooks Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) critical johnjamesjacoby 07/17/2011
#3307 Site/Root-blog option migration runs on every pageload Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 07/04/2011
#3100 "bp-members" do_actions issue Core closed duplicate 1.5 defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 05/06/2011
#3036 Blogs is active even after deactivating it. Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 04/23/2011
#3042 BuddyPress should save active components rather than inactive components Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 04/13/2011
#1024 xprofile_insert_field() should return the field_id Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement minor johnjamesjacoby 03/11/2011
#2609 Latest WordPress 3.1 alpha breaks BuddyPress Core closed fixed 1.2.6 defect (bug) blocker johnjamesjacoby 01/19/2011
#2711 [patch] BP_Button improvements Core closed fixed 1.2.6 enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 01/09/2011
#965 [patch] Allow site admin to edit user settings Core closed fixed enhancement major johnjamesjacoby 12/30/2010
#1236 [patch] Custom validation methods for profile field data Core closed fixed enhancement minor johnjamesjacoby 11/11/2010
#671 Extended Profile Field Meta Extended Profile closed worksforme enhancement major johnjamesjacoby 11/11/2010
#2243 upgrading deletes BP language file Activity closed fixed defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 11/11/2010
#2325 Changing hooked-to action functions to make new BP hooks work for 3rd-party components Core closed fixed defect (bug) major johnjamesjacoby 06/28/2010
#2469 Avatar location is incorrect for blogs other than the primary blog Core closed duplicate defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 06/27/2010
#3069 PHP Notices In Activity Stream Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnpbloch 09/14/2011
#3047 jQuery not properly enqueued in all circumstances Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal johnpbloch 09/14/2011
#3062 Components page throws error Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal johnpbloch 02/09/2011
#969 bp-sn-framework should utilize comment-reply javascript Core closed fixed defect (bug) trivial junsuijin 09/13/2011
#2061 [patch] bp-default header.php non-root blog bugs Core closed fixed defect (bug) major junsuijin 12/02/2010
#967 [patch] unnecessary extra query caused by bp_dtheme_show_home_blog Core closed wontfix defect (bug) major junsuijin 11/03/2010
#3243 CSS files need commenting and organisation Templates closed fixed 1.2 enhancement normal karmatosed 06/18/2016
#3252 Reset.css should be updated to version 2.0 Templates closed wontfix defect (bug) normal karmatosed 06/18/2016
#3267 Reflect comments and organisation done in default.css in rtl.css Templates closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal karmatosed 06/18/2016
#2000 Duplicate cookie of bp-activity-oldest-page leads to duplicate posts in activity stream Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) major kunalb 06/18/2016
#2716 Arabic translation ready! Core closed no action required 1.2.6 enhancement normal letsfx 06/18/2016
#3232 Update BP admin menu logo for WP 3.2 Core closed fixed enhancement normal luccame 05/21/2011
#1299 site wide activity widget should aware "rel" tag Activity closed fixed enhancement minor masonjames 05/22/2011
#1721 Filter Hooks needed for plugins to custom filter activity streams Activity closed fixed enhancement normal mrmaz 09/30/2016
#2997 wp-includes/registration.php is deprecated in WP 3.1 Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal nacin 01/06/2011
#634 Constants for tables names => change table names and share users in more installs Core closed fixed enhancement major nicolagreco 09/13/2011
#3007 Allow defining of BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT in functions.php Core closed wontfix enhancement normal pcwriter 09/14/2011
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.